A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 68: (1)

Chapter 68: (1)

Name: Kaiyan / Age: 15 / Occupation: Player / Title: Predator of the Forest

Level: 69 / Strength: 75 / Agility: 48 / Health: 37 / Intelligence: 10 / Free Points: 6

Behold, the miracle was achieved through 50 days of effort.

Ive really gone crazy.

While finishing off the Twin-Headed Ogre, Kaiyan managed to raise his level by a total of 8 over the course of 50 days in the forest.

A bit disappointing! If you reached level 70, Youll receive special rewards.

Special rewards?

Yes! Starting from level 60, the player system gives gifts to players within legal bounds.

Legal If its a gift anyway, is there really a need to make a fuss about it? If it wants to give something, it can just give it.

Kaiyan-nim, while the world may seem easygoing, maintaining certain limits is important! No matter how amazing the player system is, there are boundaries to observe!

Well, it doesnt hurt me. But before that, lets check the title.

Although Kaiyan was curious about the so-called special rewards Reika mentioned, there wouldnt be an answer if he thought about it now. The chances were high that it would only increase his anticipation.

He lifted his finger and pressed on the title displayed on the status window, just as he had done when he checked his title before.

[Predator of the Forest (B)]

Possession Effect: Never get lost in a forest.


The grade of the title was B, the same as Guardian of the Sky. But what could he call this?

Reika, is having the ability to never get lost in the forest a significant power?

Um maybe?

Do you know about this ability?

I dont know much about titles either! Titles come in a wide variety.

That statement meant that it was difficult to truly understand the effect unless he actually experienced it.

Did I expect too much?

He felt a bit disappointed. Perhaps he had expected too much.

No matter how he looked at it, the effect seemed to fall far short compared to Guardian of the Sky.

Look at it positively! Surely its a helpful title!

Well thats true. Its a title I hadnt thought of before. Haha

If the title had come from the Grade B quest reward box, he would have been pounding the ground and bemoaning his fate. Thankfully, since it was an unexpected gift, he could just laugh it off and move on.

Moreover, now that youve gathered 10,000G, you should buy the planned Aura Manual, as I suggested.

As Reika had said, while successfully hunting down the Twin-Headed Ogre, he had achieved the tremendous figure of 10,000G that he had aimed for.

The 10,000G was a point invested in his 50 days of effort. He couldnt squander it.

Well then, Ive already found the best one.

Whenever he had time left during those 50 days, he combed through the list of Aura Manuals in the shop as if possessed. He did it in order to find something even slightly better and more suitable.

And through that effort, he had discovered an Aura Manual that suited him, much like the Maeslin Aura Manual.

Shop. Aura Manuals. Advanced. Millian Valensys Aura Manual.

[Millian Valensys Aura Manual: Advanced Aura Manual. An ancient Aura Manual used by the former emperor of the Valensys Empire, Emperor Millian, who can gain insight into the essence of mana beyond Aura just by using it. It includes learning about enhancing mana in the technique.] [10,200G]

The name itself was grand, Millian Valensys. It was an ancient Aura Manual used by the former emperor of the Valensys Empire. Of course, Emperor Millian was given, and he had never heard of the Valensys Empire either.

Nonetheless, the reason he chose this Aura Manual was

Reika, I dont have to sit down and practice this Aura Manual, right?

Oh! Thats right!

Thanks to Reikas strong recommendation.

According to Reika, unlike other Aura Manuals, the Millian Valensys Aura Manual involved specialized training. So, he didnt need to waste time sitting down for it.

Thats why he chose this Aura Manual among the numerous advanced ones.

Alright then.

With the intention of spending the whopping 10,200G points, his hands were already trembling.

Doubts pierced his mind was this truly the best choice?

If someone were to tell him to gather another 10,000G from scratch, he might even get angry and tell them not to talk nonsense. He had indeed spent these 50 days busily.

Purchase Millian Valensys Aura Manual!

As he shouted the purchase, an immense amount of information about the Aura Manual flowed into his mind.

The vastness of this content was at least dozens of times that of the Maeslin Aura Manual.

He closed his eyes quietly and as if exploring the contents, he checked each one that floated through his mind.

Truly its amazing. Is this what makes it an advanced Aura Manual?

Even with just a brief look, it was astonishing to the point that he could doubt if this was something created by humans the richness of its content.

How to effectively use Aura, what can be done through Aura, and how to distinguish between Aura and mana.

Countless pieces of information that he hadnt even thought of before purchasing the advanced Aura Manual came flooding in.

Kaiyan-nim, are you okay?

Im fine. I just need some time to understand the Aura Manual.

The process of understanding the Aura Manual took several tens of minutes.

So this is why the Maeslin Aura Manual utilized Aura to such an extent.

He wasnt sure about intermediate Aura Manuals, but the most crucial point he learned from the advanced Aura Manual was the essence of Aura. How mana became Aura, how mana and Aura differed, and how to use them without distinguishing between them.

Ding! [Aura skill is being created.]

[An identical Aura skill already exists.]

[The planned Aura skill will be converted into experience points.]

[Experience points are awarded to the existing Aura skill.]

[Additional experience points are granted due to the effect of the The Diligent One trait.]

After dozens of minutes had passed and he had gained some understanding of the Aura Manual, numerous notifications sounded.

Its similar to when I bought the Swordsmanship Manual.

When he had purchased the Swordsmanship Manual and his swordsmanship grade had increased, it had been similar. The only difference now was that his Aura grade hadnt risen.



Dazzling Aura erupted from the sword he held in his right hand.

Aura Expert Advanced Is that about right?

The amount of Aura emanating from the sword was overwhelmingly greater than when he had killed the Twin-Headed Ogre. That meant his Aura skill grade hadnt risen, but he had properly absorbed the experience points.

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