After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 69: Night Ambush

Chapter 69: Night Ambush

At the sight of the portal, Gorda, Jike, and Xuelu shrugged.

In fact, the three of them should be very surprised, but in recent days there have been so many surprises that they have become so numb that they have no choice but to use their shoulders instead of saying, "Oh! My God!"

Gorda said, A single person is capable of making this portal? Ill just say that its because its you.

Jike mumbled, Tracking Arrow! Tracking Arrow!

"Stop mumbling and go in." Robb kicked Jike into the portal.

Every one passed through the portal easily and arrived at the chapel yard in Westwind Town. Lillian was squatting on the ground with a small kettle in her hand, staring at the field, murmuring, "Why? The God of Light should have blessed this field. Why cant the pepper I plant ripen in a day? Why can master do it? Im doing exactly as he did."

Robb smiled and said, "Lillian, what are you working on?"

Lillian was startled by the sudden sound. A fart sounded while she squatted on the ground. She turned around and saw her master and the three adventurers, each carrying a large bag.

Her little face suddenly blushed, "Oh, master is back, I I I embezzled a piece of pepper and planted it in the field. You you won't scold me, right?'

"Don't be so nervous about a piece of pepper. It's okay to use another two more."

"Master, you can't waste it like that!"

"All right, go boil some water. I want to take a bath. It's really inconvenient to be away from home. I didn't take a bath last night. I feel so dirty." After Robb said this, he suddenly remembered something and turned to the adventurer trio and said, "When was the last time you took a shower?"

The three spread their hands together, "The day of departure."

"Oh, my God!" Robb almost jumped up, "Gorda and Jike, put my spider down, go to the mountain spring to take a bath, Xuelu, you don't have to go to the mountainside. Wait for Lillian to boil water."

Huh, why are we being treated differently again? Gorda shouted, "you can't be so partial to your friends."

The yard was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

On the other hand

Thousands of skeletons wandered aimlessly in the valley of the Black Pine Mountains because they had lost their leader.

The body of the necromancer turned cold.

A group of men dressed in black cloaks passed through the area where the skeletons roamed and came to the necromancer's body.

The leader of the cloaked men whispered, "number 32 was killed."

Another man said, "it seems he had been killed by a priest and an arrow. His dark magic was first broken, and then he was shot by a bow and arrow. There are a large number of human footprints in the valley, which should have been from the Kingdom of Gran and the Church of Light."

Another man said strangely, "I told you that he acted so arrogantly that he stole skeletons from human villages and towns to make skeletons. Sooner or later, he would be found by the Kingdom of Gran and the Church of Light. He shouldve learned from us and only looked for bodies in the wilderness so that although it is slower, it is safe and undetectable.

"That was a really stupid idea." The leader of the cloaked men said, "but thanks to him, more than a thousand skeletons have been gathered here in just a few decades. If we use it well, we can have a strong combat force, so I will accept it impolitely."

He slowly raised his hand, releasing dark magic which pervaded the whole valley, and the skeletons wandering nearby suddenly turned to look at him at the same time and then crackled. They knelt on one knee neatly, obedient.

A man said, Neither the church nor the kingdom of Gran will allow these skeletons to wander here. The templar knights will soon be sent to purify this land. And when they realize that the skeletons have a new master, war will be inevitable.

"Yes!" The leader of the cloaked men said faintly, "War can no longer be avoided. But we have nothing to be afraid of. We have been preparing for this war for more than three years. We had planned to send troops to fight simultaneously when the Black Dragon attacked to destroy the Kingdom of Gran in an instant. However, more than seven months have passed since the year of the Black Dragons Flight, and the black dragon has not yet arrived, and no one knows which town the damned black dragon will appear in this year or if it even will appear at all. We waited in vain for more than seven months, damn it.

"There are still four months to go before the Black Dragons Flight ends.

"We can't wait for the damned dragon," said one of the men. "We must at least destroy the towns west of the Bright Road while the Royal Knights and White Lion Cavalry are stuck in their places."

The leader of the cloaked men seriously considered the question and said, You are right! We can't afford to wait. Spread out, attack the planned target towns quickly, and build up our power before the White Lions Cavalry react.

A man pointed to the body on the ground, "the original target of No. 32 was Westwind Town, but now he is dead. Who will occupy Westwind Town in his place?"

"I'll go!" A cloaked man came forward and whispered, "my original target is the stone canyon, but it is only a tiny village. I can occupy the stone canyon as fast as I can and then take over Westwind town." (Stone Canyon is Lillian's hometown. For those who have forgotten, please refer to Chapter 10.).

The leader of the cloaked men thought, "All right, it's all yours. Note that Westwind Town, with a population of nearly a thousand, should be able to organize a militia with hundreds of people, and I heard that a priest has recently settled there. Although a town priest will not have much power, holy magic is the nemesis of our dark magic and must be treated with caution.

Understood!" The cloaked man who had spoken before folded his hands on his chest and retreated.

Then all the people in cloaks dispersed and disappeared into the dark night.

Only the last man in the cloak, who looked up at the starlight in the sky, said in a gloomy tone, "I will rule you, Kingdom of Gran! No one deserves it but me."

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