A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 156: The Examination

Chapter 156: The Examination

Early June

Felix Harp was awakened by the sound of raindrops tapping against the window. Outside, a grey mist lingered, and a brilliant flash of lightning streaked across the sky followed by the rumbling of distant thunder.

The final exams had been ongoing for three days, but the Ancient Runes exam was scheduled towards the middle and end of all subjects. For Felix, today marked the first day of the final exams.

Fortunately, the Ancient Runes class he taught was an elective, and aside from overseeing the fifth and seventh years preparing for their wizarding level exams, he only had to invigilate the remaining three years.

All the professors of mandatory courses had to invest more effort and engage in intellectual battles with young wizards. Bellby, who was in charge of Dark Arts Defense, had complained to him more than once—

"Imagine this, students harboring thoughts of luck. Can you believe it? During the pre-exam check, I discovered a dozen cheating quills!"

Felix had consulted Professor Flitwick specifically about this issue, and Flitwick advised him, "You can prepare anti-cheating quills for the students in advance; it will save you a lot of trouble."

He had gladly taken this advice.

In the Ancient Runes classroom, the long rows of seats had been replaced with individual desks and chairs. Felix waved his wand, causing a multitude of papers and quills to accurately land on the small tables in front of the fourth-year students.

"I must remind you that both the exam papers and quills have been enchanted against cheating, and the consequences of cheating are severe."

The exam began, and Felix walked up and down the aisles between the seats, announcing the time every half an hour.

By the time he made his second announcement, some students had already completed their papers.

"Very well, Mr. Andrews, you may choose to continue reviewing or step outside for some fresh air."


After invigilating the fourth years, Felix managed to grade all the papers on the same day. "A total of 7 Outstanding and 22 Exceeds Expectations. Compared to previous years, this is very impressive."

The former represented excellence, while the latter indicated satisfactory performance—there were many who passed.

"Furthermore, the practical bonus points for magical golems might allow me to break the record for the best Ancient Runes class in the past decade." Felix thought with delight. This mood reflected in his demeanor as he continued the next set of exams, smiling all the while.

Finally, at the end of the first week of June, the final exams came to a close. Students from other years were thoroughly liberated, though a handful of anxious young wizards worried about their results for another two or three days. However, the majority celebrated to their heart's content.

Laughter and cheers echoed throughout the school. Only the fifth and seventh years remained engrossed in their intense preparation for the wizarding level exams.

Their emotions were fraught with anxiety, and as a professor, Felix confiscated all sorts of eccentricities.

"Miss Selden, could you tell me where you acquired this onion-scented amulet?"

Petra Selden looked close to tears, fidgeting but saying nothing.

"Very well, I won't deduct points this time. Have a dose of Elixir of Euphoria instead; your spirits are far too low."

After consuming the elixir, Selden's demeanor transformed; she became much brighter and cheerfully thanked the professor before departing with a light step.

Felix was quite satisfied with his approach. However, he soon noticed that more and more students were rushing to the infirmary. A large group of fifth and seventh years were approaching Madam Pomfrey, expressing their low spirits and requesting the uplifting effect of the Elixir of Euphoria.

"Inventory is clearly running low, Professor Harp. And we've encountered subpar Elixirs of Euphoria as well. I've had seven or eight students who can't stop laughing," Madam Pomfrey complained.

In addition to the Elixir of Euphoria, the Cheering Charm had a similar effect. Furthermore, this spell was part of the third-year curriculum, making it quite a simple magic for students preparing for their wizarding level exams.

However, at last, the wizarding level exams arrived, chasing at the heels of the end-of-term exams results.

On a day in mid-June, Felix Harp spotted several quite elderly wizards in the school. They were the examiners for this year's wizarding level exams— a man with a growth protruding from his face, a plump and short witch, a man with thinning hair wearing glasses, and of course, the head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority— Griselda Marchbanks.

Marchbanks was a short, hunched-over witch with a face full of wrinkles, resembling a spider's web. But she was in high spirits, her voice booming. A few years prior, it had been her who had overseen Felix's Transfiguration and Charms exams for both the OWLs and NEWTs.

And incredibly, she had once been an examiner for Albus Dumbledore himself. She was the oldest wizard Felix had ever seen, still actively engaged in the magical world.

"Oh, Felix, is that you? Delighted to see your presence around the school," the diminutive Marchbanks exclaimed loudly from a distance, accompanied by Professor McGonagall.

"Professor Marchbanks, it's been a while." Felix subtly amplified his voice using his wand's spell.

"Not that long, time flies, doesn't it? My overseeing Dumbledore's exams feels like just yesterday. It was an honor to examine him." The somewhat hard-of-hearing Marchbanks spoke loudly. "I can't forget that scene for my whole life! To invigilate him was my privilege."

Marchbanks was in good spirits, looking at Felix. "You as well, but you left me in awe in Charms. Heard you're a Muggle Studies expert now? Teaching Muggle Studies?"

"It's Ancient Runes, Professor Marchbanks. That's my field of study."

Marchbanks leaned in, then spoke loudly again. "I hope you don't neglect your magical research, especially in Charms— the incredible power of it!"

Felix smiled and nodded. While her attention shifted, he turned to the man with thinning hair. "Long time no see, Tofty. I've just met Ogden recently..."

"He mentioned it to me, was it at the Ministry's award ceremony?" Tofty replied.

Tofty had been one of Felix's examiners as well, though they hadn't stayed in touch during their school years. After graduating, Felix had paid him a visit—Tofty was also an Ancient Runes expert, more inclined towards theory, but he had provided Felix with considerable assistance.

"Indeed, he seemed to be in good health."

"Yeah, that old fellow! When he told me, I couldn't believe it at first. Never thought you'd really return to Hogwarts."

"I enjoy the atmosphere of the school." Felix casually remarked.

"That's one of the reasons I stay at the Examinations Authority. They are the hope of the British magical world—though most of the time these young folks are quite a headache." The old man rambled on for a while. "And old Viridian, as soon as I mentioned you, he got all worked up, yet I distinctly saw your books on his desk..."

Suppressing his laughter, Felix remained silent. Viridian was one of Felix's students, Clemence Viridian's grandfather, a rather stubborn old man.

He was also the Deputy Head of the Ancient Runes Association and often had strong opinions about Felix's "Practical Ancient Runes" approach.

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