After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 218:

Chapter 218:

This investigation indeed revealed a significant number of problems. Many officers were found guilty of serious corruption. Who could have imagined that someone managing a granary’s supplies could embezzle over a hundred thousand catties of silver in just four years? Even within the court, seemingly clean institutions like the Honglu Temple and the Ministry of Agriculture were found to be sheltering numerous corrupt individuals. These individuals took advantage of their positions to accept substantial bribes. The scale of these crimes was truly astonishing.

Just as Su Li had predicted, there weren’t many issues among the officers who had aided Li Er in establishing the dynasty. However, among the officers from influential families, more than seventy percent were found to be corrupt. The regions where these influential families held sway were especially affected. Incidents of land encroachment and water resource exploitation were widespread and alarming. In recent days, the execution grounds outside Meridian Gate in Changan City were almost constantly active. The executioners grew fatigued from beheading so many people that they started leaving the execution of officers ranked seventh grade and below to their apprentices. It had reached a point where there were lines for executions – a shocking historical spectacle.

Beyond Meridian Gate, blood flowed unabated, and swarms of flies formed a dark mass that couldn’t be dispersed no matter how hard one tried. In the provinces, executions continued, with heads rolling every day. Almost daily, someone from each influential family would be captured and executed. After all, Su Li’s primary targets were still the Five Clans and Seven Influential Families, while others were just collateral damage.

The entire Tang Dynasty, from local regions to the court, was steeped in blood for a time. Some watched coldly, some applauded, and some clenched their teeth in hatred. But regardless of who they were, they all keenly sensed that as Su Li grew more ruthless, a greater storm was looming at any moment. The only uncertainty was how the Five Clans and Seven Influential Families would respond this time. Amidst the chaos outside, the princess’s residence in Changan remained as peaceful as ever.

In the evening, Su Che, with his short legs, walked up to the courtyard where the stables were located. He paused at the entrance, lifted his head, and cautiously surveyed the surroundings. He quickly slipped inside once he was certain that no one was paying attention to him. At that moment, the white dragon lazily reclined on a hay pile. When it saw Su Che entering, its eyes brightened, and it got up with a snort.


Little Su Che urgently raised a finger to his lips, signaling the white dragon to remain quiet. In recent days, Su Li had been working outside the residence. Since the government office wasn’t far from the princess’s residence, Su Li usually traveled there by carriage, leaving the white dragon with nothing to do. Su Che and the white dragon were restless due to their lack of activity. However, they had recently discovered a new source of entertainment. As Su Che grew older, the spacious princess’s residence had become too small to contain his energy.

When Su Li was around, he occasionally took Su Che for walks. But lately, with Su Li occupied and Princess Changle having a calm disposition, she rarely left the residence. Consequently, Su Che’s outings had become less frequent. With the weather getting warmer, the streets of Changan were becoming increasingly crowded. Every day, separated by the tall courtyard walls, he would listen to the distant calls of various vendors outside. How could little Su Che endure such confinement? However, he was still too young, and Princess Changle wouldn’t let him go out alone. He did want to sneak out, but Princess Changle was concerned about his safety, considering his history of climbing walls and trees. The walls surrounding the inner courtyard of the princess’s residence had been consistently raised in response. Additionally, all the trees close to the walls had been cut down. Little Su Che felt like he had no options.

Fortunately, he had the white dragon! While the walls of the stable’s courtyard were imposing, the white dragon was no slouch in height either. When Su Che realized he could reach the top of the wall by standing on the white dragon, he hatched a plan. Each day at this hour, he would sneak into the stable, use the white dragon’s stature to scale the wall, and then clandestinely venture outside for an hour of play.

Upon his return, he would bring pastries and fruits for the white dragon, hushing any suspicion. A silent agreement formed between a horse and a child, and their cooperation had been flawless lately, each fulfilling their desires.

Today, with Princess Changle away visiting Zhangsun Wu Fei, Su Che intended to go out and play again. In no time, he had ascended the wall and, shielded by the fading daylight, walked along its length to reach the far side of the courtyard. With practiced ease, he leaped from the wall onto a tree and slid down its trunk.

Little Su Che glanced back at the towering courtyard wall with a satisfied grin. He patted the pouch on himself, making a jingling sound, and headed contentedly towards the bustling street.

Today, Zhuque Street was quieter than usual. The recent executions in Changan had left people uneasy, even among the common folk. Surprisingly, the liveliest place in the city was the foreboding area outside the Mandarin City gate.

Street vendors had flocked to that area, leaving Zhuque Avenue rather deserted. Little Su Che strolled along the avenue, making two rounds. After searching for a while, he was disappointed not to find the mask vendor from last time. He pouted slightly in disappointment before entering a pastry shop, intending to buy a pack of pastries the white dragon loved most and head back.

“Young Master, back for some pastries again?” When Su Che walked in, a shop assistant approached with a smile.

Su Che’s height didn’t even reach the height of a chair, so he stood before the counter, tilting his head upward. A hint of confusion flickered in his eyes as he asked, “Who are you? Why haven’t I seen you before? How do you know me?”

“I just started working here today, Young Master. The owner had some urgent matters and instructed me to treat you well if you came.”

Su Che nodded, fully aware that his distinctive appearance made him easily recognizable.

“Give me five pounds of cinnamon cake and five pounds of that candied fruit cake. I’ll take them with me.”

The shop assistant’s smile remained unwavering as he said, “Certainly, I’ll prepare that for you. Can you manage it? Would you like me to help you carry it back?”

Su Che politely declined the shop assistant’s offer. After all, he had received plenty of warnings from Su Li. He knew well that his strength exceeded that of most adults, so ten pounds of goods were as light as a feather to him.

Su Che wandered around the shop as the shop assistant prepared the items. Being a curious child who couldn’t sit still, he began to explore. The pastry shop was a well-known establishment in Changan with a spacious storefront. Yet, as Su Che roamed about, he couldn’t help but notice something amiss. Apart from the shop assistant he had seen earlier, there appeared to be no one else in the usually bustling shop.

A sense of unease crept over him. Though young, Su Che was remarkably astute. His subconscious alertness prompted him to turn his head instinctively. And then, he saw four burly men emerging from the back of the shop seemingly out of thin air.

Even the shop assistant had stopped what he was doing and positioned himself by the entrance, shutting the door behind him. All five men brandished gleaming steel knives in their hands.

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