A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 169: Perspectives and Decisions

Chapter 169: Perspectives and Decisions

Daniel continued to explain,

"At this point, Celeste began to make mistakes."

"Her first mistake was underestimating that the French Ministry of Magic would not agree to send reinforcements to assist in defense, which meant that our seven American Aurors couldn't openly appear. Thus, even though the French side sent extra manpower, there were vulnerabilities in her own power and information channels."

"But she had a plan to make up for it. First, she dispatched Cecil – or, as you know him, Celeste's sidekick – to communicate with us seven and establish a link. Second, she arranged for us to hide in the shadows, taking turns to monitor the hotel's activities, especially on the day of the meeting – today."

"However, her second mistake followed." Daniel chuckled, "She didn't realize that Felix Harp and I were present, which gave us the opportunity to make a move."

"In truth, we did only three things, and fortunately, they all succeeded. First, we discovered where Matt was being held captive – in the basement of the hotel. Second, we managed to establish contact with Uria, but we encountered a problem similar to Celeste's – communication barriers that were even worse than hers."

He glanced at Uria and continued, "Otherwise, I would have advised you to cancel the second assault and find another opportunity."

"Nevertheless, we shared the most crucial information with you: including our watch from 2 to 5 PM today and Matt's confinement location!"

"The third thing was that Felix Harp and I pretended to have spotted your tracks at the agreed-upon time, taking away other individuals with us, providing you with time for action. It was only five minutes, but those five minutes were crucial."

"As for Celeste's third mistake," Daniel's expression turned serious, "this one is also your mistake, Uria! As a student leader, you should have been more level-headed, but there's fault on both sides. She clearly underestimated the recklessness in you."

"She never expected that you would organize a rescue team of more than fifty people. Uria, this is something you need to deeply reflect upon. Most of the individuals following your lead are still students. Have you thought about how irrational your actions were?"

"Have you considered the consequences if there were casualties?" he said sternly.

Uria lowered his head in shame. As the leader of the Progressive Society, he indeed should have considered more.

Beside them, Byers stubbornly interjected, "We were prepared long ago! Besides, they're going to erase my parents' memories, aren't they?"

Daniel looked at the tears welling up in Byers' eyes, torn between saying something and holding back.

Uria tugged at Daniel's arm, "It truly is my fault. I shouldn't have involved you all, and I certainly shouldn't have acted without thorough investigation. If it weren't for the mercy of that man, we would have suffered a total defeat."

Curiously, Daniel inquired, "Are there experts among the French Aurors?"

Uria replied with bitterness, "No, it's a Muggle studies expert. He's... I can't even describe how powerful he is."

Daniel found himself intrigued by Uria's mention of a Muggle studies expert – were there specialists in that field as well? But he knew this wasn't the right time to inquire.

The others listened to the entire account with a somewhat dazed expression. The complexity exceeded their expectations.

"Brother Daniel, did you come directly to our side?" Uria asked.

"You provided me with three concealed addresses; I've already been to the other two. Matt is fine; he told me he didn't reveal a single word," Daniel said with a smile.

"Nicely done, Matt!"

"Well done!"

These young students praised their companion's heroic feat with passionate words.

"Brother Daniel," Uria asked with concern, "now that Matt's exposed, do you think Celeste will go after him?"

Daniel pondered for a moment, "I don't think so, but he'll definitely be under surveillance. You shouldn't try to contact him for a while."

The group exchanged glances, their previously excited hearts now dimmed.

Uria remained silent, lost in thought. This series of events had caused him to grow significantly.

After a while, he suddenly lifted his head and addressed the group, "I'm going to turn myself in."


"No, Uria!"

"Think about what we're fighting for!"

They started to clamor and discuss among themselves. A burly wizard angrily shouted, "Why don't we gather everyone and charge right back at them?"

Two adult wizards exchanged glances, and Daniel cautiously said, "If you want to confirm Bethany's condition, it's not urgent at the moment. There's no need to put yourself in harm's way..."

"No, Daniel," Uria said calmly. He looked around at everyone and spoke when they all fell silent, "Companions, this might be an opportunity."

Uria raised his voice, "Think about it, Celeste went to great lengths to hide her intentions. She saw our Progressive Society growing stronger and tried to secretly capture and get a list of our members. But her two traps were foiled thanks to Brother Daniel's advance notice. She panicked! This time, she was prepared, and in a way, she succeeded."

"She captured Matt!"

The others' gaze fixed on him, following his pacing form.

"But she also failed, as Daniel said. She may have anticipated a rescue attempt, but she never expected so many people to come, nor that among the French Aurors assigned to her, we'd have our comrades!"

Uria continued to organize his thoughts, sincerely addressing everyone, "So, this is an opportunity, a chance to escalate matters completely!"

"You'll write to the 'French Wizarding Gazette' and the 'Specter Observer.' I'll turn myself in."

"If I'm guilty, let the law judge me. Let my actions be remembered by the world!"

In the end, everyone was convinced. They left their hiding place and began to act according to the plan.

In the sheltered mountain hollow, the figure of Felix Harp gradually materialized. He clapped his hands and admired, "A bold and imaginative plan, Uria. You've left a lasting impression on me."

The gains he took away from this meeting weren't about acquainting himself with Muggle studies experts but witnessing a group of vibrant young individuals. He liked their radiant commitment to ideals.

Though their paths diverged, Felix acknowledged Uria's choice.

He whispered, "If you're imprisoned for this, I'll save you once."

In the next moment, his figure abruptly vanished, leaving no trace behind.


Felix was tidying up his manuscripts in the room. He suspected that the meeting wouldn't continue – a minority of Muggle studies experts had vanished the instant the attack occurred. The unfortunate ones left were either sent to hospitals or, upon awakening, were demanding explanations. The French Ministry of Magic was undoubtedly in a frenzy and still hadn't found peace.

Moreover, half of the hotel had collapsed. How could the meeting proceed? Luckily, no one had died.

Celeste's troubles were even greater. Although she managed to avoid the worst outcome – the girl named Bethany's death – this matter couldn't be suppressed any longer. She was likely to face accountability from the public, the French Ministry of Magic, the American Wizarding Congress, and the International Confederation of Wizards – fourfold accountability.

Felix picked up a stack of clippings from his bedside. Maxwell had given them to him. Most of them were about Celeste herself – her political views, public statements, and formulated laws, a myriad of information...

Especially in one headline, she held her wand aloft, delivering an impassioned speech. The title featured her words – "The law is the cornerstone of order, and we are the cornerstone of the law."

Felix tossed the clippings into the air, watching them turn to ashes, a sardonic smile on his lips.

A sudden commotion echoed from outside: panicked shouts, running footsteps, the sounds unusually distinct.

Felix's expression turned into one of amusement. He stepped out of the room and descended to the lobby. Officials from the French Ministry of Magic wore expressions of incredulity.

Felix caught the arm of a young Auror. "What's happened?"

"Mr. Harp," he stammered, "something significant has occurred!"

"Reporters have arrived, along with Muggle studies experts from various countries who are watching..."

"Watching who?"

"The attackers! Or rather, two students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang!"

"Ah, intriguing,"

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