Adopted Soldier

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

"What are you doing here Matthew?" Alex who was beside Matthew whispered softly so that only he could hear . Matthew on the other hand acted as if he didn’t know Alex and answered .

"Please do not speak to me like that Mr . Samarita . I am your teacher . " Alex already checked and knew that no one was following them, so he answered .

"Stop messing around Matthew, and answer the question . " The moment Alex said this he directed a bit of killing intent at Matthew’s way . If Matthew kept on messing around he would attack him regardless of the situation .

"Hey no need to be so aggressive, I was just joking around . " Matthew raised his hands as if to say he surrenders .

"So answer me already, what are you doing here Matthew?" Alex’s voice got a bit colder as he said this . Matthew was truly surprised, every time he thinks Alex has changed he shows him that deep down he was still the same .

"Yesterday my master called me and told me that Lyner came and defeated him . It was a close battle and master didn’t reveal any of secret moves, but a win was a win . So because of this, master ordered me to stay here for the time being, and learn what I could from Lyner . Seeing as I can’t be a student here in this school, knowing that I already graduated, I decided to become a teacher here instead . "

Alex hearing Matthew’s answer was surprised so Lyner won against another SS rank merc .

"Tell me everything . "

. . .

While Alex and everyone were in school, someone had entered Oliver’s home . This man was none other than Specter . After following Oliver yesterday he learned of the location of his dwelling . Specter waited the whole day for Oliver to leave the premise, once Oliver headed to school Specter entered the house .

On the outside the house look like any normal house, but inside it was anything but normal . Inside the house was full of gadgets littered all over the place . The place was filled to the brim with weird looking gadgets . Though the house had still the normal everyday items, what filled it more were items that look like there suppose to be in a sci-fi film . Still the items in question looked like toys, Specter knew that they were not as simple as they looked .

Specter was now even more sure that Phil and Margie were living with Oliver, since those two were once the top inventors of the Shadow Mercenaries . They were the ones who completed the mind swiper . There were also the ones responsible for the start of the nano machines project . They weren’t there when it was completed but they were the reason it started, and now Specter was using it as his weapon .

. . .

Specter checked all the rooms, he saw one room in particular and knew immediately that it was Oliver’s room . The room was filled with model guns, and airplanes . The posters on the walls were that of war heroes . He even had some heavy looking weights on the floor . Yet the most noticeable thing was the sword that had it’s own shrine . Even with his mind swiped and his memories most probably erased Oliver, remained the same on the inside . He was still James Bourne of the Shadow Mercenaries .

Specter looked around Oliver’s whole room and found nothing of interest . He then continued to search the house, but was unable to find anything useful . He saw the room that was supposedly Phil and Margie’s room but there was nothing there as well . It even looked more normal than anything in the house, it was a normal looking room . It had a T . V, a bed, a closet, and everything else that you would normally see in a room .

. . .

As Specter was checking all the rooms, he found it was weird that Oliver’s supposed parent’s never left the house, yet yesterday though he didn’t get a good look, Specter saw the silhouettes of other people inside the house .

So how come they weren’t here? He was watching the place the whole time, and he saw no one aside from Oliver leave the house . There must be something that he was overlooking . Specter did another clean sweep of the house and found nothing .

’Both those traitors did like making those hidden doors and such . They would always make a switch that no one would suspect to open a hidden door . It’s been a long time since I last saw them so I’m really not that sure, but whatever I have no other leads at the moment . ’

Specter then began pulling on every book in the bookshelf . He started to see if there was a switch hidden in the random objects in the house . While pressing, pulling, and checking all the things in the house, Specter finally noticed that all the pictures present were only of Oliver .

He wondered what was happening . It couldn’t be that Oliver didn’t notice that his mom and dad never took a picture . Maybe he did ask it and was told some excuse, or Oliver’s mind was programmed not to ask this question .

As Specter was thinking about this, he finally gave up and sat on the couch . He looked everywhere, pressed, pulled, and pushed everything in this house yet nothing happened . He checked every nook and cranny of the house, even the rooftop and found nothing .

’Those b*stards really do know how to hide . Maybe if I confront James directly he might be able to remember me and be back to his good old self . Still when it comes to Margie and Phil one must always expect the unexpected . Those two had a lot of failsafes just in case something happens, so they might have done something similar to James . . . Maybe I can befriend James as a transfer student in his school, and slowly gather the information from him . Yeah, that might be possible . I can definitely do that . "

When Specter finally decided what to do next, he noticed that a large picture of Oliver was crooked . He was about to leave the house, but he also noticed that the whole place was wrecked by him . This will most probably alert Phil and Margie, so Specter was thinking if he needed to clean up . It was at this moment Specter found something strange, there was no security cameras inside the house .

He had checked everything and he was sure that the whole house had no security cameras . Phil and Margie would never leave their house this defenseless and easy to infiltrate . Specter felt that this was a trap of some sorts, and waited in the living room in full alert but after a few minutes of waiting nothing happened .

’If there are any security cameras here, Phil and Margie must be laughing there butts off watching how stupid I’m looking . ’ Specter sighed as he was also getting a bit irritated, by the crooked picture on the wall . He then couldn’t help it and fixed it, when he did so he heard something opening in the master bedroom .

Specter quickly headed there and saw the closet had move a few inches to the right, now revealing a hidden area . Specter smiled as he finally found what he was looking for .

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