Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 137: Behold Our Mighty Princess, Behold Our Mighty Leader

Chapter 137: Behold Our Mighty Princess, Behold Our Mighty Leader

I then turned to face the nearby forest again. in front of my new players, I needed to make them see with their own eyes what it was like to belong to my group.

Recorded videos were nice, but not enough. I needed them to truly feel what it was like being part of my group. I suddenly had an inspiration for a good name for my group. I smiled as I muttered:

"Penta auxiliary skill."

"Tempest of lightning skill."

Just as I was about to use the skill, I had another stroke of inspiration, which helped in deepening my feelings towards the name of my group. so I muttered again:

"Dragon head skill."

It felt ages since the last time I used that skill, however I wasn't worried about being identified now as the leader of the resistance group. After all, most of the players here in this game knew who I was.

There was a short distance between me and the forest, so I planned to use my skills as much as I could in this short time. As I used the dragon head skill, my spear got strangely enlarged, to create a dragon head reaching a few meters in length.

It looked majestic, and intimidating as well, just what I wanted to aim for. I didn't delay as I threw my spear out, with five more shadows appearing behind it, then I snapped my fingers even before I blinked, then threw the spear again, and again.

In ten seconds, using the short distance between me and the forest, I kept repeatedly using the trick over thirty times. It was incredible,

My tempest of lighting skill played the major role in that, while my penta added the huge number of spears behind me. As for the dragon head skill, it transformed nearly half of the spear shadows into long dragon head spears.

Once I reached my limit, I caused a considerable damage to the trees up front in the forest. My hand was numb from stressing over it in this short period, however I was content with what I got.

If I was going to return in a grandiose manner, then I should return as a queen, not a mere princess.

Once I finished, I turned to look at Shin with my great entourage of spear shadows as I said:

"I'm ready, let's go."

Shin was impressed by my looks right now, which made me giggle. I was satisfied with that look on his face, as if this was his reaction, then what about the newly joined players who didn't know me yet?

That felt great!

"I didn't imagine you would act like this, sigh."

"Who is that? Show yourself!"

"Stand down Shin, he is with me."

"Really? Who is he?"

"He is Rog, our new addition to the upper echelon of our group."

Everything happened so quickly, as once Rog spoke up per his usual habit, Shin reacted at once as he drew his sword and moved to protect me. I felt quite touched with his spontaneous reaction, this swordsman could be cool sometimes.

I had to intervene fast and clear things up, after all I needed them to be friends, rivals maybe, but not enemies for sure.

"Upper echelon? Just name the damn group first before you start selecting our upper echelon."

That stupid swordsman, he couldn't let me be impressed with him for a moment before he miraculously flipped the switch and made me mad at him.

Stupid, he was really stupid.

"I have already decided the name, it's the bloodthirsty dragon group. Now lead the way vice leaders, as we will have some fun today."

"Who is the other vice leader? Him?!!"

Shin pointed to the middle of nowhere, as just before I could reply Rog cancelled his stealth skill and appeared beside me. He was close, so close that made my heart palpitate.

I was nervous when he stood there close to me like that, however I didn't retreat a step as I announced:

"Yes, and there is another knight who will be the third one of my vices."

Shin raised a brow before he guessed the identity of that knight, as he said:

"Is he that Rody?"

"Yes, it's him."

"Oh girl, you surround yourself with handsome boys like this, are you trying to make Respon jealous or what?"

I laughed as I replied while moving forward:

"Who is handsome? Don't count yourself with them please."

His face changed, as his jealousy turned on, however I said to end this playing before it went any further:

"Let's go now, I still have many things to do. And you two too have many tasks to perform."

"What tasks?"

Shin asked as he started to walk by my side, as close it was to me as Rog. I chuckled as I let the two boys fight silently for me as I said:

"You will know them when I meet with the whole upper echelon. Now, lead the way my vice leader."

I pointed to him to move and lead the way, which made him sigh before moving out unwillingly away from me. It seemed the upcoming days would turn out to be fun.

Shin just moved couple of steps forward then he shouted loudly:

"Behold our mighty princess, behold our group leader."

Just as he said those words, the world changed. Mighty roars appeared without prior notice as ten thousand players screamed in one voice that trembled even my whole body.

They were chanting my name like I was sacred.

I loved that!

Shin just turned to me as he gestured silently for me to walk forward. I didn't refuse the gesture as I began to lead my two vices towards my crowd of players.

I walked, with one hundred and fifty spear shadows behind my back, half were normal spears and the other half were threatening looking dragon head spears. I was like a queen of war that bathed in the blood of wars, and I loved being like that.

That made me feel invincible!

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