After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 91: He was a great knight

Chapter 91: He was a great knight

Just as the two skeletal knights brought down the necromancer, the skeleton army and the group of elementals ahead were fighting lively, and the battle had not yet come to an end.

Huh? Look! Little Yi pointed to a distant part of the battlefield, "those two skeletal knights suddenly betrayed the necromancer, and the necromancer was knocked down. Thats strange. What happened?"

Ah, it seems to be true. Gorda was also happy, "Thats funny. The necromancer seems to have been knocked unconscious. That skeletal knight is quite powerful."

"Isn't it strange, though?" Xuelu said, "that's his own skeletal knight. It's supposed to be obedient to him. How could it turn against him?"

When the three people said this, they thought of something simultaneously and suddenly looked at Robb with a look of consternation.

Little Yi said, "You you did this? No wonder I've been feeling dark magic around me. Did you forcibly take control of those two skeletal knights? "

Robb could tell the truth but didnt really deem it necessary to do so. Admitting that he can play with skeletons will frighten the people on the side of light. Ill just fool them then.

He said seriously, "I didn't do such a thing. The dark magic you just felt should have been released by the necromancer on the other side. He may have wanted to play some dirty trick on us. As a result, he didnt have enough magic to suppress the souls of the two knights."

He stood up, hands behind his back at 45 degrees, and leisurely said, "those two knights mustve been great people when they were alive, but after death, were controlled by the necromancer. Their hearts are full of reluctance and anger. They have probably been trying to use their own will to break away from the grasp of the necromancer, and they finally did; when the necromancers were too focused on fighting us, they seized the opportunity. With their strong will to fight against dark magic, they were finally released from the control of the necromancer. Then they waved their swords of glory and justice and fought for freedom, while! Ah! I admire them. Even if they are dead now, I am full of respect for their deeds."

As he spoke, the skeletal knight in the distance, who had knocked out the necromancer with its shield, raised its sword and raised it into the sky, then, with a "wow" sound, made a backhand attack and stabbed itself in the chest, and then fell slowly.

Look! Robb pointed to the knights slowly falling body and said, "after defeating the necromancer, it decided to free itself from its body. It wanted to ascend to heaven. That was so great that I was almost moved to tears by its actions.

With these words, Little Yi also burst into tears. She silently drew a cross on her chest and choked with sobs, "Truly amazing! However, he has become undead. It cannot die even if it stabs itself. Ah, how pitiful it is. Its soul is stuck in its body It's truly pitiful I'm going to cast a purification spell on it immediately to help him ascend to heaven. "

Sure enough, it couldnt die by stabbing itself.

In a blink of an eye, the skeletal knight got up from the ground again, carried the necromancer who had fainted on his shoulder, and came over to Westwind Town.

By the time the necromancer fainted, the plague was receding, and the undead army was dazed, the elemental army took the opportunity to attack. While it all went on, the skeletal knight carried the necromancer across the battlefield. Its a wonder how it went unscathed and that no elementals or undead attacked it.

In this way, it walked straight to the gate of Westwind town, put the necromancer on the ground, and then it knelt on one knee and stopped moving.

"He He is begging us for help."With tears in her eyes, Little Yi chanted a spell of purification. A golden light wrapped the knight. He looked up, as if smiling on its skeleton face, and then something seemed to fly from him and rise into the sky.

Afterward, its skeleton body fell to the ground and scattered into a pile of bones.

The battlefield slowly quieted down. After the army of undead outside lost their leader, they began to wander aimlessly. The fire elementals threw out countless fireballs, burning all the undead who had lost their leaders to ashes, and afterward, it was time for the elementals to leave.

They saluted in the direction of Westwind Town. The wind elementals dispersed into the air; the water elementals crashed like ordinary water; the fire elementals burnt and turned into a little spark that flashed away; the earth elementals slowly sank into the ground.

Finally, only an area of ashes remained in the open area outside Westwind Town.

The townspeople cheered

"We won!"

"Oh, my God, I can't believe we won like this."

"It was a piece of cake."

"Some only talked. At least I cheered till my throat parched.

I also shouted Boss 666! Now my throat hurts. (TL: 666 can mean that everything will go smoothly.)

"My throat is sore, too."

The historical records of Westwind Town were later recorded as follows, [On August 1344, Westwind Town was besieged by more than 2,000 undead troops led by a high-ranking necromancer. Everyone in town, led by Father Robb, rebelled to their deaths. In this life-and-death battle, a total of 32 townsmen in Westwind town shouted themselves hoarse because they shouted too hard while cheering, making it the most devastating battle to take place In the town for a hundred years.]

The townspeople removed the big stones blocking the town gate. Afterward, Gorda went out and brought in the necromancer who had fainted.

While Little Yi went to the pile of knights' bones, picked them up with both her hands, and, solemnly and sacredly, carried it to the cemetery behind the chapel, dug a hole, buried them, and erected a monument. It says, "Here lies a true knight."

Jike, who was in charge of scouting for any reinforcements, ran back with a man on his back, "Mr. Robb, I found a man in the woods."

Everyone looked intently and realized that the man was the one who was caught prior to the start of the battle. After he was shot by the skeleton archer, he was tied by a rope and thrown into the woods.

(If you forgot him, please refer to chapter 86)

When the mayor saw that the man was still alive, he was satisfied, "the army of undead didn't kill him! Right, I remember, the necromancer said their purpose is to occupy and dominate, not destroy and kill. In this way, there may be a lot of survivors in the towns occupied by the army of undead."

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