A Filthy Rich Hamster in the Apocalypse

Chapter 68: WuYi has returned to the base la

Chapter 68: WuYi has returned to the base la

When the trucks stopped, everyone looked at this familiar scene of their vehicles being obstructed, and they couldnt help but think of Tang Youshans party and the stupid things they had done in Haicheng before. Xiao WuYi and the others had now stopped chatting and laughing. They all looked up at the team of dozens of people on the street.

The team was led by a 27- or 28-year-old young man with a sunny youthful appearance. He strode forward, only to see Nie Xiao and several other familiar faces inside the car at a glance. A ray of surprise immediately burst out in his eyes, and with an excitement that couldnt be stifled in his throat, he shouted, Aaahhh, its actually Boss Nie!!!! You guys are really back!!! Thats great!!!!

What, my god!!!

Facing the excited crowd, Nie Xiaos group couldnt help but raise their eyebrows. Although they didnt know these people in front of them, they couldnt help it if they knew them. Seeing these comer friendly people, Duan Wenyu directly got out of the car, smiled, and inquired, Did you guys come from the base?

Yes, yes!!! Li Qi nodded heavily, gazing at Duan Wenyu and the several people while flushing with elation and admiration, similar to fans who were enthusiastic about star chasing before the apocalypse. He took the initiative to introduce themselves. My name is Li Qi. My teammates, those who came out to do tasks, and I came to take a look when we heard the sound of cars!!!

So it was like that.

Behind Li Qi were several teammates who had come to seek shelter in the base after Nie Xiao and the others had left, so they were not very clear about Nie Xiaos and the others identity. Seeing the fanatical and enthusiastic appearance of their captain, they couldnt help asking their teammate beside them, who had the exact same flushed face, Who are they? Are they very awesome!?

You dont say! Of course, theyre awesome. Have you all heard of Nie Xiaos group names?? Theyre one of the founders of our base, just as powerful as Boss Wu Wenqi!!! several seniors, who were in the know, excitedly told them.


Those whod become ability users were basically all ears and eyes. Nie Xiao and the others inside the car could hear the excited and admiring discussions clearly, and Xiao Yan couldnt help but grin when she heard Wu Wenqis name. She looked at Li Qi and the several people before asking, Since we all know each other, could you please go back with us and tell us about the recent changes in the base along the way?

When the goddess spoke, Li Qis face turned entirely red like a monkeys buttocks. He was so excited that he agreed without a word of complaint. Yes! Of course!!! Weve originally completed the task and wanted to go back.

Several newcomers from the base searched for the owner of the voice and their gazes eventually fell on Xiao Yans stunningly beautiful face. Suddenly, their eyes became dazed, and their minds went blank and dizzy. After sweeping a glance at the inside of the vehicles again, they also saw Xiao WuYi and Possiers faces clearly and in the blink of an eye, felt dazzling light radiating in all directions a bright light shining on men, like a light that dispelled the darkness in the apocalypse and fiercely pierced into their hearts!!!

They declared, their new idol was born!!

Xiao Yan and the others looked at these people and only thought they were cute and funny.

Soon, Li Qi and his team members drove their cars, which carried supplies, from a short distance away, catching up with them. Li Qi and Liu Gang, as the captain and the vice captain, squeezed into the vehicles where Nie Xiao and the others were in under the envious eyes of their team members.

Several vehicles restarted, and Li Qi and Liu Gang, surrounded by big shots inside the truck, almost couldnt breathe due to nervousness. Their eyes didnt know where to look.

Duan Wenyu smiled and said, Dont be nervous, you can just casually talk about the recent changes in the base. Are Wu Wenqi and Headmaster Yuan doing okay lately?

Very, very very good! Everyone is fine!!

Through Li Qis and Liu Gangs narratives, Nie Xiao and the others had a good enough understanding of the bases recent situation.

Since the bases had joined forces to establish one-way communication, countless ability users and ordinary people after receiving the bases text messages had rushed towards the bases in groups, exhausting various means to come and seek shelter, causing the lists of survivors to get longer and longer.

With the increase in the number of people, WuYi Bases area has expanded again and again. After the zombies had been emptied and eliminated inside out, layer after layer of high walls had been built. Now, it already looks as large as a city. The social order inside the base was also properly organized, and almost everyone could memorize and abide by the Apocalypse Pact and the internal rules and regulations of the base. With Wu Wenyus defensive umbrella enveloping it underneath, no one wanted to be expelled from the base.

This was a rare refuge where everyone was strongly united and very much treasured its existence.

However, there was still a shortage of food and supplies. As the number of people increased, the daily consumption of supplies became quite huge, especially in medicine, where they were the most unable to make ends meet. There were many, many people who were struggling with medicine and were sick but couldnt get medical treatment. As the weather grew hotter, all kinds of zombie remains outside the base couldnt be cleaned up and burned in time, allowing all kinds of germs to thrive.

Although several teams of ability users went out of the city to find supplies every day, the provision of supplies was far less than the consumption. Now, ordinary people in the base had begun to eat only one meal a day, trying to save food as much as possible.

The time that the teams of ability users take when going out for missions had also begun to lengthen because they needed to go far away to collect enough supplies. As the distance they took from the base got farther and farther, the degree of danger became greater as well.

Every time the mission team returned safely and smoothly, the ordinary people in the base would practically line up the streets and welcome them enthusiastically. The more powerful the ability user, the more love and respect he would receive. This was also true among ability users themselves. Li Qi and Liu Gangs strong display of intense admiration was also a fairly common occurrence nowadays.

Currently, in the base, Wu Wenqi and his sister, as well as Liu Dashans group, were the targets of worship of almost the entire base because of their super powerful abilities.

Xiao Yan couldnt help but laugh as Li Qi and the others described Wu Wenqi and the others. So when we were away, even Xiao Yu became an idol! I wonder how much inferior Wenqis strength is now compared to Boss.

Then I will suppress the Boss, and I will definitely win!! Ning Feng energetically raised his hand. Boss has dual powers and is a third-level ability user, but Ill absolutely beat this invincible hand.

Nie Xiao suddenly felt somewhat helpless when he heard this. While they still hadnt arrived, they began to bet and gamble. Xiao WuYi giggled as he listened. One after another, they gave Nie Xiao a lot of votes.

Baby votes for Dad too!

Naughty! Nie Xiao rubbed WuYis head, then turned to discuss the lack of supplies in the base with Duan Wenyu. They didnt expect that conditions similar to Haicheng would begin to appear on the mainland so soon.

Duan Wenyu, Dr. Wei Hanming, and the scientist beside him had also become serious. This matter regarding supplies must be resolved quickly; otherwise, when the time came where there werent enough supplies to be found even in farther places, the currently established united and harmonious social order of the base would definitely be broken.

This was the case for WuYi base. Presumably, the Capital, Lancheng, Harbin, and other bases were currently facing similar situations.

Restoring production is the key to resolving our needs for survival. We can organize plant ability users in the base to plant like Professor Meng of Haicheng. At least to ensure that food resources are sufficient, said Dr. Wei.

It is indeed possible to set up some farmable land

Seeing Nie Xiao and the others beginning to talk about business matters, Xiao WuYi, Ning Feng, and the rest didnt dare to make any more noise at this time. They sat obediently and lowered their chatting voices.

Liu Gang also sat quietly on the side. He was the vice captain of their team, who accompanied Li Qi in the truck. He appeared to be in his thirties and had a chubby figure. He had also joined WuYi Base later. Previously, hed always thought that his abilities had been very powerful and had been inflated for some time. Until hed entered the base and suffered a bit, he recognized that there were people outside the heavens and people outside the sky. It took him a lot of effort to get acquainted with Li Qi, from becoming his partner to his current position of vice captain.

He had heard of Nie Xiao and their deeds before, but he hadnt really come into contact with them. But just by looking at them in front of him and their temperaments, he knew that these people were very, very strong. They were able to return safely from Haicheng and still maintain an appearance that looked like they hadnt gone through any wind or frosts; he couldnt imagine how terrifying their strength was to be able to maintain such an appearance. Even if there were women and children amongst them, he didnt dare look down upon them.

The most taboo thing in the apocalypse was to judge people by their appearances. After all, he was so ruthlessly cheated by this before, which caused him to no longer dare to find a girlfriend

While talking to Ning Feng, Xiao WuYi noticed Liu Gang and Li Qi sitting upright at the side and couldnt help but curiously strike up a conversation. His voice was soft and sweet as he asked, What abilities do the two of you have?

Li Qi, who was called, immediately returned to his senses. Looking at Xiao WuYis clear eyes and innocent smile, his heart nearly screamed ao ao. Truly deserving to be dubbed as the little angel of their base.

Little Boss WuYi, I am a variant of the fire system, flamingo, and my strength is average, Li Qi replied with a blushing face, gathering a mini flamingo in the palm of his hand. The little bird could listen to commands and be controlled to fly freely and spin around.

Seeing this flames shape, Ning Fengs eyes lit up as if the door to a new world had opened up in an instant, and he had gained a new method to being handsome.

Liu Gang was shocked when hed heard the name WuYi at first, but then he looked at the youth as beautiful as in the rumors and showed off his abilities without any embarrassment while saying, My ability is high temperature boiling oil. Its probably a joint variant of water and fire. I used to be a cook before.

Seeing the boiling oil bubbling in Liu Gangs hands, Duan Wenyu and the others couldnt help but look closer. Such variant abilities were too rare.

Then you two partners are practically adding fuel to the fire!! Its simply a perfect match in battles!!! Ning Feng exclaimed.

Its alright, its alright! Li Qi embarrassedly touched the back of his head and said modestly, Later on, a lot of ability users joined the base, and all sorts of abilities came about. Its actually quite fun when they showed up. The abilities were related to the individuals previous experiences and characters. I used to be a zookeeper who fed flamingos in the zoo.

Hearing this, Xiao WuYi and Ning Feng felt even more impatient, wanting to go back to the base quickly to see the strange abilities. They felt that they would go ignorant and ill-informed every time they went out. Moreover, they hadnt seen any of these interesting abilities on the way to and from Haicheng. 

Fortunately, the truck was quickly approaching the base. With high anticipation, they saw tall city walls shrouded in a transparent defensive shield from a distance.

Xiao WuYi, Ning Feng, and several other people all had their mouths gaping in shock. They had just gone out for a while, yet the base had changed so much!! Although theyd heard Li Qis description just now, the impact of perceiving it with their own eyes hadnt been there.

Our people deserve to be hailed as infrastructure madmen!!!

Xiao Yus defensive shield has actually become so big!!

Fucking awesome aaahhh!!!

Although Nie Xiao and some others didnt show their astonishment like WuYi and the rest, they couldnt hide the twinkling lights in their eyes as they stared at the infrastructure.

Amid this apocalyptic predicament, the strength that mankind had gathered had become so majestic and formidable. As they looked at the high walls rising from the base, a force called hope flowed into everyones hearts.

  • 1. Clearly, it was or Survivor Pact in the earlier chapters  (specifically ch 16). But here author put  , i think author forgot it, like with ChouChou and Choubao. Orrrr, I could be mistaken and it has evolved from being a Survivor Pact to an Apocalypse Pact, like how it was foreshadowed back then
  • 2. Full of air, arrogant/proud

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