A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 244 - 244 Don’t Say It!

244 Don’t Say It!

“Ella, it’s enough! Stop!” Leon said laughing. “Do you know who I was speaking to? You may have just cost me an important business deal!”

“Is the business deal more important than me or the fact that I’m happy?” Ella pouted animatedly.

“Never! Nothing can ever compare to my love! Congratulations, sweetheart!” Leon cupped her face and kissed her passionately.

While the love birds were having their tender moment, the car came to a halt before the magnificent Zoron Hospital.

John wanted to inform his boss that they had arrived but he dreaded the repercussion of interrupting his boss’s tender moment with his wife. He had earlier seen how Leon shredded Paul back at home and he didn’t want to be the second scapegoat.

After almost five minutes of waiting, John observed that they had stopped kissing and were now talking. So he cleared his throat loudly to gain their attention, before alighting from the car to open the door for them.

“Oh, we’re already at the hospital!” Leon said in a thrilled tone.

“Ugh!” Ella frowned. “I hope we finish up whatever we came here to do quickly because I can’t wait to talk to my sister.”

“I hope so too.” Leon smiled as he came out of the car and helped Ella do the same.


Dr. Julie was just rounding up with a patient when she received the dreaded news that Leon and Ella were on their way to her office.

Without a second thought, she hurriedly discharged her patient and cleared her schedule for the day.

Then, she quickly made a few calls to get the surgical procedure and team ready. Afterward, she took some nerve-calming pills and drank a glass of water before taking her seat.

When Dr. Julie heard a brief tap on her door, she calmly said, “come in.”

“Dr. Julie!” Ella smiled and quickly walked up to her and gave her a warm embrace.

“Hello Mrs. Treshvire, it’s good to see you.” Dr. Julie smiled politely. “Mr. Treshvire, it’s also good to see you.”

“I’ve missed you since the last time we spoke.” Ella beamed as she took her seat beside Leon. “It seems work must be really hectic because you are so busy. Didn’t you get my message?”

“Yeah, um...sorry about not replying to your message. I’ve not had time to sit down until now.”

“Aww... It’s all right! I totally understand!”

“Thanks! So, for the business of today, I’ll give you both a few minutes to talk, then I’ll come and speak to you.”

“Oh! Okay!” Ella replied in slight confusion. She could sense the tension in Dr. Julie’s calm voice and the way she averted Leon’s gaze but she decided to overlook it.

When Dr. Julie had stepped out of the office and shut the door, Leon gently turned Ella’s seat to face his. He took her hands in his and gazed tenderly into her eyes.

“My sweetheart, you know I love you more than anything in this world right?”

“Right!” Ella replied in a puzzled tone.

“You know I would never do anything to hurt you, right?”

“I know, but where is all this going? You’re getting me all agitated.” Ella could feel her heartbeat increase rapidly.

“I won’t beat around the bush any longer, it’s about your pregnancy.” Leon tried his best to speak as calmly as possible in order to win Ella’s heart.

“What about my pregnancy?” Ella raised an eyebrow suspiciously at Leon.

“According to our first commitment, you remember that we both agreed that pregnancy is not allowed.”

“Yes we did, but times have changed and so has my mind,” Ella said firmly while holding her husband’s tender gaze.

“Well, my mind hasn’t changed about that. I still do not want kids but I want you.”

“So, what happens to my pregnancy?” Ella asked calmly as she connected different dots that were making heat to rise up her face.

“I take full responsibility for your pregnancy. It was reckless and selfish of me to make you take all those pills alone when I could have used some other forms of protection to avoid this. But going forward, it will never happen again. I will ensure that we use protections when making love.”

“When you say you take full responsibility, does it mean you will allow me to have this baby in my womb?” Ella smiled feverishly.

“No, I want us to conduct a pregnancy t...” Leon didn’t get to finish his statement when Ella abruptly stood up and flung his hands away from hers.

“Don’t! Don’t say it! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!! Is that the reason I’m here? Is that why you brought me to this hospital? I should have known! No wonder Dr. Julie refused to take my calls or reply to my messages. You have been planning all this with her behind my back! I can’t believe you’ll do this. I can never... I will never...”

Ella’s face turned red as she stared at Leon with misty eyes. She wanted to yell and curse him for considering such a wicked plan but she decided that such sensitive matters cannot be won by fighting or quarreling.

“Baby!” Ella quickly went on her knee before Leon and fondly stroked his chin. “I’m sorry for raising my voice at you. I want this baby for us! I promise after this, I’ll never get pregnant again. I’ll do anything you wish. Please!” Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.

Leon took her hand which was sending fireworks all over his body and kissed it softly. He gently pulled Ella to her feet and made her sit on his thigh.

“Please, my love, Let’s not fight over this. My heart can never love another except you. I don’t want to share you with anyone or anything in this life. I love you so much! I can never be a father nor can I father any child legally or illegally. I have never wanted children and fifty years from now, I still won’t want children. I want it to be just the two of us until we grow old and leave this earth.”


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:



245 Never!

“How about what I want?” More tears flowed down Ella’s cheeks.

“I thought you said you would do anything for me. Please, Leon, my heart is large enough to love you and our children! You won’t be sharing me with anyone. I want to be a mother. I want to know what it feels like to have my own child. Please, baby! Don’t deny me this opportunity. Let me just have this one and I will forever be grateful to you.”

“Ella, you’re not listening to me!” Leon massaged his throbbing temple in anger.”

“I do not want to father a child. I don’t want any child tied to my name. Do you know what this pregnancy will do to you? In a few months, you would grow in size and lose your curvy shape. I won’t be able to cuddle you when and how I want to. You won’t fit into your beautiful clothes. I won’t be able to go out with you to social functions. Is that what you want? Just take this one out so that we can have our perfect lives together.”

“There is no such thing as a perfect life!” Ella stood up and began pacing around the office.

“If your mum went through all the ordeals you just mentioned, and gave birth to a handsome child like you, then I don’t mind taking that same step.”

“Really!” Leon said between tightened jaws.

“Yes! I don’t mind getting fat! I don’t mind looking shapeless! I don’t mind staying back at home if you are embarrassed to take me out on social functions!” Ella’s watery eyes shimmered with determination.

“Hmm...” Leon chuckled bitterly as Ella’s words spewed hot coal on his erratically drumming heart.

“What makes you think you can’t cuddle me if I’m pregnant? What makes you think we can have our special moments together? Have I denied you sex ever since you learned about my pregnancy?”

Leon slowly stood and took a deep breath to steady his rampaging hormones.


Ella didn’t give Leon the room to speak as she took the words right out of his mouth. In her current state, one could liken her to an attorney giving her closing argument to win the favor of the judge and jury.

“Leon,” Ella walked up to him and held onto his waist while resting her head on his chest. “We can do this together if you just give it a try. For weeks, I have battled morning sickness, mood swings, fatigue, and so many other things. But for once, I’ve never denied you of my body. And I promise I won’t, if you allow me to keep this pregnancy. Please, I want this child. I want you and this child in my life.”

Leon slowly released himself from Ella’s tight grip and held onto her shoulder.

“You have to choose, Ella, is either me or this growing seed in your womb,” Leon said sternly.

“Don’t make me choose, please! I want the both of you!” Ella cried harder.

“I’ll leave Doctor Julie to talk some sense into you since you’re adamant to listen to me. If by the time I return home from work, you are still parading this...” Leon gesture to her womb in disgust, “...then be rest assured that you have made your choice and you would live with the consequences.”

Leon released her and stormed out of the office.

As Ella watched Leon walk out on her, she felt her world crumble with no hope of restoration. She slowly walked back to her seat, holding her chest tightly as though her heart was about to drop. Then she sat down, and plead her head on the desk, crying her heart out.

A few minutes after Leon left the office, Dr. Julie slowly walked into the office and quietly shut the door behind her. She stood by the door for a few seconds unsure of how to approach Ella or talk her into considering the medical procedure.

Ella, who had been patiently waiting for Dr. Julie to confront her, slowly lifted her head and glared in her direction.

“You...” Ella sniffed and wiped her reddened eyes. “... I trusted you! I thought you were my friend! I thought I could confide in you! Why do you choose to hurt me this way? You go behind my back plotting with my husband to take away my joy! How dare you? You were the one who talked me into keeping this pregnancy! And now that I’ve gotten used to it, you plan on taking it away from me! Never!”

“Ella, calm down! We could resolve this amicably.” Dr. Julie said pleadingly.

Ella stood and walked up to Dr. Julie, pointing a finger menacingly at her.

“Are you listening to me? I said never! I will never let you hurt my babies except if you plan on taking my life.”

“No one is taking your life! Please calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down, you betrayer!” Ella raised her hand to slap Dr. Julie but she decided against it and brought her hand down.

“You know what, you and your procedure can go to hell and rot there. Get out of my way before you’ve released the tigress in me.” Ella threatened in a fierce tone.

“Ella, please!” Dr. Julie clasped both hands together. “I can’t let you go out looking like this.” She gestured at Ella’s messy and swollen face. “People will get the wrong idea. It is fine by me if you do not want to remove the child. I will never force you. Just hear me out first before rushing to conclusions.”

“I’m not interested in whatever you want to say, and you don’t have to worry about the way I look. It’s my business!” Ella replied dryly. “There is no amount of defense you will come up with that will make me ever trust you again.”

“Fair enough! You don’t have to trust me. But at least, just hear me out. Let’s sit down and talk. I promise I won’t say anything about the pregnancy termination procedure. I just want to speak to you, please.”

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