A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 86: Unexpected Events

Chapter 86: Unexpected Events

At some point, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had also arrived. Hermione was still wearing that oversized mask and knitted hat, but her eyes had returned to their brown color.

This meant her Disillusionment Charm was more proficient now – though it could also be due to the effects of Madam Pomfrey's potion.

Ron held onto Harry and Hermione as they hid behind a pillar. He peeked out and whispered, "Cornelius Fudge, Lucius Malfoy, and Rita Skeeter! What a day, having all three pests here at the same time!"

Harry asked, "Who's Cornelius Fudge?"

"He's the Minister of Magic and my dad's boss. But he's a big shot, looks down on my dad's job, you know, dealing with Muggle stuff and all, never took it seriously…" Ron grumbled.

Hermione's eyes were fixed on Rita Skeeter, studying her from behind.

"Is that woman Rita Skeeter? She has quite the dreadful taste," Hermione quipped about her attire.

"I agree with you, I mean, even Lockhart has better fashion sense in that department, and she's not lacking in money... Merlin's beard!" Ron suddenly groaned.

"What's wrong?"

"There, look over there," Ron pointed in another direction, "Lockhart's here too, all four nuisances gathered!"

Sure enough, Harry looked up and saw Gilderoy Lockhart in a splendid robe, his face adorned with a charming smile. He walked past young wizards, greeting Fudge and Lucius.

"He's like a peacock with its tail unfurled," Ron's expression was resistant – he had to report to Lockhart's office later tonight.

Lockhart gracefully bowed, his smile radiating, "Minister Fudge, Mr. Malfoy, a pleasure to see you both."

Fudge hesitated for a moment, then extended his hands with a beaming smile, "Mr. Lockhart, hello, I've read all of your books, I must admit, quite enlightening…"

Lockhart modestly replied, "I merely did what I should, Minister. I can't simply turn a blind eye to unfortunate souls in trouble."

Fudge had a contemplative expression, "There aren't many responsible adventurers like you."

Lockhart seemed about to say more, but Dumbledore stepped forward, his eyes twinkling, "Fudge, perhaps we should first inspect the creature in the Chamber." He waved his wand, dispelling the invisible protective barrier around the basilisk's remains.

"Oh, Dumbledore, yes, of course," Fudge adjusted his hat, turned to a tall, dark-skinned man by his side, and issued a command, "Kingsley, you do the check."

The man called Kingsley took a few steps past the railings, approaching the basilisk. He wore dragon-hide gloves and meticulously examined the creature's remains.

Felix didn't approach; he spotted a familiar figure – Luna Lovegood, the Ravenclaw witch.

He strolled over and stood beside her, "Luna."

"I really like the gift you gave me, Professor Harp," her eyes were fixed on Rita Skeeter's jewel-encrusted glasses. She sang-song, "I think her memory isn't very good."

"Why do you say that?"

"She regrets leaving some important things at home." Luna said.

Felix watched Rita Skeeter, who was directing her assistants to take photos, remaining noncommittal.

"Have you become friends with the girl with the fiery hair?"

Luna glanced at him in surprise, "We're already friends." She said thoughtfully, "I think the rooster doll I gave her played a significant role."

"Really?" Felix puckered his lips.

Before long, Kingsley reported to Fudge, "Minister, it's confirmed to be the basilisk, there's no danger anymore."

"Very well, Kingsley." Fudge prepared to step closer to examine the basilisk, but he was halted by the voice of Rita Skeeter.

"Minister Fudge, I think we should take a photo together for tomorrow's front page." Skeeter said with a smile.

"Oh, of course, no problem."

The adult wizards lined up, and Rita Skeeter rushed over, dragging Lockhart – who had taken center stage – aside, "This is your spot!"

Reluctantly, Lockhart stood at the edge.

"Professor Flitwick?"

Flitwick waved his hand and stepped aside.

"Snap!" The shutter clicked, capturing the moment.

Fudge, Dumbledore, Malfoy, Professor McGonagall, and Kingsley stood together with the massive basilisk in the background.

With today's task completed, the group stood near the basilisk. Fudge took a few steps forward, belly protruding, as he carefully observed the creature, "This thing has been at Hogwarts for thousands of years. How did it manage to hide itself from discovery?"

Professor McGonagall explained, "Through the network of pipes throughout Hogwarts – the school has undergone several renovations, and the interior pipes are intricate and confusing. Very few can grasp the full layout, and it has never been thoroughly investigated."

Fudge didn't speak; he whispered to Lucius by his side.

Lockhart also approached, eyeing the basilisk, "Doesn't seem that hard to deal with. I've encountered a water beast before; it could fill half a lake." He tapped the basilisk's fang with his wand, about to say something cheeky, but his wand immediately emitted a "sizzle" sound. "Oh, Merlin!" He frantically waved his wand.

The young wizards watching nearby quickly retreated more than ten meters, as if fleeing a disaster.

However, the Minister for Magic, who was looking down at the basilisk's head, suffered the misfortune. A drop of saliva and venom mixture, accompanied by a thread, splattered onto Fudge's face. His piercing scream echoed through the air.

Lucius Malfoy quickly erected a magical barrier and watched the spectacle with cold eyes. He retreated with magic, but after taking only two steps back, he was blocked by a ring of golden light.

Felix, at some point, had raised his wand, "Young wizards, step back."

Several professors were doing the same. Protective magic from Flitwick, McGonagall, and Dumbledore adorned the courtyard in a colorful display.

Hagrid extended his massive fan-like hand and lifted the fallen young wizards, then pushed them away.

But Lucius, Fudge, and Lockhart were the closest. They were enveloped by layer upon layer of magic, and a droplet of saliva-laden venom struck his armor charm, producing a "sizzle" sound.

His face paled as he exclaimed, "Stop, you fool!"

Lockhart shook his wand a few times before realizing what he had done. He stood flustered in front of Fudge, desperately trying to do something, "Oh, Minister Fudge, I'm sorry!"

But Fudge's scream grew louder. His face turned pitch black, and the spreading black mark on his face visibly expanded.

The scene was a tangled mess.

"Silence!" Dumbledore shouted, dispersing the magic blocking his way. He took a few steps forward and placed his wand against Fudge's face. Layer after layer of golden light emanated from the wand, halting the expansion of the black mark.

Dumbledore examined it carefully, "Further treatment is needed, Fudge. I'll take you to the infirmary."

"No, take me to St. Mungo's! My face is ruined! Gilderoy Lockhart, I'll have you thrown into Azkaban #%&... #%&..." Fudge spat out a string of expletives.

"Oh, dear," Professor McGonagall pressed her lips together, staring at the frantic Fudge, struggling to resist the urge to cast a Stunning Spell on him. Finally, the Transfiguration professor shouted at the young wizards around, "All of you, leave this area and go to class!"

The young wizards scattered like birds and beasts.

Rita Skeeter eagerly seized her camera, pressing the shutter button like a maniac. Her mouth stretched wide, her two enormous gold teeth glistened in the sunlight.

"Look at that woman, I can practically see her molars!" Ron, hiding behind a courtyard pillar, pointed at Rita Skeeter and said, "She's got a big story today!"

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