Adopted Soldier

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

It was the following day, and once again the mercenary club went to the Drama club . When they got there they proceeded to head to the auditorium to practice .

The moment they got to the auditorium they started their practice . rehearsing lines, doing some action sequence . While they were doing one take with all the members present Katrina notice something troublesome . Alex’s clubmates were to eye catching .

Seeing how the other members of the mercenary club aside from Alex were simply extras . Katrina knew that this was a bad setup . When she noticed this, she felt it was weird . The extras look so much better than the main cast, that they most of the people’s attention will shift to the background characters .

If Katrina allowed this to continue, the moment the people a . k . a the audience see that Niel wasn’t part of the main cast, they might actually get a lot of negative reviews . Negative reviews would lead them possibly failing their next production as well . If they don’t perform adequately the Drama Club might disappear entirely . They can also expect that the audience might get a bit rowdy . That’s how popular Niel was, and it was no joke what his fans might do .

Do not underestimate Niel’s fans which are mostly young female teenagers . The mere thought of their ballistic rage frightened Katrina .

Well it wasn’t only Niel, there was Rachel as well who was one of the three beauties of the school . If they don’t give her a big enough role they the audience might hate it as well . There was also Emily who had her fair share of fans .

She wanted to give them bigger roles, but it would be unfair to the Drama Club members . Still she just could not use them as extras . It would have been better not use them at all . But once the crowd sees Alex is the protagonist, the audience will quickly find out that the mercenary club is helping them out .

Was there no other way? Even if Katrina replaces the main cast with the people of the mercenary club they might not be able memorize the script, or perform well . . .

Who was she trying to trick? Those three, had already memorize the whole script, and now they don’t need to read it anymore . Heck Alex just read it twice and now he doesn’t need to keep reading the script, as he performs on stage; and that performance of his was almost absolutely flawless .

Now knowing how good Alex was for this role . Katrina was unable find a better replacement than him . So even though Alex solved their problem with replacing David . His help also resulted into making more problems .

. . .

Emily who noticed her friend Katrina’s dilemma couldn’t help but smile . Everything was simply going so smoothly as she planned . Emily approached Katrina with a smiling face . Katrina seeing Emily nearing her, stopped thinking about how to implement the mercenary club into the play, and greeted Emily .

"Hey Emily . what’s up? Do you need something from me?" Katrina changed her facial expression from troubled to happy .

"Not it’s not that . . . I just couldn’t help but notice that troubled look you were having . As your friend I wanted to know what’s bothering you?"

"Huh? What troubled look? There is nothing of the sort . Really nothing’s bothering me . Why would you even think that?"

"Well I just noticed that you were thinking very hard while you were sitting there . You haven’t even said anything at all while everyone is practicing . Usually you would have commented here and there . . . So Don’t bother hiding it from me . I know you are having some problems . Hmm, let me guess what’s giving you problems . I’m guessing you are having difficulty deciding what role to give the other members of the mercenary club . Simply put that Niel alone would make the audience have a strong reaction, if you don’t give him a bigger role . "

Emily obviously predicted that this would happen . It was a pretty obvious conclusion, if you bring the popular members of the Mercenary Club to the Drama Club .

Katrina who heard Emily, sighed and shrugged her shoulders .

"So what? Do you have a plan?"

"Of course I do . I already kind of predicted that this might happen . So I wrote this . " Emily presented a newly revised script to Katrina .

"You remade the script? Let me see that . " Katrina took Emily’s script and read it . The plot and essence of the play was still the same as before, but this one had more characters . It will also pushed the play to be longer by thirty minutes .

Katrina looked at Emily in awe, this kind of revision wasn’t possible to make overnight . That must mean, either Emily is simply really that good, or she prepared this the moment Katrina gave her the script . The latter is the most probable, but how did she predict that they will need someone to replace the lead?

Was David in on this too? How much control does Emily actually have? Katrina had a lot of questions, but surely she will never get the answers to them, but who cares . This script written by Emily was too good to pass up . It was actually even better than the original . The characters are given more depth in this version making the original, feel kind of boring .

"This is perfect Emily . So who should play which role?"

"Aren’t you the director? Why don’t you decide that?"

"Well your the one who wrote the revision, and you know your club members better than I do . So who do you think fits each role? Also I noticed you added a lead actress, even though there wasn’t any before . Is it because you wanted to take the lead?"

"No not really, it’s more like, I felt that the audience would like some womanly charms in that sausage fest . Also a little romance and drama in a war epic is kinda good too . "

"Okay I get why put that there . So back to my first question who should play the female lead?"

"I think she will be the best one to do the job . " Emily pointed at the person she wanted as the leading lady .

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