After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 143: They're so hypocritical.

Chapter 143: They're so hypocritical.

When Robb went up the town wall, he found that there was no enemy attack, but only a large group of "refugees," two or three hundred people, obviously refugees, dragging their children, carrying pots and pans while carrying a few belongings, each poverty-stricken and starving.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that this group of refugees have a pair of furry pointed ears on top of their heads, which look like cat ears.

At a glance, Robb knew why the sentinels on the sentry tower had sounded the alarm.

These refugees are not human beings but demi-humans. To be exact, they are cat folk.

In addition to the great races of humans, elves, dwarves, pygmy, and trolls, there are all kinds of creatures on Fengmo Continent. In addition, demi-human races are relatively close to human beings, such as the hundreds of millions of familiar rabbitmen from Big Tang.

In addition, the werewolf guerrillas, the bear folk, the cat folk, the dog folk, the pig folk, the fish folk, the shrimp folk, the crab folk, the lizardfolk, and so on. Its so much that they cannot be counted with ten fingers and ten toes.

The present sentinels in Westwind Town are all from the Templar Knights, who believed in the Temple of Light from an early age, which, except for the werewolf tribe led by White Moon, regarded the demi-humans of any race as heretics. They not only didnt take care of them but even persecuted, excommunicated, and even killed them.

Therefore, when the Sentinels of the Templar Knights saw the emergence of demi-human refugees outside the town, their first reaction was not to help but to close the town door tightly and sound the alarm.

As soon as Robb saw the scene, he angrily scolded the sentinel next to him, "this situation required you to sound the alarm? Do you think Im that free? You made me run all the way from the chapel to the wall. Somebody, drag this sentinel down and beat him for ten minutes."

Bishop Elsie rushed out and kicked the sentinel to the ground, "Only sound the alarm bell when needed."


Little Yi said angrily, "you were idle anyways, and you were pushed over by Lillian on a wheelchair. How did you tire yourself coming all the way here? You arent even human if you got tired over such a thing. How dare you instruct the bishop to beat the sentinel?"

Robb said innocently, "I didn't give any orders!"

Little Yi said, Wasnt it an order when you said you wanted him to be beaten for ten minutes?"

Robb, "I was just telling a joke. I didn't know Bishop Elsie was so active."

Elsie felt conflicted.

There was a mess going on on their side, but on the other side, the two little nuns of the Church of Darkness shouted, "Ah, there are cat folk refugees outside. Open the town gate and let them in, poor things."

The sentinels remained motionless and even rolled their eyes at the two dark nuns.

The two dark nuns looked at the sentinels from the Church of Light around them and realized that it was not up to them, so they looked pitifully at Robb.

Robb did not disappoint them, and without even thinking about it, he ordered, "Open the town gate and let the cat folks in."

A Paladin said "hey" and tried to speak, but before saying another word, he was put to the ground by Bishop Elsie, and then Bishop Elsie himself opened the gate of the town.

The cat folk refugees outside were still a little hesitant, but then number 8 stood on the town wall, plus two dark priests waved to them and said, "Children, come in! Westwind Town has opened its gates for you."

The cat folk were relieved of their worries and ran over quickly.

These guys ran really fast, far faster than humans in terms of running speed alone, and swarmed through the town gate in the twinkling of an eye. Instead of facing Robb, they knelt down in front of the number 8 and said, "Dear Master, please help us."

Robb felt amused, "these people are followers of the Church of Darkness!"

"Isn't it a matter of course?" Little Yi explained in a low voice, "Cats love the night, and so do cat folk. They are naturally biased towards the Church of Darkness. They nap when light shows."

Robb smiled, Lets see how number 8 will deal with this.

Number 8s dry face filled with kindness and said, Whats the matter? Did you run into any difficulties?

The cat people said pitifully, "our village was attacked by a group of werewolves. They burned down our village and took away all the food we had stored for the winter. Fortunately, we escaped quickly; otherwise, we would all have been killed. But although we are still alive, the village is gone, so we wont be able to go through the cold winter, so we had to go out and find a place where we can settle down. According to a merchant, Master is in Westwind Town, and it is very rich, so we want to seek refuge here. "

It turned out that these cat folk usually lived in the poplar forest in the southwestern part of the birch forest in a small village. Number 8 had some ties with these cat people. He once led the Church of Darkness members to stay in the cat folks' village for a long time and sent a lot of supplies to them.

The cat folk are grateful for his kindness and still remember the favor number 8 did for them. They heard that number 8 was in Westwind Town, so they rushed over, bringing their sons and daughters over.

What they did not expect, however, was that there were people from the Church of Light in Westwind Town, and they were a little confused when they saw a group of light priests standing together with dark priests.

Number 8 turned to look at Robb but saw that Robb made a sign of "give it to you." He smiled at the cat folks and said, "now that you are here, of course, the God of Darkness will not ignore you. It just happens that the Chapel of Darkness in Westwind Town has just been completed, so you can stay in the chapel temporarily. As for how to live next, I will arrange for you."

Cat people are overjoyed. They hurriedly praised the God of Darkness, praised Master!

Then the cats stood up and followed the two dark nuns in the direction of the chapel.

The Templar Knights stood by and watched the scene with mixed feelings and did not know what to say.

Robb turned and smiled at Little Yi and the two nuns. "look, arent they behaving exactly the same as you when you accepted the refugees?"

Little Yi nodded and said nothing.

The two light nuns could not help sticking out their tongues, "the dark villains are pretending to be kind. They are so hypocritical."

Hahaha! Robb laughed.

Little Yi made a straight face and said seriously to the two nuns, "whether they are pretending or not, poor people have been helped. Isn't that the most important thing?"

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