Adopted Soldier

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Oliver and Sayaka instead of going on a regular date were training in Ken’s residence again . The two had more fun training swordsmanship together, than going to the mall, or watching a movie . Ken seeing the two students of his smiling happily as they improve in such a fast pace made him feel excited . At this pace they could probably fight Ryu’s student after a year or so . That is if they fought using just swordsmanship .

. . .

While the three of them were having their training routine someone was watching them from a distance . This man was none other than Specter from the Shadow Mercenaries . He couldn’t believe his eyes, as he saw a dead man was right in front of him training .

Though the demeanour has changed as well as the size of his body, but that face and the birthmark he had on his left hand as well as Specters feeling of familiarity . His instincts were telling him that the person he was watching was none other than his comrade James Bourne .

Specter couldn’t wait anymore and headed towards Oliver .

. . .

While Oliver was swinging his sword, someone suddenly appeared before him . It was a man wearing an all-black outfit and a white mask . Ken was surprised to see someone got so near without him noticing, as he went into full alert .

"Damn you James! I thought you were dead man . All this time you were just hear having a vacation and flirting with a cute girl . "

Oliver who heard the man wearing a mask call him James and talk as if he knew him made him confused . ’Wait a minute isn’t this one of the people in my dreams . ’

"You’re . . . Specter right?" Hearing Oliver call his code name made Specter really delighted . His old friend was alive and his still remembered him .

"Why are you talking like that? It’s as if you don’t know me . " Specter thought that confused look of Oliver was him joking around .

"Sorry but I’m not sure if I do know you . . . "

"What are you saying James, it’s me your old buddy Specter . "

"Is everything alright Oly?" Sayaka felt like something was going to happen so she decided to join the conversation .

"I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care . Me and my friend over here are talking so don’t butt in . " Specter was now a bit agitated since Oliver wasn’t responding the way he thought he would, and was irritated by Sayaka suddenly coming in between their conversation .

"Right back at you, I don’t know who you are, but don’t talk to my girlfriend like that . " Oliver’s tone dropped an octave as he spoke .

"You really don’t remember me? Then how do you know my code name? It’s Margie and Phil they did something to you didn’t they . . . Oh, I see, they used the memory wiper on you . What was the trigger again . . . Right it was The light of Valhalla is covered by the darkness of Hades . "

When Oliver heard what Specter said something in his mind snapped . His consciousness was slowly fading as he felt immense bloodlust take over him . Noticing something wrong had happened Specter backed away, while Sayaka approached Oliver worried .

"Oly are you okay?" Ken who sensed something was wrong dashed towards Sayaka’s side and pushed her away . He then tried to block the incoming attack but was unable to do so because of Oliver’s overwhelming strength .

Oliver who didn’t seem like he was in the right state of mind was about to attack Sayaka but instead had punched through Ken’s stomach . The old sword master was dying while Sayaka watched on in horror .

Looking at the situation turn for the worst, Specter decided to retreat for the moment, since he knew how strong Oliver truly was . Oliver was even in a berserker state making him even more dangerous . Seeing this Specter knew Phil and Margie might have done something to him . It was possible that the two traitors programmed Oliver to attack everyone in sight when he hears the trigger words .

’Damn you traitors, for doing this to my friend I will make sure you two have the most horrible deaths . ’

. . .

Oliver who had killed Ken threw the body away, and shifted his focus on Sayaka . When she saw that Oliver’s attention was on her Sayaka knew that this was the end . She was sure that with her abilities she wont be able to flee from Oliver . Still she needed to try something to bring Oliver back to normal . Sayaka opened her arms and waited for Oliver to come .

Oliver silently approached Sayaka and without warning she hugged him . "Oliver it’s alright, none of this is your fault . "

Oliver hearing Sayaka’s voice as well as feeling her tears flow down her face sobered up . He then felt something warm on his hands . He looked at his hands and saw that he had pierced right through Sayaka’s body .

Oliver felt all the blood in his body freeze over, as his face paled . "Huh?" Sayaka who was barely hanging on noticed Oliver’s change in expression and tried to smile but couldn’t .

"Don’t worry Oly, it’s not your fault . . . It’s . . . not-" Sayaka wasn’t able to finish what she wanted to say and closed her eyes . Oliver removed his arm that had punctured a hole into Sayaka’s body and placed her down . When she saw the dead body of the girl he cared for dearly something in him snapped .

His sanity slowly fading, Oliver screamed at the top of his lungs and went into a wild frenzy .

. . .

After that event Oliver headed into the city and went on a rampage killing hundreds of civilians and soldiers . After a long struggle he was finally killed by Kyle and Alex . It was a devastating blow to Alex, killing his best friend and it was also very devastating for Rachel knowing about the death of her own best friend .

This event made Rachel spiral into depression, until finally she couldn’t take it and killed herself . Alex unable to accept Rachel’s death and his inability to save her from her depression shot himself in the head .

. . .

Years later Lilitth became one of the SS rank mercs and vowed to destroy the Shadow Mercenaries, who took everything from her .

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