Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 83 (2)

I swiftly used [Fragmented Earth Garden]. My target was the protrusion of the ground along its charging path. It was like creating rocks or boulders, making a section of the ground rise.


Although my proficiency was still lacking, I managed to create a raised section of the ground along the path where it was expected to charge.

If the charge continued as planned, Red Drake would certainly collide with the raised ground and come to a stop. I needed to take advantage of this.

I concentrated my magic to prepare for the follow-up attack.



It turned. Not mentally or anything like that… It physically turned during the charge.

Red Drake moved as if it was rotating half of the protruding ground along its charging path, then continued charging toward me.

No, seriously, what is this?

‘Can it change its path during the charge?’

This confirmed it. The rune it possessed wasn’t [Sprint]. My [Sprint] rune couldn’t change the charging path. If I tried, it would immediately cancel the charging assist from [Sprint]. It could only charge in one direction, and if it was canceled, I had to adopt a charging stance and then move again.

However, Red Drake changed its path during the charge and didn’t significantly slow down. It was undoubtedly a higher-level charging rune than [Sprint].

‘I should at least raise my shield.’

I had already missed the timing for evasion, and considering the previous situation, there was a good chance I could get caught in its charge during an evasion attempt. Right now, I had to face that charge, whether it meant life or death.

I summoned [Goblin’s Bronze Shield] using weapon change technique and immediately followed with the skill [Iron Wall Defense].

But that wasn’t the end.

‘Attack is the best defense…!’

Simply repeating evasion and defense wouldn’t give me a chance to turn the tide. While I held the shield, I also drew magic power into it.

[Fiery Flame] and [Penetrating Brain Strike].

Two elemental magic attacks flowed through the shield to the sides.

Fire on the left, lightning on the right.

I prepared these double magic attacks just in case.

If the shield could withstand this collision…

Red Drake’s body might not endure it either.

-Grrr, Grruuhh…!!

Crashing sounds—


“Kuh, ugh…!!”

The shield crumpled, and the tremendous destructive power struck my body. Excruciating pain, beyond imagination. Experiencing that pain firsthand, I could realize something.

‘Ah… The Ruthless Charge effect…’

[Ruthless Charge] wasn’t just about ignoring physical attacks during a charge. If a charge was successful, it had the additional effect of inflicting double the power of the user’s strength on the target. While it wasn’t overly powerful due to various constraints, if it succeeded, it had a devastating effect. With an A-grade monster’s tremendous stats, the impact was doubled.

It had pierced through even [Iron Wall Defense] and struck me. My body was being battered.

-Grr, Grrruuuhh…!!

Of course, Red Drake wasn’t unscathed either. The two magic attacks I had prepared had an effect. Its scales were burning from the flames, and its body twitched as if it had been electrocuted. Clearly, without a magic immunity gimmick and being a creature focused on charging and attack power, it was vulnerable to magic attacks.


Red Drake charged at me again.

I closely observed its movements, despite the [Lizard’s Scales] and [Hardening] remaining from the previous encounter. Blocking it directly with my body seemed like a challenge.

I’d felt the bone-chilling pain when I tried to block it with the shield just now.

I had to avoid it somehow. I would evade at the last moment with [Agile Agility], then use magic attacks and the ultimate skill to finish it off.

If my predictions were correct, just one more successful attack like the one before…

I might be able to defeat it.

“Come on, you little lizard.”

I stared straight at it, not missing a moment of its charge.

For the very last evasion, to ensure that I avoided it completely.

-Grr, Grrruuuhh…!!

And just like that, as Red Drake charged towards me as if it were insane…

It stopped.


Due to the abrupt halt, dust and debris covered Red Drake’s surroundings. It stopped so suddenly. Literally. Its ferocious charge came to an immediate standstill.

And it stared directly into my eyes.

Trembling all over.

As if…

It was in a ‘rigid’ state.

“What the hell is going on with this guy?”

The sight was so bizarre that, for a moment, I forgot about counterattacking. Why on earth was this happening?

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