Adopted Soldier

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Alex was now in front of Rachel’s room, but before he could enter Rachel stopped him . "Alex wait! Do not enter yet! Okay then, first put me down . I need to do something in my room before letting you in . You wait here, and I’ll tell you when you can come in . Don’t you dare peek or even try to eavesdrop . "

Alex didn’t want to do this, since he wanted Rachel to immediately rest, but seeing that determined look on her face Alex reluctantly agreed . He put down Rachel and waited outside of her room .

While waiting for Rachel to do what she needed to do in her room, Alex suddenly received a call from the head butler .

"Sorry young master some complications had arisen . That’s why we weren’t able to call you immediately, but we finally dealt with the problem"

"What kind of complications? Is everyone alright? How about Lilitth what’s her status?" Alex who has been through a lot in this one night wanted to learn more about the situation . It was getting a bit tiresome moving around with no knowledge of what’s going on .

"Someone was able to hack into our systems, but we were able to stopped the hacking, before they got into any sensitive data . Still because of that hacking, the mansion was blinded for about five minutes . As of now we aren’t sure what the purpose of the hacking was . As for Lilitth ojou-chan she is unaware of the current problems that had arisen, as she is playing with Emily at the moment . "

"Hmm, I see that’s good to know . Please inform Lilitth that I will be sleeping in Rachel’s house, for the night . Tell Emily that I hope she is able to bring Lilitth to school tomorrow . "

"Roger that young master . "

"Also what happened to the body I brought back? Is it still secured?"

"Yes young master the body is secure . Currently we are still in the middle of examining the body . We might have some results tomorrow morning . "

"Brief me the moment you figure out something . "

"Roger that young master . "

. . . .

While Alex was talking to the head butler, Rachel has also contacted someone . It was none other than her best friend Sayaka .

"Rachel! Thank goodness you’re alright! Was Alex able to come on time?"

"Yes he came on time, but enough about that for now . I still want to know how much you know about the bounty on my head, but I’ll save that for later . For now I want you to give me your advise . " Rachel really wanted to know about the reason Sayaka was able to get the information she had, but that was a less important matter, than the matter she was currently facing .

What was truly important right now was Alex going to sleep in her room . Just thinking about it makes Rachel blush .

"Huh? Advise about what?" Sayaka wasn’t surprised by Rachel’s sudden call . Since if Rachel survived and Alex saved her, this call was inevitable . What surprised her was Rachel actually pushed the topic of how much Sayaka knew about the bounty and instead deem something even more important than that . What could possibly be more important than the information of the person that wants to kill you?

"Yeah I need your advise . Alex wants to sleep in my room, what do I do?" The moment Rachel said those lines, Sayaka’s mind stopped working when she heard what Rachel said .

"Huh? Alex wants to sleep in your room? That Alexander Samarita wants to sleep in your, Rachel Regius’ room? Am I hearing that correctly?"

"YES! That Alex wants to sleep in my room, with me! Help me Sayaka, I don’t know what to do!"

"WOW! Who knew beneath that face that has as much expressions as a rock, he had this perverted side as well . Congratulations Rachel! You have awakened the inner man within Alex . . . I still can’t believe stoic Alex actually said he wants to sleep with you . Wow, my best friend is actually about to step foot on the world of adults . Now I feel kind of lonely . "

"What the hell are you saying SAYAKA! What you’re saying isn’t really helping me, it’s just making me nervous all the more! Tell me what should I do? Is this a bad idea . Should I just have rejected him even more strongly?" Rachel was once again panicking .

"Calm down Rachel! This is the most amazing chance you will ever get . Just wear your winning underwear, you know the one on the third drawer . Show it to Alex and just tell me when the wedding will happen . Of course I’m going to be your maid of honor . "

"Huh? That’s not the kind of advise I wanted to hear from you Sayaka! How did you even know which drawer my underwear is in?"

"How long have we’ve been friends Rachel? Obviously as your best friend I look around you room, and check where your underwear is located just in case something like this happens . It’s what a best friend is expected to do . "

"That’s not right! I can’t believe you snooped around my room . . . Okay fine, I can believe you’ve snooped around my room . But I don’t want to do that with Alex! . . . Well not right now . . . I’m still not ready and I’m a bit scared . " Rachel who started out screaming at Sayaka was mumbling the latter part of her statement .

"I can’t hear you Rachel, speak up . Also did you just say you weren’t ready, does that mean you’ll be ready later?" Sayaka with her sharp sense of hearing, heard everything Rachel mumbled and decided to tease her about it .

"I didn’t say anything of the sort! Just tell me what to do with Alex . I already told him that he should be blindfolded while he sleeps on the floor . "

"Huh? Why would you say that? You should’ve said to Alex, that you wanted him to snuggle right beside you on your bed . Why make your savior sleep on the floor? Come on Rachel just give in to you desires already . As your best friend I approve of your relationship with Alex . "

"I don’t need your approval for something like that!" Sayaka continued to tease Rachel, while Alex waited outside of the room .

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