A Filthy Rich Hamster in the Apocalypse

Chapter 80: WuYi’s enemy who murdered his parents

Chapter 80: WuYi’s enemy who murdered his parents


Im sorry I wasnt able to update last week. I was down with a really bad cold and Im still experiencing remnants of it at the moment. Anyway, Im glad I was able to translate this chapter. My editor and pr have some matters so pls dm me on discord if you see some mistakes or if you see a better sentence structure. Ill also make sure to pay back the owed chapter one of these weeks. thank you all very much!

The accident that year really caused too many regrets! Patriarch Feng lamented, thinking of his deceased old father, a deep sadness also revealed between his eyebrows.

Everyone was immersed in their memories, and the atmosphere there was a little silent for a while.

AnYi originally didnt want to make the topic so heavy. He only mentioned Xiao WuYi, but then he couldnt help saying a few more words.

On the basis of whoever opens the chatterbox is whos responsible, AnYi smiled to enliven the atmosphere, and said, This matter has been so long ago in the past, everyone can only continue to look forward. Fortunately, His Highness Wu Yi grew up healthy and happy. Mo Yan and I can report back confidently to my elder brother and his wife.

Youre right. Duke Seidon nodded. He put away the sentimentality in his heart, looked up at His Excellency AnYi with slight admiration, smiled, and said, If His Majesty Mingyuan and Queen Xi are still alive, theyll certainly be very grateful to you and General MoYan! Us onlookers have seen what you and General MoYan have done over the years. You must have a lot to do with His Highness WuYi being that lively and cheerful. His Highness himself must be very blessed. At the same time, he must be grateful to have both of you as family and elders who treasure him like this.

AnYi thought of Xiao WuYis cute spoiled appearance, and his expression softened immediately. Naturally, they knew most just how cute their familys child was.

The heavy topic was diverted, and the mood returned to normal. In the starry space, several reconnaissance warships continued to speedily advance toward Earth.

AnYi, Lord Randt, and the rest were sitting in the central conference hall of the Mermaid races warship, talking endlessly while patiently waiting for the decision-making results of the Alliance meeting held on the Mermaids planet as well as the next specific action plan.

However, what they didnt know was that a small spaceship was following their pace not far behind them.

Saath utilized the ability cores with isolation and invisibility effect to conceal his and his spaceships existence as he followed the several reconnaissance warships in front of him, without arousing the slightest trace of detection.

Staring at the patterns on the ensign of the four small reconnaissance warships, Saaths eyes were filled with spiteful crimson wisps of blood. Royal Nemo Clan, Mermaid Race, Vampire Race, Qijiang Race all of them were among the top existences on his hatred list.

Nineteen years ago, it was because of these people in the Alliance that their Qitu Race was destroyed, leaving him alone. And now, this nasty Alliance once again wants to ruin their great plan!!!

Saaths hands gripped the spaceships console tightly. His fingertips were close to blanching, and it was as if blood would ooze out from his clenched teeth as strong rancor overflowed from his chest.

The little prince must be on the last planet, blue Earth.

He absolutely mustnt let these people do anything worse!

After discovering the vestiges on the screening device, Saath didnt dare dawdle around. Using the energy of the ability cores, he unrelentingly examined the situation of the several test field planets, but in the end there was no trace of the little prince.

The conditions of those experimental fields were all the same. The natives were completely vulnerable in front of the zombies, and there was no dazzling existence that could be suspected as the light of hope.

The last remaining was the Earth.

Saath, whove hardly concluded that the little prince was on the natural star Earth, saw the warships in front were also moving in the direction of the Earth. No matter what, Saath swore to keep these people here!

The little prince disappeared and was stranded on Earth, being shielded from the news from the outside world. Once these people went to the Earth to find or alarm the little prince, causing him to perceive the danger and making him tear the space to escape, everything he had done would go down the drain.

Saath glowered at the four warships in front, his face revealing tinges of severe ruthlessness.

His virus-modified body put himin between human and zombie. After so many years of continuous research and upgrading, he could already contain ten ability cores in his body at the same time, and these ability cores could even be replaced.

Today, he was not only immortal, but he also possessed extremely powerful abilities. He was no longer the Qitu race of that time with a developing brain and fragile limbs.

The corner of Saaths mouth displayed a self-confident and crazy strange smile. He raised his hand, and launched an ability attack on the four warships in front of him.

The loud boom made the hulls of the four reconnaissance warships emitted a burst of red flames.

AnYi and the people in the warship were shaken by the violent turbulence. They stabilized their bodies very quickly, and immediately activated the enemy attack emergency response mode. At the same time, they opened a communication link and contacted their mother stars.

Encountering such a sneak attack in this reserve, AnYi, Duke Seidon, and the others practically guessed the others intention without even thinking about it. Who else could be besides the culprit of the virus incident?

A small spaceship dared to attack our several warships? Are they really treating our races as pinchable clay? Patriarch Feng said in a scolding manner, and then flung his hand as he left to personally pilot a fighter spacecraft and fly out to meet the enemy head-on.

Duke Seidon looked at the small spaceship at their rear through the screen, displaying an awful face. He immediately issued an order, All the mermaid warriors on alert, capture this person!

Lord Randt and AnYi also gave the same instructions.

These several people here were all big figures in their races, and their fighting power was quite amazing. They took a rare interstellar voyage, and it will never be taken unprepared. A reconnaissance warship could be called a warship because its combat readiness wasnt comparable to that of an ordinary small spacecraft. Nearly all personnel on board were elite fighters!

Facing such a sneak attack by one enemy on four, they all wanted to say daring and courageous!

Everyone kept calm in the face of battle. AnYi didnt go out to fight in person, but instead watched the battle transmitted back to the screen, his face becoming more unsightly.

There should be only one person in this spaceship, why can he use so many abilities?!!!

So many fighters from their races were besieging him, yet they still havent seized this one person. Duke Seidon thought of the information sent by MoYan, his eyes profound. It should be the use of those so-called ability cores.

As he said so, Duke Seidon adjusted the screen and locked onto the figure in the spaceship. A pale face appeared in the middle of the screen.

What attracted their attention most was the painted drawing in the shape of a barb in the middle of the others forehead.

It turned out to be the Qitu Race!!!

AnYi was briefly shocked, and then his eyes went red with hatred. With the lives of His Majesty Mingyuan and Queen Xi lying in the middle, the Nemo Royal Clan and the Qitu Race could be described as a sea of blood and deep animosity, absolutely irreconcilable.

They were still reminiscing about the bloody accident 19 years ago moments ago and didnt expect to see evil remnants of that year!!!

At this time, there was another boom. The four warships oscillated again, then the engine burst into flames and the flight of the hull was severely hindered.

Patriarch Feng, was clashing with the enemy in front of him, hearing AnYi and the others words, he suddenly felt resentful. Damn, its actually this Qitu people whos doing evil again!!!

So they werent exterminated during that time?!!

The enemy who killed his father was right in front of him, causing Patriarch Feng to be unrelenting, leading his subordinates to drive their fighter spacecraft and operate their unique abilities. Various sharp and immense weapons left huge dents on Saaths spaceship. Even if Sath used the ability core and enabled his defensive shield, it was completely useless.

The reason why the Qijiang Race was called Qijiang was because of their innate skill that gave birth to various god-like soldiers and heavenly craftsmen that could even be referred to as the sharpest weapons on the battlefield!

At the same time, the Nemo Royal Clan, the Mermaid Race, and the Vampire Race also showed their extraordinary innate skills and abilities. Among them, the Nemo Royal Clan has the most outstanding and diverse abilities!

AnYi, Lord Randt, and Duke Seidon were all full of indignance and enmity at this time. Although they did not go out to fight in person, they still used their powerful racial skills to practically carry everyone present.

AnYis racial skill was the wind ability. In the interstellars vacuum environment, a gale of wind swept through, and a powerful wind blade cut through Saaths spaceship, causing his defensive shield to make an ear-piercing noise.

In this situation with many enemies and a less favorable situation, Saath himself had overestimated his lone fighting power. He looked at the warships in front of him with bloodshot eyes of hatred. However, despite his immense hatred, he could only retreat little by little in defeat.

While retreating, Saath could only use the fire system ability core to thoroughly detonate the four warships engines, and then use the space ability to quickly escape.

No matter what, he must stall these people.

AnYi was fiercely jolted by the shaking of the ship. He watched the instant disappearance, eyes immediately turning red. He gritted his teeth and ordered them to chase after him. However, in this vast sea of stars, Saath who concealed himself was simply impossible to be found.


Xiao WuYi and MoYan, who were far away at the Mermaid Planet for the Alliance meeting, almost simultaneously received the news of AnYis ambush, and they were suddenly endlessly nervous.

The leaders of the Mermaid Race, Qijiang Race, and Vampire Races faces also became quite ugly after receiving the piece of news at nearly the same time.

The movements of the four races aroused the curiosity of other big races. Xiao WuYi did not hide it, and instead said eagerly, AnYi and the others have been attacked. Lets quickly dispatch a fleet to the protected field. We must act fast!!!

Concerning AnYis safety, both Xiao WuYi and MoYan were a little anxious, and this anxiety on their faces was completely undisguised.

The Mermaid Emperor Seidong also expressed his understanding and felt a little anxious. After all, Duke Seidon was his own younger brother. But as the president of the Alliance, he still needs to remain calm. Try to contact them first!! Plus, we have no way to rush over immediately!

Xiao WuYi and His Majesty Seidong, as well as the Qijiang Race and the Vampire Race, all initiated communications towards their own peoples ships. After several times of no one connecting, His Majesty Seidongs communicator was finally connected first.

Seeing the four people who were safe and sound in the pop-up screen, Xiao WuYi and Mo Yan were relieved.

AnYi, youre fine! Baby and uncle were scared to death! Xiao WuYi didnt care about all the etiquette. He leaned to His Majesty Seidongs side, squeezed into the camera, and looked at AnYi with glistening tears.

AnYis expression softened. Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern. Im fine. Im staying on Duke Seidons warship at the moment. All our warships engines have been completely detonated. I cant continue toward Earth for the time being. I have to ask for all of your support.

His Majesty Seidong didnt care about Xiao WuYs lacking manners, but on the contrary, gently rubbed the youths black hair, and asked him to move a chair and sit next to him.

We will send a rescue fleet at once. What happened to the attack? His Majesty Seidong looked up at the four people on the screen and asked.

AnYi, Patriarch Feng, and the others faces were all cold.

Its the Qitu Race.

As soon as this answer came out, the audience was stunned and their expressions turned ugly.

Xiao WuYis face suddenly turned pale, his pursed lips tightened, and he quietly squeezed his fists.

Although everybody around him was afraid of him being sad since he was a child, and rarely mentioned the events of that year with him, the two words Qitu Race have always been deeply imprinted in his mind.

  • 1: This could also mean lacquered picture. The character for Qitu is
  • 2: Strange/unusual craftsmen
  • 3. Written in English. Probs the carry in games.

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