A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 106: (2)

Chapter 106: (2)

They simply asked us to temporarily include them in the mercenary corps and take them to Lumbanium. We were planning to go to the Mareon Empire anyway, and it seemed easy to temporarily include three people in the mercenary corps. I I thought they just wanted to keep their identities hidden.

If they had requested such a commission, it might seem strange, but it was hard to deny Bansons speculation. There were indeed quite a few individuals who used that method to hide their identities and move around.

But but heres the thing. Turns out, those guys are monsters. They killed Bisel and the others, sparing only me. As a reward for bringing them this far, they showed me the city burning!

Bansons voice rose, and his eyes turned red, as if tears were about to flow at any moment. He rose from his seat, still not completely healed from his wounds, and grabbed Kaiyans shoulder with one hand.

Those damn monsters! They set the city on fire and killed people! So, hurry up and run!

In that case, those guys are even more unforgivable.

Kaiyan! We know youre strong! We saw it with our own eyes! But even so, dont go after those monsters, please!

Various emotions were conveyed through his two trembling eyes: fear, apprehension, death, vengeance, and sorrow. Several emotions are far beyond what one person could bear.

With bloodshot eyes, Banson grabbed Kaiyans shoulders forcefully.

Banson, I will kill those monsters. For Bansons Mercenary Corps and for the innocent people living in Lumbanium. If I spare those guys, I have no reason to be strong.

You You really

Banson looked at Kaiyan with trembling eyes, unlike his usual self, and his eyes were now reddened.

Are you planning to confront those monsters?

Yes, so Banson should leave the city quickly. If you wait outside, Ill bring you their heads.

Suddenly, Banson handed over a pouch from his waist with a small gem that sparkled.

This gem is worth 1000 gold, given to us by those monster bastards as a reward. And this is the 200 gold you gave us. Take it.

Why are you?

Kaiyan looked at Banson, who was suddenly giving him money, with a puzzled expression.

Kaiyan, I want to make a request Kill those monster bastards who killed my comrades as cruelly as possible. Make them regret what theyve done.

I accept that request.

With a sad gaze, Banson briefly looked at Kaiyan before turning and heading toward the city gates.


[Yes, Kaiyan.]

Did you hear? This is a request. So, lets do our best.

[Yes, I will make sure to take revenge for Bansons Mercenary Corps, Kaiyan!]

Lets go, using the title Guardian of the Sky!'

Activating the title that had been saved for unforeseen circumstances, Kaiyan felt his body float as if gravity had disappeared, and shortly after, he moved at high speed past the buildings of Lumbanium towards where he could sense their presence.

Hahaha! Just being here makes my spirits soar!! But is this really Lumbanium? Why is it so weakened? It used to be a place teeming with high-ranking knights just 200 years ago! Kahaha!

Kabien! Humans cant live that long! Khihihihi!

Thats right! If it werent for that, Lumbaniums brat would have been too scared to come here, even if it meant death! Kkuhuhu!

In the center of Lumbanium Castle, three enormous monsters were massacring the knights.

Their appearances were so horrifying that just looking at them made one nauseous.

One had arms like thorns, with four of them like a quadruple blade, another had long, strange protrusions on its back, and the third had black, slender tentacles instead of legs, with dozens of them.

Their looks were unlike any monsters known on the Eunasia continent.

Now, shall we feast to our hearts content?

The one with thorn-like arms lifted a knight who had fallen to the ground, then bit off the upper body of the knight with its massive mouth.



The knight screamed in agony, still alive.

The monster seemed to enjoy it even more, exerting even greater pressure with its jaws.

Crunch! Crunch!

The knights sturdy plate armor was torn apart like paper, and blood spewed out.

This taste is something else! Its different from the blood of monsters!

Hehehe! Muliaron! But that doesnt mean we should eat them all! Dont forget that we need the bodies of knights with Aura for the ritual!

Grr! Well, its a shame, but I guess we have to eat at least one of them.

Muliaron clicked his tongue as if disappointed, then approached the trembling people in the corner.

Please, spare us!

Please, save us!

People who were soaked in fear and begged for their lives.

They were not knights capable of wielding swords like the monster-slashing knights but rather servants working in Lumbanium Castle, completely lacking any combat ability.

Hehehe! We cant allow that! We dont need bugs like you for the ritual

As Muliaron was drooling as if its appetite was whetted, it suddenly turned its head and looked up at the sky, seemingly annoyed by something.

Is it a wizard? No, he wouldnt be carrying a sword then.

Muliaron gazed at the sky, where a boy carrying a sword was flying rapidly toward them. That boy was none other than Kaiyan.

Hehehe! Canien! Shouldnt we eat that guy too?

If we need bodies for the ritual, the ones we have now should be enough Just handle it on your own without interfering with the ritual!

Alright! Then

Upon receiving permission, the octopus-like monster, Kabien, compressed his thick leg muscles and forcefully kicked the ground.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Hes mine! He looks very delicious!

With a body similar in size to a Minotaur, Muliaron leaped high into the air with incredible strength that surpassed even the Ogres, making it hard to believe.

Muliaron extended its thorn-like arms forward. He planned to pierce Kaiyan with his speed.

Hehehe! Die!

Penetrating Stab!!

Kaiyans response was to hold out his sword towards the approaching arm.

His action of holding out a small sword against the gigantic monsters arm seemed reckless.

Squish! Thud!


The thorn-like arm clashed with Kaiyans sword, holding up for a moment before the swords power prevailed, and the arm was instantly torn apart, spraying black blood in all directions.

Muliaron screamed in agony as he fell to the ground, holding onto his severed arm with his three remaining arms, and Kaiyan, watching from the sky, muttered under his breath.

You monster, Im most confident in my Penetrating Stab.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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