Against the Clock: The Team Leader’s Pursuit of Glory

Chapter 120 - I'm Getting Really Curious Now

The name on the business card made Kang Mu-hyuk's head spin. He decided to have Lee Sookyoung stay within the guild for now. He was planning to proceed with the testimonies from Seo Suji's party and the interrogation of the unidentified Hunters, but the business card made him change his mind.

'If this is the Hyun Junggeon I know... no way will I touch any matter that unpredictable thrill seeker(?) has meddled in.'

Thrill seeker.

That was how Kang Mu-hyuk defined Hyun Junggeon. There was no better way to describe him. A person who found motivation in excitement and thrill.

Hyun Junggeon enjoyed creating, intervening in, and manipulating sensational incidents.

'At least he has his own set of principles.'

Former Titan colleagues knew Hyun Junggeon as a sly, shrewd, but highly competent Hunter. Kang Mu-hyuk had no doubt about his competence. However, from his experience working with him, Hyun Junggeon was a dangerous individual. There were times when Kang Mu-hyuk was convinced that one misstep could turn Hyun Junggeon into the worst villain.

'Even Vice Guild Leader Ma Taesu was reluctant to use him.'

Ma Taesu, an efficiency-oriented person who would even use people from Ujungdo if they were useful, was wary of Hyun Junggeon.

Such a person had been Kang Mu-hyuk's close associate for two years. They had accomplished much together, but there had been countless dangerous moments. Thinking back, Kang Mu-hyuk couldn't believe how he had managed to handle those situations.

'I need to review the situation again. I need to organize the testimonies so far and the information I have about the Demonic Realm to see the bigger picture.'

First, Kang Mu-hyuk simplified the situation.

He took out a notepad and listed the connections in chronological order based on places and people. It was a method he often used to get an overview of complex incidents. He started with Russia as the starting point. It was the source of information about the Demonic Realm and the first indication of suspicious activity.

『Russia → Tsar Guild → Demonic Realm → Chinese Guild → Gate → Mysterious Device → Lee Sookyoung (witness) → Korean Hunters (pursuers) → Sinuiju → Hyun Junggeon → North Pocheon → White Tiger Guild → Kim Myung-jun → Tae Sucheol』

"Now, if I remove any connections that make no sense then..."

He started with Kim Myung-jun. Although connected to the White Tiger Guild, Tae Sucheol had nothing to do with the Demonic Realm.

Given the connection between the Taesung Group and Ju Se-ah, it wasn't strange that Kim Myung-jun, tasked with hindering Ju Se-ah, was linked to the eldest son of Taesung. He was likely just acting as a broker.

'Then, what about the White Tiger Guild?'

The White Tiger Guild was ambiguous. Despite being a Tier guild, it had a terrible reputation, but there was no certainty about it being involved in the Demonic Realm. The organization behind the Korean Hunters chasing Lee Sookyoung could have been just a client. However, given Go Eul-ji's testimony about their intent to eliminate the Hunters, they could be deeply involved.

What was unsettling was that White Tiger Guild had assigned Park Beomil, one of their top fighters, to the mission.

'The most troubling aspects are Hyun Junggeon and Sinuiju.'

It wasn't odd that Sinuiju, the city Lee Sookyoung escaped through, was involved. But Hyun Junggeon was too unexpected. Of course, the mere appearance of someone whom Kang Mu-hyuk considered a dangerous individual at this point heightened his vigilance.

Too suspicious to be a coincidence.

Judging by the business card, Hyun Junggeon seemed to be working as a broker in Sinuiju.

Maybe brokerage suited Hyun Junggeon well. He was always seeking thrills, and there was no place in Korea more spectacular than Sinuiju, making it a fitting job for him.

While looking at the memo, Kang Mu-hyuk's eyes fixed on the part that said 'Korean Hunters (pursuers),' and he muttered to himself.

"Korean Hunters chasing someone at a Gate in the Demonic Realm managed by a Chinese guild? I need to look into this."

Kang Mu-hyuk picked up the phone and connected to the Guild Cooperation Agency. The person on the other end was Chief Park Choongsu, who had ended up as Iron Will's contact at the agency after receiving Kang Mu-hyuk's call for the first time.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Kang Mu-hyuk got straight to the point.

"Chief Park, could you get me a list of Hunters who naturalized to China? It's nothing major, just looking for potential recruits. We might be able to bring them back through nationality recovery."

Kang Mu-hyuk made up a plausible reason to prevent the Guild Cooperation Agency from unnecessary worrying.

"Yes, not illegal immigrants, just those who followed the proper procedures will do. And could you also provide the list of Chinese guilds they joined? It might be necessary for negotiations. No, I don't need to know everything, just the ones with the most recruits in order. Also, please include the guild sizes according to Chinese rankings. Oh? And if they've had any joint hunts or business dealings with domestic guilds, please include that too. 'Guanxi'(Connections) matters a lot in China after all, doesn't it? If they've worked with domestic guilds, it'll be easier to communicate through those guilds."

Kang Mu-hyuk couldn't bring himself to ask directly if any of these Chinese guilds had worked with White Tiger Guild. Mentioning a Tier guild's dealings with China might make the Guild Cooperation Agency go on high alert.

Even just mentioning Russia and the Demonic Realm had made the department head uneasy; he couldn't bring China into this as well. It would be a burden for the Guild Cooperation Agency, since they lacked international capability.

However, the straightforward and intuitive commissioner Cha Giljoo might investigate White Tiger Guild without considering the repercussions.

White Tiger Guild was a major guild that even the Slayer Guild didn't easily overlook. Rather than causing unnecessary trouble, Kang Mu-hyuk decided it was better to do the research himself.

  • You're right, Guild Leader. Chinese people tend to be generous when it comes to guanxi. It's no different in the Hunter industry. I'll check and get back to you.

Thankfully, mentioning guanxi made Chief Park agree to Kang Mu-hyuk's request without suspicion. Though still missing some necessary pieces for his judgment, Kang Mu-hyuk felt he couldn't stay at his desk any longer.

This incident, influenced by a complex interplay of coincidences and inevitabilities, seemed unlikely to end as a small spark. He kept fiddling with the business card, tapping it on the desk as he pondered.

"Letting this go without talking to him must be bothering me."

He picked up the receiver and dialed the number on the business card.

After a few rings, there was a click, followed by a familiar voice.

"Yes, this is Hyun Junggeon, the CEO of 'Get Anything Done.'"

A voice from old memories, full of mischief, made Kang Mu-hyuk certain.

"You're making it too obvious that you set this up."

"Oh my, who do we have here? Team leader Kang Mu-hyuk. Oh wait, it's Guild Leader Kang now, right? I almost made a big mistake, speaking informally to such a high-ranking person. How have you been? I was quite worried when I heard you left Titan. But now you're the head of the most promising guild in Korea. Haha, or should I say, you made it the most promising guild?"

"Enough with the insincere compliments. What's this about Hunter Lee Sookyoung? Why did you handle this so dangerously?"

In response to Kang Mu-hyuk's direct question, Hyun Junggeon chuckled and clapped his knee.

"As expected, you figured it out. I wasn't sure if my business card would reach you. Honestly, it was a fifty-fifty chance."

"North Pocheon is a dead end. These people chased her from the Demonic Realm to beyond the border. You surely didn't think they would not chase her to North Pocheon, did you? Sending Hunter Lee Sookyoung there, claiming it was a safe place, you must have had some ulterior motive."

There was a slight edge of anger in Kang Mu-hyuk's voice. Considering he rarely showed any change in emotions, it was an unusual sight. Conversely, it meant that few people could unsettle him as much as Hyun Junggeon. In some sense, it was impressive.

"Haha, well, it's not like I didn't have any intentions, but..."

"And your intentions were quite malicious towards Hunter Lee Sookyoung."

"I hold no ill will towards Lee Sookyoung."

"Recommending North Pocheon as a destination inherently involved her being potentially sacrificed, didn't it?"

"Well, I did think she might die if she was unlucky. But I'm sure she knew she had no other options."

Kang Mu-hyuk responded incredulously.

"Had she died in North Pocheon, her belongings would eventually be reported to me, and you must have figured that I'd get your business card as well. If that's not ill will, what is?"

"Oh, you're exaggerating things now. You know how Hunter corpses are disposed of, don't you? There's nothing left of the body if monsters eat them, so why would I choose a means of getting in touch with you that has such a low probability?"

"If you had no other choice, well then, you're the type of person who would do that, Hyun Junggeon, I mean Mr. CEO."

"What if I just didn't know Iron Will's direct contact number and this was my way of passing the card? My connections couldn't get the number anywhere."

"That's not the answer I want. You're still hiding something."

"Despite our years of working together, my goodness, you don't trust me. I'm the one who's sensing ill will from you, Guild Leader."

The conversation paused, with a long silence. Hyun Junggeon couldn't hold back and opened his mouth again.

"Alright, assuming you're right. Why would I go through such a complicated method to contact you? The card might not have even reached you."

"Well, maybe because you couldn't have Hunter Lee Sookyoung find out? Because it would be bad if she got caught, and word came out that you tried to contact me. The business card could be discarded without much thought, but if she was caught while trying to contact me directly on your orders, it could lead to complications. You might have thought it better to risk no contact at all. It's just a guess though."

"As expected... I knew you could be a viable solution."

He deeply sighed after he uttered those words for some unknown reason. It was as if you could feel the hot breath steaming from Hyun Junggeon's mouth.

"Guild Leader, would you come to Sinuiju?"

"Sorry, but my schedule here is packed. I don't have the luxury to head up to Sinuiju. If you have important business, either you come here yourself, or tell me over the phone."

"I'd love to come here, but unfortunately, I can't leave my place. And it's hard to explain over the phone."

"I have no reason to accommodate your situation."

"No. You have to come. Something very serious is happening here."


A word Hyun Junggeon had never used before came out of his mouth.

'He's not one to say something is serious unless it really is.'

Even during the Titan Guild days, when half of the raid team was wiped out while tackling a Gate, he had never used that word.

For some reason, Kang Mu-hyuk felt he would deeply regret it if he didn't heed Hyun Junggeon's request.

'This is why I didn't want to get involved. I shouldn't have made the call. Once I talk to him, I can't just ignore it.'

Kang Mu-hyuk looked at the goosebumps on his arm, feeling an ominous premonition.

"I'll contact you as soon as I handle some urgent matters. We'll set up a meeting then."

"I hope we can meet as soon as possible. Goodbye."

As soon as the call ended, Kang Mu-hyuk summoned Noh Song-rin.

"What did you call me for?"

"It seems you need to visit Sinuiju. Please investigate the situation there."


A city in Korean territory, but abandoned by Korea.

It was a hub for border trade and a distribution center for Yalu River timber, given its convenient land and water transportation as a border city with China. Once, it had a population exceeding 300,000, but it became a completely ruined city after the Great War.

After the Great War, when North Korean Hunters resisted being absorbed into South Korea during the reunification, it became a stronghold for rebel Hunters.

Following the period known as the 'Small War,' during which a large-scale outbreak occurred, the Demonic Realm expanded. As the only city not blocked from the Demonic Realm and still bordering China, it became home to nearly 400,000 people.

Although the population was larger than at any other time in the city's history, half were Chinese or of Korean-Chinese descent, another quarter were descendants of defeated North Korean Hunters, and the remaining quarter were criminals hiding their identities, brokers, and merchants living off them.

Often compared to Gotham City in the Hunter era, Sinuiju became a modern slum devoid of hope.

"Mr. Hyun, shouldn't you know better if you want to keep making a living?"

"Come on. Why would you bring knives into the conversation?"

"If you were someone who could be reasoned with, I would have done that already. Live quietly, like a broker, kissing your clients' asses. Don't stir things up by bringing people into this."

"The people don't come anyway. Everyone's too busy trying to make a living."

"This is my last warning. If you get caught helping those Northern bastards again like last time, I'll make sure you can't swallow anything down that throat. Got it?"

"Ha, this rascal. You're really just a puppet for the Chinese now. As fellow countrymen, have some conscience. Stop exploiting your own people."

"Wow~ you talking about countrymen is hilarious. Fucking hyena."

"I didn't say that to be funny, but it does sound awkward coming from me. Anyway, it's not good for either of us to keep seeing each other. Just let it slide, yeah?"

"Hmph! Run your business well. Don't get caught."

"Have a safe journey. Don't go too far."

After the unwelcome visitor left, Hyun Junggeon checked the message he received last night once again.

<31st, 10 o'clock. You choose the location and let us know.>

"Quicker than I thought. Kang Mu-hyuk."

As he sent the location, he muttered to himself.

"I wonder how someone like you would handle this place. I'm really getting curious now."

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