After Rebirth, I Married the Archenemy of My Ex-Husband

Chapter 413: Xiao Nan Chen, we might as well divorce

Chapter 413

"His right foot should be completely recovered. He told me about it that day," Xia Qiqi said. "His left foot still doesn't have much sensation. After the accident, the doctor said that his right foot could recover, but his left foot would be difficult. It's possible that his left foot will be disabled for life."

As she spoke, Xia Qiqi felt somewhat suppressed.

She never imagined that she would let Xiao Nanchen sit in a wheelchair all the time.

Actually, many times when she saw the image of Xiao Nanchen in a wheelchair, it gave her an indescribable feeling.

That's why, despite saying that she didn't want to be with him, she kept compromising.

It was still because of guilt.

"So he didn't tell you that his left leg has actually recovered," Nie Ziming said, with an obviously cautious tone.

Xia Qiqi frowned.

"I ran into Xiao Nanchen and his dedicated doctor today. I heard his dedicated doctor say in person that his left leg has regained sensation and he can walk in 2 to 3 months. Within half a year, he can recover to a normal person's state."

Xia Qiqi fell silent, clearly taken by surprise.

She really didn't expect that Xiao Nanchen's legs could recover.

She couldn't express her feelings.

She didn't know if she was angry or relieved.

In any case, she felt conflicted.

Nie Ziming didn't get a response from Xia Qiqi and hurriedly explained, "Qiqi, I'm telling you this not to sow discord, but because I don't want Xiao Nanchen to keep deceiving you. He used his disabled legs to force you into marriage in the first place. I don't want you to feel too guilty towards him."

"Yeah, I understand your thoughts. You don't need to explain further," Xia Qiqi nodded. "I also never thought that Xiao Nanchen would be fine like this. I saw him sitting in a wheelchair all the time and never thought that his legs would get better."

"Qiqi, between you and Xiao Nanchen..."

"Ziming, I don't want to talk about me and him right now," Xia Qiqi refused.

She really didn't want to talk about it. It felt annoying.

She felt inexplicably irritated.

Nie Ziming quickly said, "Alright, I'm afraid it will upset you. If you don't want to talk about it, we won't. I won't disturb your rest anymore. Take care of yourself, your health is the most important."


Xia Qiqi hung up the phone.

She lay in bed for a long time without being able to fall asleep.

Her mind was filled with Nie Ziming's words about Xiao Nanchen's legs recovering.

Xiao Nanchen's legs had both recovered, why didn't he tell her?

She couldn't express what she felt in her heart, she just tried to force herself to sleep.

In the end...

Xia Qiqi managed to fall asleep.

But this time, her sleep was not very peaceful.

In her dream, there was a baby's voice calling her "Mommy" over and over again, each call breaking her heart.

She searched all over the place but couldn't find the source of the voice.

Then suddenly, she saw a baby covered in blood, and that baby kept asking her, "Mommy, why don't you want me?"


It's not that I don't want you.

That's not it.

Mommy doesn't not want you.

I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry.

Xia Qiqi suddenly opened her eyes.

In front of her, it seemed like the image of the bloody baby was still there, along with its terrifying voice.

"Have a glass of water," a familiar male voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

Xia Qiqi suddenly turned her head.

She saw Xiao Nanchen beside her.

Their eyes met.

Xia Qiqi just kept looking at him without any reaction.

Tears streamed down her face.

They were tears of pain.

"I've put the water here. If you want to drink, go ahead," Xiao Nanchen placed a glass of water on the bedside.

Then he pushed the wheelchair and walked to the side.

Xia Qiqi's throat moved slightly.

The dream she had just now felt so real.

It was as if it had actually happened.

She sat up from the bed, feeling a discomfort on her face. She wiped it and realized that her face was wet with tears.

Xia Qiqi struggled to calm herself down.

She told herself that it was just a dream.

Just a dream.

But whenever she thought of the scenes in the dream, her eyes would well up with tears again.

She tried hard to hold back.

She turned her head to look at Xiao Nanchen packing his luggage.

Xia Qiqi became excited all of a sudden.

She got off the bed and walked towards Xiao Nanchen, asking, "Are you moving out?"

Xiao Nanchen replied, "It's better for us to live separately now."

"What do you mean, Xiao Nanchen?!" Xia Qiqi asked, her emotions reaching a boiling point.

She was truly fed up with Xiao Nanchen's cold indifference.


It was her fault that they lost the baby.

If he wanted to scold her, then scold her.

There was no need to resort to this kind of retaliatory behavior while pretending to be magnanimous.

"I'm not blaming you," Xiao Nanchen said straightforwardly, "I just think we need some time apart."

"You're not blaming me? Then why are you moving out? Xiao Nanchen, can't you stop being so hypocritical!" Xia Qiqi's words dripped with icy sarcasm. "It's just like how you've already recovered from your leg injury. You know I would feel guilty, yet you refuse to tell me about the progress of your recovery. Xiao Nanchen, you're not only hypocritical but also despicable!"

Xiao Nanchen endured Xia Qiqi's accusations silently.

He said, "Think whatever you want."

"Xiao Nanchen!" Xia Qiqi was truly infuriated.

Why was it always her who had to speak up?

Why was he so composed?

Why did it seem like it was always her fault, her temper?

Who gave Xiao Nanchen the right to treat her like this?

"Leling will stay at home to take care of you," Xiao Nanchen said as he finished packing his belongings. "Take care of yourself."

"Xiao Nanchen, why don't we just get a divorce," Xia Qiqi said bluntly.

Xiao Nanchen's throat moved.

"Well, since you forced me to be with you in the first place because of your leg, now that your leg has healed, I have no reason to stay with you anymore," Xia Qiqi spoke candidly.

Xiao Nanchen looked at Xia Qiqi.

He looked into her determined eyes.

In Xia Qiqi's mind, he was still the one who had forced her into this relationship.

He said, "Fine, whenever you want, you can contact me anytime."

A sharp pain pierced Xia Qiqi's heart.


Xiao Nanchen agreed so readily.

He even said that he didn't blame her for the abortion.

If he didn't blame her, how could he agree to a divorce?

Wasn't it because he had used means to marry her?

Now let's talk about divorce.

"I won't change my phone number, so feel free to contact me," Xiao Nanchen said coldly.

It was clearly him who wanted to marry her.

And now they were getting divorced.

But the one feeling sad was not him.

Xia Qiqi watched as Xiao Nanchen carried his luggage with one hand and pushed the wheelchair with the other, leaving.

At the moment they walked out of the door.

Xia Qiqi called out from behind Xiao Nanchen, "Isn't this your house? Since you're leaving, I'll leave too. I don't need you to go!"

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