A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 222: Traces of Black

Chapter 222: Traces of Black

To be perfectly honest, Felix wasn't quite sure if Luna possessed the gift of Divination. This young girl had always been quite unique, but his focus was on a different matter at hand: "You still venture into the Forbidden Forest often?"

Luna paused for a moment, seemingly contemplating how to approach this question. Felix was curious to hear her response, but Luna drifted off into a dreamy state shortly after.

Felix snapped his fingers in front of her, and Luna, as if in a trance, said, "Ferenz is a good person."

Felix wasn't entirely certain whether her statement was in response to his earlier question, but he grasped the essence: the centaur named Ferenz would protect her.

He cautiously inquired, "Perhaps I could meet your centaur friend? I happen to be heading to the Forbidden Forest this weekend to release a small creature..."

"Oh, I'm not sure. Ferenz mentioned that his companions are quite traditional, which, in my understanding, means they have a bit of a temper," Luna said. "I'll ask him beforehand."


Two more days passed. Hogwarts was shrouded in continuous rain, with dark clouds hanging low, stifling the air. The temperature had dropped significantly, and Madam Pomfrey had reminded the young wizards more than once to put on warmer clothes.

"There's really no need for her reminders. I mean, we're not idiots," Ron gestured towards the weather outside. Rain was falling lightly, pattering against the roof of the Second Greenhouse.

Harry absentmindedly handled a bean pod. "Wood would love this. He thinks we're likely to face rainy conditions in our first match, and he's eager to incorporate this aspect into our training... Finally, he got his chance."

Madam Sprout clapped her hands, capturing the young wizards' attention. She reminded them, "Be gentle in your handling, or they might retaliate harshly."

But it was too late. Seamus Finnigan's actions were rather rough as he repeated an experience from their Magical Runes class. "You saw it too—I touched that fiery red magical symbol, and it reacted intensely. I guess... ow!"

The bean pod in front of him suddenly burst open, shooting out seven or eight hard beans, all hitting him in the face. One even accidentally struck Seamus, who joined in with a groan of his own.

Madam Sprout hurried over, surveying the scene. "Not following instructions, disregarding the teacher's words! I really ought to deduct points from you, Mr. Finnigan." With Seamus and his friend, she moved to the corner. "Just a bit of ointment is needed. Honestly, if you were as careless while squeezing pus from bubotuber pus, you'd be in for a tough time..."

A bolt of lightning cut through the air, illuminating the somewhat dim castle. Felix lowered his wand, turning to his parchment to write and sketch. Inside a glass container beside him, a fist-sized Acromantula spoke angrily, "You're not keeping your promise, wizard!"

Felix responded, "I promised to let you go before Halloween, I didn't specify the exact day. Besides... are you really not considering my offer? I could have you as my assistant."

"What kind of assistant? Like that little girl?" The Acromantula had seen Hermione, the young witch had been quite fascinated by it until Felix revealed its true size to her.

In its normal state, the Acromantula was about the size of a small carriage, covered in tough black hair, with a small and grotesque head, and a pair of large pincers that always made a clicking sound.

"Ah, close enough, but you need to continue cooperating with my research," Felix Harp said.

The Acromantula pondered for a moment and then shouted angrily. Felix found it noisy and cast a Silencing Charm on the glass container.

"At last, I have detailed test data. The remaining work involves conducting some repetitive tests on other creatures, comparing results, and gaining a clear understanding," Felix folded a stack of thick parchment.

He operated each ancient magic he currently held in the same manner. Flitwick greatly appreciated this cautious approach.

That evening, light rain turned into a downpour, and raindrops the size of beans tapped against the castle's window sills. Half asleep and half awake, Felix heard a deep buzzing alert.

He sat up abruptly, wand appearing instantly in his hand. He waited quietly for a few seconds, seeing no one. But he quickly figured out what had happened. He swiftly left his bedroom, pushed open the office window—

Rainwater was swept into the room by the fierce wind. Beyond the window, it was pitch-black, and the alarm sounded suddenly clear.

"It's the miniature sneakoscope at the castle's entrance. Sirius Black is here!"

He somersaulted out of the window, a glint from his ring, and a Firebolt broomstick appeared out of nowhere. The next second, he soared through layers of thick rain like curtains, disappearing in front of the office.

When he arrived at the castle entrance, there was no one here, only a spot above the main gate continuously emitting golden light, accompanied by a loud buzzing sound.

Felix pointed his wand at himself, and large amounts of mist spread from him, making him look like a boiling kettle. Just then, Dumbledore appeared, wearing a gray-blue pajama, no glasses, with a fiery phoenix perched on his shoulder.

"Hello, Fawkes," Felix greeted.

Fawkes let out a low cry.

A tabby cat appeared from afar, transforming into a panting Professor McGonagall as it ran.

"Any discoveries, Felix?" Dumbledore spoke gravely.

"Clearly, I'm a bit late," Felix pointed at the broomstick in his hand. Among the three, he was closest to the castle gates. "I came as quickly as possible, but this rain has been quite helpful for him."

"Sirius Black?" Professor McGonagall asked anxiously.

"Clearly..." Felix waved his wand, silencing the buzzing.

"We should search the castle, Dumbledore," Professor McGonagall said sternly, "Phileas Flitwick, Severus Snape, Argus Filch..." She recited names one after another, and three silver-white cats flew out from her wand, each going in a different direction.

Dumbledore silently watched as Professor McGonagall's patronuses disappeared. He crouched down to examine the ground at the castle entrance, his fingers touching the cold marble. Then he swiftly entered the castle, heading for the portraits nearest to the entrance.

"Has anyone entered? Outsiders?" he asked.

"None that we've seen," the characters in the portrait spoke in a cacophony of voices, "Of course, we could have been deceived, Headmaster."

Dumbledore nodded, not saying a word.

"Is it possible that Black is hiding within the castle, Albus?" Professor McGonagall asked with concern.

"Unlikely," Dumbledore said softly, "Felix arrived swiftly; he wouldn't have had the time to cover his tracks so thoroughly. It's more likely he appeared from afar and triggered the alarm. But we should be prepared, Fawkes—"

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