A Filthy Rich Hamster in the Apocalypse

Chapter 82: WuYi thinks he’s unworthy

Chapter 82: WuYi thinks he’s unworthy

Will be edited once xiaoxiao is available~

The he in the title refers to Saath, btw.

Listening to Xiao WuYi and MoYan, Lord Randt at the other end of the screen became even more disgusted with the Qitu Race, and could not help saying, If all these speculations and conjectures are valid, then it isnt surprising that those Qitu remnants only choose to spread this virus in the reserve!

Because this virus was developed by using our people and is harmless to us, only the inhabitants of the protected area can provide them with a steady stream of ability cores and crystal nuclei!! Lord Randt tightly frowned as he stated, thinking that what he had said might be the truth.

MoYan nodded in agreement, his eyes sharp and loathing. That must be right! We drove them to extinction back then, they ought to hate us the most. If this virus could harm us, they wouldve definitely turned us into zombies and ability users first thing to let us form ability cores and crystal nuclei for them to dig up and use.

They were currently speculating about the Qitu Race with no less than the worst malice. They were certain that the reason why the virus hadnt been used on them was definitely for this reason.

Instantly, everyone present became even more disgusted with the Qitu Race.

His Majesty Seidong, who was looking through the information he was holding, calmly said, However, this also ensures our rescue teams safety. If this virus cannot infect us and make us mutate, then its all the more convenient for our counterattack!

Yes. Everyone nodded and answered. This could indeed save them a lot of trouble. As long as they were careful not to be bitten or injured by the zombie, they didnt have to worry too much about this virus infecting their people.

At that moment, MoYan suddenly remembered Bai Meis appearance, which relies on medicine to maintain, and couldnt help but say, Speaking of, its strange. This virus can cause people to differentiate into four different states, so why didnt the Qitu Race directly differentiate themselves into ability users? Wouldnt that be better?

AnYi, who learned about Bai Meis current situation through the information, immediately sneered. Perhaps in the Qitu Races eyes, the zombie king is the ultimate and optimum state of mutation and differentiation? Since it can use both the crystal nuclei and the ability cores. Its also immortal, they merely have to discard their appearance. How is it not perfect?

The crowd uncontrollably nodded their heads when they heard this, saying that it really fits that races mental state.

Contrarily, Xiao WuYi spoke. Maybe they can only change into zombie kings? Dad XiaoXiao said that the majority of the people who became ability users have outstanding physical or mental capability before the apocalypse.

Before the Qitu Race mutated, their body was extremely poor. It didnt have the conditions required to mutate into an ability user and was completely unworthy of awakening abilities! Xiao WuYi frowned and pursed his lips before saying in disgust, If it were not for their superior minds and stronger mental power, they might have been only reduced to zombies!

Everyone suddenly smiled seeing Xiao WuYis cute disgusted appearance. But think about it carefully, if the Qitu Race were indeed capable of successfully awakening abilities similar to them, it would be a fairly revolting matter.

His Majesty Seidong nodded in affirmation. Yes! They are not worthy of awakening abilities that resemble ours so they started by stealing and plotting against our people to develop this virus and eventually mutated into a zombie king. Still, they can only gain abilities by stealing other peoples ability cores. Once a thief, always a thief!!!


While Xiao WuYi was focusing on various arrangements and discussions regarding the dregs of the Qitu Race, Saath had already rushed to Earths periphery without a hitch.

Seeing that the screens he arranged showed no signs of being touched yet, Saaths heart was completely relieved. He then entered Earth without any hesitation to check its situation.

He carried a hint of wretchedness as feelings of anxiety and urgency permeated his heart.

The failed battle with the four races reconnaissance warships earlier was just like a basin of cold water poured down on him, completely dispelling his original inflated and arrogant mentality, and allowing him to recognize the cruel reality of its hard to beat more with less.

Possessing a body modified by the Evolution Virus and with countless power cores, he was indeed extremely powerful in terms of individual strength, but in the face of the entire Alliance, he was merely negligible and ridiculous.

He alone couldnt shake such a towering Alliance legion.

Thinking of these things, hatred arose in Saaths heart even more. If he hadnt been the only remaining Qitu Race now, he wouldnt have cut such a sorry figure today.

He must find the little prince quickly! So he could hurry up and create a new world that belongs to him!! So he could quickly restore and create the mother star that gave birth to them from the beginning!!

Since being transformed to possess a strong physique and ability, a new mother star world has become some sort of existence that was Saaths obsession.

In addition to his being-god-like ambitions of dominating everything, Saath wanted to recreate his people on that mother starthe new world he would create.

The people in the Alliance have healthy mother stars, and they will never understand the pain of those less fortunate. They have never thought about the pain of drifting around and living under strangers, away from home. In the name of kind-heartedness, they provided them a place to stay, but they are actually giving alms to them!

If their mother stars galaxy didnt head for exhaustion at the start, according to the normal evolution of the Alliances major races on their mother stars, they themselves would have evolved into having even more formidable abilities and physique sooner or later.

If they had a sustainable and healthy mother star from the beginning, they didnt need to drift at all, they simply wouldnt need to be interstellar refugees, and they absolutely wouldnt need to spend time and effort scheming to solve their degraded fertility and viability caused by drifting!!!

Ultimately, they have fallen to the point where they were about to go extinct because they didnt have a healthy mother star!

Saath overlooked the azure planet in front of him from a high altitude. He was so jealous that he was about to go crazy. Why does everyone have a healthy and beautiful mother star, but he and his people do not!!!

Fortunately his new world was about to be made. He would reconstruct and create a new mother star galaxy. Under his plans, that mother star would stay healthy forever.

He would also become an immortal god revered by all living things!!!

Saaths eyes burst into endless fiery madness as he plunged into the earth and began searching for his lovely little prince.


At that very moment.

Bai Mei, who was in the laboratory, suddenly stood up. Palpitating for no reason, he raised his head to look at the blue sky outside, and frowning tightly, he said, Hes here.

Bai Yue and Dr. Wei Hanmings hearts jolted.

Saaths nature was also a zombie king, and the response between zombie kings was very strong. The stronger zombie king could also manipulate zombie kings weaker than him and ordinary zombies.

With the upgrade of Bai Meis aptitude, he could now fully accommodate five ability cores in his body. His acuity for the power of coercion has also improved, and he could feel the extremely strong coercion emanating from Saaths body from afar.

When Nie Xiao, Wu Wenqi, and the others heard the news, they all hurried over from outside. It was still daytime, and according to the usual circumstances that Bai Mei told them before, they still had time to discuss, because that person usually shows up late at night.

Nie Xiao looked at Bai Mei and solemnly asked, Can you feel where he is right now?

Bai Mei replied with certainty, Not in our area for the time being. He should have gone to the other hemisphere first, hell definitely come looking on this side when its night.

Luo Yunhai worriedly and anxiously looked at Bai Mei. Then can you cope when he comes tonight?

He wont kill me. Ive prepared enough ability cores this time, and he has praised my good aptitude before. Hell definitely keep me on the job, answered Bai Mei as he looked at Luo Yunhai with a soft smile.

This time Ill see if I can get more information out of his mouth! I have successfully deceived you guys before, you all have to believe in my acting skills! Bai Mei said half-jokingly, making everyone relax a little.

Nie Xiao, who also found these words amusing, had the corners of his lips uncontrollably raised. Then he looked at Bai Mei and said very seriously, But you still cant take tonight lightly. Previously, Jiang Qiu and I werent perfectly deceived by you, that person is a scientist who can develop viruses and should have strong insights. Once you find something amiss, immediately sound the siren, and all of us staying sleeplessly in this room tonight will accompany you.

It was rare for Nie Xiao to say so many words. Bai Mei nodded seriously, looked at everyone left and right, and said with a smile, Its really great to have you guys as comrades.

Hearing this, everyone present smiled.

But its better not to have a conflict tonight. We still dont know enough about him. Hes really strong, far better than me and Nie Xiao. Once we fight, the base will be in danger, Bai Mei gazed at everyone and said earnestly.

Regarding this point, everyone in the room was also aware that the main purpose for tonight was to worm out facts and obtain restorative medicines. However, everyone was still a little aggrieved. Knowing that the culprit was in front of them yet they couldnt act rashly, it really was very unpleasant.

I wonder when our little prince will come back with the rescuers! Ning Feng gazed at the sky outside the window, heart filled with longing.

With that said, Nie Xiao couldnt help but pursed his lips. On the side, Possier and Sislow were also missing their family very much in their hearts.

Feng Dao also gazed at the blue sky outside the window before saying, His Highness WuYi and General MoYan mustve joined the Alliance meeting already. If everything goes well, a rescue fleet will be dispatched any time now. Large-scale interstellar ships are capable of warp jumps. Compared with ordinary spaceships, the time itll reach the Earth will be greatly shortened. At most, it will be two or three days.


Two or three days!!! Ning Feng exclaimed.

The earthlings present couldnt help but recall the starfield map they saw before which obviously indicated such a long distance

Suddenly, they were shocked by the technology in the interstellar.

The topic abruptly diverged, and Bai Yue couldnt help but begin to think about the future. When the apocalypse is over, I must go to your place to look around!!!

Dr. Wei Hanming nodded. If it hadnt been for the research on vaccines at hand, they wouldve already pondered upon and studied the quantum brain that Possier and the others brought.

That was all interstellar black technology!

Nie Xiaos focus wasnt on such remote things. Thinking of his familys cute little hamster, he was quite proud as he said, My cubs space shuttle surpasses all black technology.

Your Little Highness, why dont you come back quickly and collect your Daddy!!!

big brain stopSaaths reasoning who could destroy your mother star except the one living in there? Tsk. If your race was so intelligent- nevermind, theres no point going big brain for this. There are a few more chapters to go, let me wash my brain.

  • 1. I swear, am I jinxing myself or is this novel out to pit me? Maybe I should just shut up and not touch the footnotes yes, thats a great idea

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