A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 93: (2)

Chapter 93: (2)

Sigh Its been noisy at the mansion since yesterday. Somehow, it seems like we were the only ones who didnt know. Did anyone see Delonces expression? If someone sees it, they might think that the noble from the Armis Family is our lord.

How did things turn out like this and why havent the knights who went to escort Lady Linda returned yet? Without our lord here, wont other families disrespect us?

The knights of the Markain family were quite unhappy with Delonce, who had been proceeding with things without any consultation. Moreover, wasnt The Armis family known for causing quite a commotion, even as high nobility?

The fact that they had allowed people from that family to be treated as guests in the absence of their lord was unbelievable.

For now, everyone enters. We should find out why Delonce invited them as guests.

Sigh Very well.

As the knights reluctantly followed, they found that inside the mansion, the people of the Armis family were already engaged in lively conversations with Delonce.

Lord Vyarolf, is that really true?

Of course! I know how significant your contributions were; I couldnt just stand by! Haha!

Hoho! If you do that, I wont know what to say. Hm? Oh! Lord Vyarolf, I will join you for a moment after chatting with the knights.

After chatting with Vyarolf for a while, Delonce, who was hosting, noticed the knights approaching and got up to greet them.

Is something the matter?

Lord Delonce, why did the Armis familys people come here?

Hmm? I personally invited them as guests. In other words, they came here in response to my request.

Thats not what I meant. Why did you do that? Especially with the not-so-friendly Armis family

Hoho! Dont worry about that. Over there, Lord Vyarolf is a noble of the Markain family.

Yes? What does that mean

Delonce looked at the bewildered knights and smiled slyly as if he had expected their reaction.

Lord Vyarolf is, in fact Oh! Now, I should say he was the former lord. Anyway, he is the descendant of the lord before the former lord. To be precise, he is the son of Lady Julia, who was part of that lineage.

The knights faces turned from shock to confusion as they listened to Delonces explanation.

After a moment, the knight who seemed to be the oldest among them stepped forward.

S-So, youre saying his blood is mixed with that of the Markain family? Why didnt we know about this fact?!

Hmm Among you, there were knights who were with the Markain family at that time, except for me, right? Its been 30 years since then, so not knowing is only natural.

Delonces words were correct. They were people who had been active since the time of the former lord, but Delonce had been a knight active even during the time of the lord before that. Thats why, despite his age, he was able to take on the role of the first knight.

So, what happens now? Is it possible that he might be eyeing Lady Linda and the successor position?

One of the knights asked with a worried expression, and Delonces face momentarily stiffened before returning to his sly smile.

Haha! Theres no way that would happen. Even if Lord Vyarolf has Markain blood in him, as long as Lady Linda, the noble of the Markain family, remains, he can never aim for the successor position.

Then Im relieved. Whew I thought they were after the position of the heir because they mentioned the Markain familys bloodline mixing in.

Thats why you shouldnt worry too much and relax. Lord Vyarolf will return to the Armis family in a few days.

Yes, understood.

Delonce watched the knights, who had previously worn serious expressions, now relieved and leaving, and let out a satisfied chuckle.

Hehe, things are going quite smoothly. If this matter is resolved as is, then finally

For what Delonce had sought even to the point of betraying his long-standing loyalty to the Markain family.

Becoming a noble, its like a dream come true, hehe!

The title of nobility, precisely.

When the gold mine was first discovered in the Markain territory, Lord Armis had secretly contacted Delonce, offering to grant him the title of viscount as part of his authority in exchange for helping acquire the Markain territory.

Delonce readily accepted the proposal, and the result was this turn of events.

Now, should I go to that little Vyarolf? Hmm? Whats all this commotion?

Just as Delonce was about to step towards Vyarolf, the entrance to the dining hall became noisy.

Turning his gaze in that direction, what caught Delonces eye was a young girl and several soldiers in badly damaged half-armor, as if they had gone through a fierce battle. And there was a boy grinning at him.

However, all that Delonce could see was the young girl. Though she was clearly someone he had never seen before, her face kept reminding him of someone else.

L-Lady Jerina? It cant be!

Jerina, who had left the family ten years ago after marrying someone from another kingdom.

If this girl with the exact same face as Jerina wasnt the answer.

S-She was supposed to be dead! Melvios definitely!

In disbelief, Delonce opened his mouth wide, but before he could ask what was going on, Linda, who had been looking at the departing knights, slowly walked towards him.

Well Youre Delonce, right?

Y-Yes, but

But why dont you kneel when you see me?


Before the bewildered Delonce could ask what she meant, the knights of the Markain family around him knelt down on one knee.

Sir Marlon Jacob, a knight of House Markain, greets Lady Linda de Markain!

Sir Misel Cleon, a knight of House Markain, greets Lady Linda de Markain!

Knights of House Markain

One by one, they announced their names and knelt before Linda, bowing their heads after a moment, except for Delonce. All the knights, except Delonce, knelt and lowered their heads.

Oh, no, what is this?

Looking at Delonce, who still hadnt knelt, Linda frowned, but after turning around and seeing Kaiyan nodding, she gained confidence and took a step forward.

Delonce, can you not hear me?

Ah Y-Yes

Realizing that things had gone wrong, Delonce knelt down, his face flushed.

Sir Fabiel Delonce, a knight of House Markain, greets Lady Linda de Markain.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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