After Rebirth, I Married the Archenemy of My Ex-Husband

Chapter 135: The Business Power of Warm

Chapter 135

An's Group, sales department conference room.

An Nuan sat in the middle position.

On both sides sat the center managers, supervisors and some core employees of the sales department.

She glanced at them.

At that moment she saw An Xiao.

Because of An Zhao's death, An YanKun, An Hao and An Xiao were all on bereavement leave at home.

This leave has not finished yet.

An Xiao came.

An Xiao noticed An Nuan's eyes and hurriedly said, "My sister has been buried, I can only grieve at home, so I came to work early. I thought maybe work could distract me and relax my mood a little."

An Nuan nodded slightly and hmmmed in acknowledgment, without saying much else.

An Xiao just looked at An Nuan's coldness towards her, also with scrutiny.

Yesterday, the thing about An Nuan forcing Zhu Xingzhi to leave and pressuring Chang Deyue to retreat, actually caused huge waves within their family. They were completely unexpected that the second in command of the prestigious An's Group, was actually forced by An Nuan to leave the company, and could only enjoy pure dividends in the future without participating in company decisions anymore.

When her father knew about this news, he did not calm down for even a second.

Her father had painstakingly pulled in Chang Deyue. Chang Deyue could still support him in the senior leadership. Now he was actually ruined by An Nuan, making him leave in disgrace. It was simply unacceptable.

But the fact was just so.

Her father could only ask her, her brother and himself to come to the company early.

He was really afraid that in these few days without them, An Nuan would really turn the company upside down!

Their family absolutely could not let An Nuan develop.

If An Nuan developed, their family's desire to control An's Group would almost be wishful thinking.

So early this morning, she also came with him to the company.

As soon as she reached the company gate, she ran into An Nuan. At that moment she wanted to go up, but saw Ye Jinghuai getting out of the car.

Ye Jinghuai was really handsome.

But before, his reputation was not good, so real upper class young ladies would not notice him. But I don't know when it started, Ye Jinghuai's image seemed to have changed too. It seemed to be after marrying An Nuan that Ye Jinghuai's development was also going in a good direction, and even overshadowing Gu Yan Sheng.

It had to be said that Gu Yan Sheng losing face at the scene of the wedding ceremony really damaged his energy, and his whole person simply plummeted.

Not to mention others.

An Xiao herself felt that compared to Ye Jinghuai's current halo, Gu Yan Sheng really had no highlights.

Originally she still had thoughts about Gu Yan Sheng...



She gritted her teeth.

Thinking of Ye Jinghuai and An Nuan's interaction this morning, the obvious feelings in Ye Jinghuai's eyes were not pretended emotions, which really made her jealous to the point of madness.

She really didn't know why An Nuan was so lucky.

Why was she born so much better than her from the beginning?

Why could she live so glorious and brilliant now?

While she still had nothing!

"Today's meeting is mainly to comb through some of the sales difficulties currently facing the sales department, and focus on discussing two projects, one is the Hua Tan abandoned housing estate, and the other is the merchant solicitation and flow of people problem in Guangming Building." As soon as An Nuan spoke, her aura was powerful.

Everyone in the conference room was very quiet.

An Nuan spoke again, "The main focus today is the merchant solicitation and flow of people problem in Guangming Building. Secretary Luo, what is the current situation of Guangming Building?"

Luo Sigong respectfully came forward.

She projected the PPT she had worked overtime to make last night, and began to introduce, "This is the current situation of Guangming Building. We built it for one year, a total of 12 floors, with nearly 1,000 shops. The current occupancy rate is 20%, which means less than 200 merchants are operating. And from what I know, only about 130 merchants are actually open for business normally. The other merchants have chosen to close down directly because of heavy losses. Once their contract period ends, they will choose to terminate the agreement."

"An's Group invested 2 billion in Guangming Building. So far, the cost recovery is 20 million. That is to say, this project has lost a total of 1.98 billion since construction. It is one of An's Group's biggest loss-making projects." Luo Si solemnly and seriously introduced, "And according to the original planning for Guangming Building, we would have fully recovered the costs within three years, and the profit within five years would have reached 30% of the investment amount. That is to say, within 5 years, Guangming Building's revenue would be 2.6 billion. Under the current circumstances, that is wishful thinking."

After Luo Si finished her report, she respectfully stepped down from the podium.

An Nuan shifted her gaze from the screen, "Which department was previously responsible for the merchant solicitation and flow of people for this project?"

"It was us." Sales department group A center manager Meng Qiming said, "At that time, I was in charge of the on-site implementation of this project."

"Why was our merchant solicitation so bad?" An Nuan asked.

"Originally, Guangming Building was constructed after considering many factors. It was supposed to be a very hot commercial district. But there were three actual situations encountered later. First, because of large-scale demolitions around Guangming Building, many local residents moved away, resulting in the cancellation of the local subway station. The inconvenience in transportation meant no pedestrian flow for the mall, and once there is no pedestrian flow, it is very difficult to attract merchants. Second, Guangming Building was originally intended to be the largest high-end luxury brand mall in Qing City, but currently, no first-tier luxury brands are willing to move into Guangming Building. Without the formation of first-tier luxury brands and scale, there will be no butterfly effect, naturally other brands will not move in either. Third, because of the high construction standards at the beginning, Guangming Building spent a lot of costs. So the cost of merchant solicitation is also higher than average stores, and merchants find it hard to choose us after weighing factors."

An Nuan nodded, as if she understood.

She said, "Manager Meng will take me to see it on site this afternoon."

"Yes." Meng Qiming nodded.

"Now for this project, I will make the work arrangements clear. Before making it clear, let's set our goal first." An Nuan's harsh tone carried powerful aura.

Everyone was extremely respectful, waiting for orders.

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