After Rebirth, I Married the Archenemy of My Ex-Husband

Chapter 126: The Embarrassment of Zhu Xingzhi

Chapter 126

The countdown ended.

An Nuan made a gesture as if she was about to jump down.

"Ah!" Everyone on the rooftop screamed in fright.

At that moment, Zhu Xingzhi was so scared that he peed himself.

Seeing An Nuan's action, his legs kept shaking, and then a puddle of water flowed down between his legs.

"No, no, no, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" At that moment, Zhu Xingzhi lost all his sanity.

The fright of death made him lose all his thoughts.

Right now, he was desperately eager to get off the rooftop railing. Right now, he desperately needed stability.

But at this moment, his legs were so soft that he couldn't even move.

Of course An Nuan wouldn't really jump down.

She was just making a gesture.

Seeing Zhu Xingzhi scared to the point of collapsing, she gave Hu Feng a look.

Hu Feng understood, and hurriedly went to pull Zhu Xingzhi.

With Hu Feng's support, Zhu Xingzhi slowly calmed down.

After coming down, he knelt and sat on the ground, with no spirit left.

For the most part, who could have thought that the person making the threats would be the one scared enough to pee himself by the person being threatened.

An Nuan also climbed down from the rooftop.

It was An Yanyuan who went up first to help An Nuan down.

An Yanyuan's face was pale at that moment.

"Dad, I'm fine," An Nuan reassured.

"Saying you're fine, you scared me to the point of almost having a heart attack!" An Yanyuan said angrily.

An Nuan smiled at An Yanyuan.

To be honest, at the moment she climbed up, she really wasn't afraid.

Now that she came down and recalled the scene from earlier, she did feel somewhat frightened afterwards.

After all, falling from such a tall building would undoubtedly lead to certain death.

She took a deep breath.

Seeing someone go to help Zhu Xingzhi up from the ground and take him away, An Nuan directly blocked Zhu Xingzhi's path.

At this moment, it seemed that Zhu Xingzhi had also come to his senses, but he didn't even dare to face anyone because of the embarrassing incident earlier.

"Didn't you want me to give you an explanation? I'm now giving you an explanation in front of everyone!" An Nuan enunciated every word.

At this time, Zhu Xingzhi didn't have the mindset to listen to any of this.

Thinking that not only did he fail to humiliate An Nuan today, but instead made a fool of himself, he wished he could crawl into a crack in the ground!

"That's enough, An Nuan. There's no need to keep bullying people," Chang Deyue started acting as the good guy again.

In his heart he was also extremely angry.

He had thought that Zhu Xingzhi, who could only make empty threats, was just all talk and no action. As a result, he got so scared that he peed himself!

"I'm not bullying people, but giving Zhu Xingzhi and everyone else an explanation," An Nuan said loudly, "I think right now, 80% of the company's top management is standing here, along with many employees, some of whom were included in my personnel reassignment. I'm taking this opportunity, in front of the company's leadership, to provide an explanation to everyone."

Chang Deyue wanted to stop her again.

But An Yanyuan spoke up, "That's fine. I'd also like to hear why you want to reassign personnel as soon as you joined the company. And why did you suddenly fire veteran employee Zhu Xingzhi?"

His seemingly harsh words were clearly meant to help An Nuan.

Chang Deyue endured it and didn't go against the chairman.

An Nuan, having obtained permission, said loudly, "First of all, let me resolve everyone's doubts about why I'm reassigning personnel. Actually, when I was reassigning people, HR Director Ning advised against it, saying that with me just having joined, it was inappropriate to do so, as it would hurt morale. Isn't that right, Director Ning?"

"Yes, I can attest to that," Ning Lianghui quickly acknowledged.

"I knew all the consequences that this would bring, but I insisted on doing it anyway, precisely because I'm extremely dissatisfied with the current allocation of personnel in the sales department. Some important positions that require two people to cooperate have only one person assigned, while some tasks that only need one person have two or even three people doing them. I must change this extremely irrational division of labor. That's the first reason. Second, staying in one position for too long inevitably leads to laziness. Changing to a new job position helps reignite passion. I don't see anything wrong with this."

Of course, there was another important reason that she couldn't say, which was that she needed to eliminate dissenters.

"How do you know that everything you've arranged is right? You just joined the company. How do you know what kind of talent is needed for a position? How can you be so sure that your configuration is correct? How can you guarantee that employees will be more motivated after changing jobs?" Chang Deyue retorted, clearly not giving An Nuan any leeway.

"Director Chang, whether personnel changes can ultimately generate returns will depend on the final results. If I'm not mistaken, all the top management agreed to give me three months to half a year to prove myself. And now you're asking me to produce results within a week. Isn't Director Chang being a little too demanding? " An Nuan ridiculed Chang Deyue mercilessly.

"You!" Chang Deyue was left speechless by An Nuan's sarcasm.

An Nuan went on, "Since the top management leaders originally reached a consensus with me, I hope that the leaders can be magnanimous in supporting and respecting my decisions."

At this point, if anyone were to object further, it would be akin to slapping their own face.

After all, everyone had nodded in agreement initially. To interfere with An Nuan's plans after just a few days would be somewhat untrustworthy. Thus, no one said anything more.

At that moment, Chang Deyue couldn't help but gnash his teeth secretly.

The personnel reassignment was an internal matter within An Nuan's jurisdiction in the sales department. For him to intervene could be seen as not giving An Nuan room to develop, which would give others ammunition against him. He could only let it go.

However, he stated bluntly, "As for firing Zhu Xingzhi, don't you think you went too far? Just because you don't like him, you want to fire him? Aren't you taking the company too lightly!"

"Did Zhu Xingzhi tell you that I fired him because I don't like him?" An Nuan raised her eyebrows.

Chang Deyue immediately realized he had misspoken.

He hastily glossed over it, "Didn't Zhu Xingzhi just say so earlier?"

"I don't know what Zhu Xingzhi said earlier or didn't say. But I did indeed consider firing him," An Nuan said.

"Reassigning staff is within your authority, but laying off employees is not!"

"That's why I said I considered it. Because I had that thought, I consulted HR Director Ning about the process and procedures for dismissing an employee. I didn't expect that it would get spread around so quickly. I was just about to report this matter to the top management." An Nuan spoke calmly.

Chang Deyue gnashed his teeth.

Once again, he had fallen into this damn girl An Nuan's trap.

"What's your reason?!" Chang Deyue asked fiercely.

"During this personnel reassignment, Zhu Xingzhi incited all sales department staff to refuse the position changes, deliberately going against the company's decisions. Shouldn't people who undermine the company's direction be dismissed?"

"Do you have evidence?!" Chang Deyue pressed on relentlessly!

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