A Hospital in Another World?

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

"You're willing to teach?"

Elder Elwin exclaimed in surprise. He had introduced Garrett Nordmark to the Natural God's Teachings with the intention of having him share his knowledge with the priests in the organization.

However, due to their short time together, Elwin hesitated to bring up the topic. Besides, Garrett was not someone reluctant to share his skills; whenever the opportunity arose, he generously imparted his knowledge. Moreover, judging from Garrett's occasional revelations, Elder Elwin could tell that there was a vast system behind him, not something that could be explained in just a few words.

So, Elder Elwin patiently waited, and finally, Garrett took the initiative to speak.

"Anyone can come to learn? Are there any conditions?" Elwin asked cautiously. Garrett thought for a moment.

"There are conditions, of course. Firstly, there is no salary for working with me..."

Ah, opening a hospital and not paying the doctors! I must be a villainous capitalist!

The priests might not understand modern medicine, but when it came to healing arts, they were all skilled doctors. It's like using licensed physicians as interns!

"Salary?" Elder Elwin was astonished. "You want payment for teaching?"

Who asks for payment from their apprentices? Doesn't room and board provided by the teacher suffice?!

"Well..." Garrett was at a loss. Okay, he was wrong. Even if they were formal priests, those learning a craft were treated as apprentices. Just like formal doctors attending a higher hospital for further training...

"Also, you must follow my guidance and adhere to the same oath as I do."

"In sickness and in health?"


Elder Elwin fell silent. He silently recited these eight words, repeating them several times, and nodded solemnly.

"Any other conditions?" he asked.


"Just these two?"


"What kind of conditions are these!" Elder Elwin suddenly burst into laughter. "Leave it to me; I'll find ten or eight for you!"

"That won't do!" A burst of laughter came from outside the door. The bald bishop rushed in, making the wooden floor creak beneath his feet. He pointed at Garrett, then at Elder Elwin, laughing as if he had caught a fox with a yellow weasel: "Hey, having a feast alone? Hey, Garrett, from the time we met until now, I haven't mistreated you! Your teacher can arrange ten or eight, and I'll also send ten or eight over; otherwise, I'll tear down this building of yours!"

"Oh, you try it?" Elder Elwin stepped forward, blocking him with his arm. The bald bishop grabbed his wrist, muscles bulging:

"Give it a try!"

The two seniors engaged in a half-serious, half-playful scuffle. Garrett took a few steps back, only able to smile wryly. Despite their playful antics, both of them were at seventh and eighth levels, with at least fifth-level warrior rankings. Garrett, with his small frame...

Better not get involved. Two tanks clashing; where's the place for a bicycle?

Garrett took a step back, then another, silently finding a safe corner to stand. Then, taking a deep breath, he shouted loudly:

"Teacher! Bishop! I can't accommodate a few people here either!!!"

The two big shots immediately stopped. The bald bishop looked over first, "How many can you squeeze in at most?"

"Well..." Garrett surveyed the surroundings, calculating quickly. This two-story building, when combined with the upper and lower floors, had a floor area of about 300 square meters. Subtracting the staircase hallway and his own bedroom, and probably needing to set up an alchemy laboratory, the available space was approximately...

Around 200 square meters.

Slightly larger than a clinic, roughly equivalent to a community health station where residents could check blood pressure, get an IV, and receive vaccinations.

As for how many people a health station needed...

"Three doctors, three nurses..." Garrett mumbled as quietly as possible. Seeing the bald bishop's eyes staring like copper bells, he reflexively took a step back and raised his voice:

"Five! At most, five!"

"I say three, you say two!"

"You say two, I say three!"

"Your family has three, including little Garrett, that makes four!"

"Little Garrett is already part of our family! We should have more, why give one to you!"

The bald bishop and Elder Elwin immediately started arguing again. The tension in the air dissipated. The two seniors glared at each other, each more pleased than the other. It seemed like two foxes stealing chickens together...

Garrett didn't understand what the elders and the high priest discussed privately. All he knew was that the high priest sent a team to install a magical array specifically for the hospital, capable of producing four gallons of purified water per day, most likely rainwater with high purity; the temple sent a construction team to handle the renovation work, following Garrett's blueprint, including constructing a toilet.

As for the people sent by the temple...

"Donald Priest!" Garrett was very pleased. "It's actually you who came? That's great!"

"Of course, I had to come!" Donald Priest seemed even more excited than Garrett. Brimming with joy, his chest was about to burst:

"I've been wanting to come! Your peculiar healing methods have always intrigued me. When the high priest asked, I was the first to sign up!"

Garrett nodded with delight. He released Donald Priest's hand and looked around. Everyone who came to work for him was a familiar face, each meeting his gaze with a smile and a nod.

The Natural God's Teachings sent a man and a woman. Elwin was excited, asking questions eagerly as if it were their first meeting. Joanna laughed lightly, winked at Garrett, and her face blushed with flame patterns.

As for the War God's Temple, Garrett directly designated Little John to occupy a spot. The other, according to Garrett's request, had to be someone with a "warrior rank as high as possible." Therefore, standing locally was a four-level priest, broad-shouldered and twice the size of Little John.

Garrett nodded to each of them. Calming his mind, he spoke loudly:

"Before you came, you should have heard and agreed to the same oath as me. But today, before we start learning, I still want to solemnly swear together with you."

He took a deep breath, lowered his brows, recalled the past, then raised his right fist to ear level. Across from him, the five priests imitated his gesture, lifting their right fists identically:

"In sickness and in health."

"In sickness and in health"

The priests followed suit unevenly. Garrett looked at each of them, his voice steady, tone heavy and clear:

"As I step into the sacred medical school, I solemnly swear:"

"As I step into the sacred medical school, I solemnly swear"

You may not understand what this oath means, and you might not have heard some of these words. But that's okay; from today onwards, I will lead by example, teaching through my actions

"I volunteer to dedicate myself to medicine, uphold medical ethics, respect teachers, abide by discipline, study diligently, tireless in effort, seek excellence, and develop comprehensively."

"I volunteer to dedicate myself to medicine, uphold medical ethics,

respect teachers, abide by discipline, study diligently, tireless in effort, seek excellence, and develop comprehensively"

An excited warmth surged in Garrett's chest. He clenched his right fist, fingertips embedded in his palm, and his voice rose:

"I am determined to do my utmost, alleviate human suffering, assist in perfect health, uphold the sanctity and honor of medicine, save lives, endure hardship, persistently pursue, and strive for the lifelong development of the medical, pharmaceutical, and health care cause for the well-being of human body and mind!"

His emotions infected others. Priests from three different congregations, with three different beliefs, gradually became more solemn. Their expressions serious, voices resolute:

"I am determined to do my utmost, alleviate human suffering, assist in perfect health, uphold the sanctity and honor of medicine, save lives, endure hardship, persistently pursue, and strive for the lifelong development of the medical, pharmaceutical, and health care cause for the well-being of human body and mind"


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