A Failed Idol’s Rise to Bottom

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Whats going on?

Instead of asking Su-Gyeom, Whats wrong? he asked, Whats going on?

Su-Gyeom opened his eyes wide in surprise at the words that concluded that something had happened.

Nothing really happened..

Dont lie.

Su-Gyeom was speechless at Seo-Wooks firm words.Su-Gyeom avoided answering by drinking iced chocolate instead of answering anything. With his big eyes, he looked around Seo-Wooks office and drank iced chocolate using a straw. Seo-Wook sighed and shook his head while looking at the figure. Su-Gyeom flinched at his reaction, but tried to pretend to be okay.



Su-Gyeom answered, trying to calm his voice. Then Seo-Wook smiled faintly. Su-Gyeoms heart aches because it was a worried smile rather than a happy smile.

Dont make me worry.


Dont be upset.

Yes, I understand. Although it was a long answer, Seo-Wook laughed as usual after hearing it. The eyes and lips that draw a line were the same as usual. Su-Gyeom also felt comfortable while he was frustrated with his familiar smile.

At least eat while youre here. Ill buy it for you.

Oh, I love too.

Is there anything you want to eat?

Is there a price limit?

Seo-Wook burst into laughter at Su-Gyeoms words, then he looked at Su-Gyeom.

Do I look like a person who will save money while buying you a meal? What do you think I am? Im disappointed.

Oh, no! Of course not, but by any chance! I thought youd say that, so I plan to changed where I want to eat. After the group meeting, then I want to eat fish. Oh, but Min-Seung said hed be waiting for me

Ill call Min-Seung.

Lets eat together today.


Lets go then.

Seo-Wook stood up from his seat and grabbed the car key. Su-Gyeom followed him.


They arrived at a fancy Japanese restaurant. Although Su-Gyeom talked about the group meeting, he didnt expect such a luxurious place.

Su-Gyeom looked through the interior of the store and spoke.

The Japanese restaurant in the form of individual rooms was also neat and pretty.The price of the special course ordered by Seo-Wook exceeded 100,000 won per person. So far, he have heard Seo-Wook, saying,

What is more expensive than eating Korean beef?

but he felt guilty because he thought he was making him spend too much money while eating alone.

Just in case, its not a corporate card, but a personal card, so dont worry.

Seo-Wook took the lead as if he had noticed Su-Gyeoms inner thoughts. Su-Gyeom was relieved.It was fascinating to see how it was more comfortable to use a personal card than a corporate card. Of course, it was because he knew that Seo-Wook was rich.

Seo-Wooks family, is quite famous. They have been running a steel company for generations. Seo-Wook was not interested in running a steel company, so he pioneered his own path.Thanks to Seo-Wooks decision in the past, Su-Gyeom is now able to eat well and live well without his stomach getting hungry.

Su-Gyeom felt grateful to Seo-Wook when he thought like this.While Su-Gyeom was so moved by Seo-Wook, various foods that were enjoyable just by looking at them came out sequentially.

From warm porridge to refreshing salad, savory sashimi and fresh seafood, the table was decorated.As he ate one by one, the main character, sashimi, was neatly cut into a large pear-shaped wooden plate. Not only that, but lobster with melted cheese on top.

Wow, its so delicious, Su-gyeom exclaimed, feeling happy. Seo-Wook smiled happily.



Lets eat a lot and grow up quickly.

Im all grown up!

No, you have to grow taller.

At Seo-Wooks words, Su-gyeoms eyes became sharp. It was because he thought it was clear that he shouldnt be teasing him for his short height.

Su-gyeom forgot his gratitude for Seo-Wook just a while ago and tried to huff and puff.Seo-Wook burst into laughter.

You have to grow up quickly I can eat you.

Oh, Im all grown up.

No, you are not.

Im really all grown up!

Then can I eat you now?

No, why are you eating me?! Eat sashimi, sashimi!

Su-Gyeom gasped at the word that must be teasing him. He used his chopsticks and ate the well-trimmed lobsters flesh, without noticing Seo-Wooks strange smile.


Oh, Im so full.

As soon as Su-Gyeom arrived at the accommodation, he barely left the front door and lay down.

There were so many menus that he felt like his stomach was going to explode even though he ate little by little.

Su-Gyeom didnt want to be moved by the overflowing satiety, so he lay down in place and stared up at the ceiling blankly.

What are you doing?

You dont know? Im lying down.

Su-Gyeom replied as if grumbling, staring at Lee-Gyeom, who clicked his tongue as if he was out of energy.

What did you talk about with the director?

Uh I didnt talk much. I only ate.

Everything is good if they buy you a meal?

What? Why are you picking a fight? And if youre a person who buys food, it means that you have basic principles as a Korean!

Why? Whats the problem?

I dont like it.

Whats wrong with you? I dont like you either!


Lee-Gyeom threw a stone at Su-Gyeoms peaceful heart as it was and disappeared into the planning room.Su-Gyeom, who was full of energy, wanted to be more angry, but he couldnt bear to be more angry at Lee-Gyeom, who had already disappeared, so he only released his anger.


Su-Gyeom lay on the floor with an unresolved anger and struggled.At any rate, that man is unlucky.

He has always been unlucky since his previous life.

Su-Gyeom, are you here?

Maybe because the sound of his struggle was so loud, Tae-Won came out of his room. When he saw Su-Gyeom lying on the floor, he burst into laughter, and soon lay next to Su-Gyeom.

Hyung, Lee-Gyeom is always picking a fight. Its so annoying.

Oh, really? Why did he pick a fight?

Do you not like it if someone buys me food?

Just leave it, Lee-Gyeom looks at the world crookedly.

Thats true!

I like you, Su-Gyeom.

Tae-Won added as if comforting Su-Gyeom. Even though he knew it was just to soothe his feelings, Su-Gyeom seemed to calm down quickly. Su-Gyeom smiled brightly without realizing it.

I like you, too. Not to he extent of liking liking but, you are just good, too good!

Dont flirt too much, Ill get excited.

Oh, do you get excited when I say I like you? What about this?

Su-Gyeom burst out laughing at Tae-Wons words, and quickly climbed onto Tae-won who is lying down. Then he pricked his chest and sides and played pranks.

Su-Gyeom, dont provoke me.


Youll get a big nose injury.

A man, is not weak enough to be scared by such words!

Oh, really?

Of course!

Tae-Wons eyes became strange at Su-Gyeoms bright answer. The eyes that match carnivores, one of the nicknames given by fans.

He grabbed Su-Gyeoms waist for an instant. Then, he slowly shook Su-Gyeoms waist. Surprised by the dense touch, Su-Gyeoms eyes widened. Along with that, a groan broke out unknowingly.


Surprised by the sound he made, Su-Gyeom quickly covered his mouth with both hands. His face turned red with unbearable embarrassment, he tried to get out of Tae-Wons stomach as soon as possible.However, Tae-won did not seem to have any intention of letting Su-Gyeom go.

Rather, Su-Gyeoms slim side was stimulated with a more persistent touch. He wanted to stop his lips in case he would groan again, so he covered his mouth with both hands.

Tae-won moved his fingers smoothly as if he were playing a piano on Su-Gyeoms side. At his touch, Su-Gyeom rattled and trembled.But the prank couldnt last forever. Su-Gyeom, who was unconsciously leaning back to avoid Tae-Wons touch, hardened like ice when his butt touched a certain point.


Dont say anything. Tae-Won, who felt unhappy, stopped Su-Gyeoms mouth, but he couldnt stop it.

That, uh, well, something touches

Tae-Won and Su-Gyeom have a lot of such scenes. Does the author like TW for our Pink-Gyeom?

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