Adopted Soldier

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Emily was having a very big moral dilemma, of either doing what’s fun, or letting things flow naturally . She who was hesitating while holing onto her phone, finally decided what to do .

’Never mind, it doesn’t matter if I tell it now or not . The end would still be the same . At least if say it now, I can somehow control the situation . ’

Emily who decided to message Evangeline did so immediately . She also sent the message to all the members of the Mercenary Club . Once she sent the message to everyone, Emily happily went straight to Rachel’s house .

. . .

Oliver’s phone was ringing since awhile ago . Not only did Emily message him, even Sayaka messaged him a few hours prior . But Oliver wasn’t able to notice the ringing of his phone, because he was practicing his sword dance .

He was in a trance as he swung his sword, that was handed to him by his master . Oliver was doing his practicing with his sword, in his backyard .

The more he swung, the more he became on with the sword . His master Ken hadn’t taught him this, but for some reason this way of training felt familiar to him, it felt part of him .

As Oliver swung his blade familiar scenes keep flashing in his head . It was like his dream, but this time it was now clearer, than it was in his dreams . It was also different than his dreams, The differences were here and there . Oliver wasn’t kidnapped, he wasn’t taken hostage, it was something different .

He was there in that place for a different purpose . As Oliver continued to swing his sword, he fell deeper into his subconscious deeper into his self . It was getting harder and hared to concentrate on the sword, as the memories he knows off and a different set of memories was being played in his mind .

Oliver wanted to know more about the images in his mind, which broke his trance like state . He then stopped swinging his sword, as he breathed heavily .

Oliver couldn’t understand what those images were . He wasn’t able to make sense of those scenes, that were so different from his actual memories . It was even different from the dreams he keeps on having every now and then .

Oliver tried to replicate the feeling he had when he swung his sword, but he couldn’t get back into that trance like state .

’What was that? That memory, it was so different from what I remember, it felt so real . I wasn’t one of the kidnapped children, I was the one who kidnapped them . . . But why? Why was I the bad guy in that memory? Was that even a memory? Or was it another delusion?’

Oliver couldn’t make heads or tails about the memories he just saw . He wanted to ask his parents about the events of the night he got kidnapped . But they would most likely tell the same suspicious answer . Someone saved him and left him in a front of the hospital doors .

Unfortunately the security cameras weren’t working on that day, so there was no video evidence of the events that transpired . If that wasn’t suspicious enough the medical records of Oliver in that hospital were all burned to the ground, in a fire that happened a few days later .

Oliver had a lot of questions, without any answers . So he decided to once again investigate that day . This time he has friends that could help him . So maybe this time, something new might pop out .

When Oliver was done making this decision, he restarted practicing his sword moves . After a few more minutes, he figured that he couldn’t concentrate because of what happened . Oliver took a break and finally saw the messages that were sent to him .

He first checked on Sayaka’s message which was basically her reminding him not to train too hard . It was the same thing everyday, ever since Oliver started to train under his master Ken . Sayaka has been nagging at him every now and then, about taking it easy, or doing something fun with her .

Of course every time Sayaka asks, Oliver had no hope to reject . He has always been pushed around by Sayaka . At first this was irritating and sad, a grown muscular guy like him being pushed around by a small, well compared to him, a small naggy, kinda somehow cute girl like Sayaka .

Yet nowadays Oliver was getting used to her telling him what to do . He wasn’t as uncomfortable like in the beginning, Sometimes he actually feels like he loves hanging out with Sayaka alone .

. . .

When Oliver was done replying to Sayaka’s messages, he read the next message from Emily . As he read the message, Oliver’s mouth slowly opened in shock . He couldn’t believe what he just read, Alex that Alexander Samarita, who was always serious, and had that ever stoic face, was actually going to sleep in Rachel’s room .

Oliver read it thrice before he actually believed what he read was real .

Based on the message sent by Emily, it was even him that suggested he sleep in Rachel’s room . The more shocking thing was, Rachel actually agreed to it . Oliver knowing Emily’s personality, knew that he must not be the only one she messaged .

It was probably okay to assume that she messaged everyone in the Mercenary Club, including Evangeline . Oliver jumped over his fence and sprinted towards Rachel’s place . In his mind he was saying that he was going there to prevent any accidents from happening, but truthfully he just wanted to see a good show . Also he was somehow worried about his comrade Alex, who in his mind was his sorta kinda best friend .

’Comrade Alex, I hope you don’t do anything to aggravate the situation . ’

. . .

Evangeline Kain was already in her bed sleeping, when she heard her phone ringing . She rubbed eyes, and looked at her phone . It was a message from Emily . She wondered what was so important that Emily decided to message her in the middle of the night .

Evangeline who was reading the message was stunned . She couldn’t immediately comprehend what she just read . She wasn’t even sure what she was reading was even right, or that if it was even real . She started to think that maybe she was delusional or that she was having a nightmare of sorts . That’s how surprising the message was to her .

So she read the message again and again, and she even pinched and slapped herself to make sure, she wasn’t dreaming . Once she was sure that she was neither delusional, nor dreaming she stood up and changed her clothes .

She contacted her father, and told him she needed to head out because of the Samaritas . When Evangeline’s father heard that it was something to do with the Samaritas, he allowed his daughter to do what must be done .

Once she got permission to leave by her father, as well as permission to do what needs to be done . Evangeline immediately asked for twenty of their best men to accompany her . When they were ready and got fully equipped they left . She left with them without even briefing her men about the situation .

She just told them that they needed to head to the Regius’ house .

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