Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 149: Ancestral Rules of Mystic Art Society

Chapter 149: Ancestral Rules of Mystic Art Society

"Little disciple candidate, I know you already have a master, and that's something wonderful. So, I can't, neither anyone here, offer you a place to join us as a disciple. So I had to offer something unique, something you would help you a lot in your next adventures.

However, my fellow masters here see this opportunity to be way higher than yours, as many doubt your potential and the value of your future growth. After all giving a baby something devastating like this butler would be a waste and it might endanger that baby as well.

So, I want to ask you, my little disciple candidate, what can you offer to us here to prove your worth of this?"

I froze from his sudden question, what the hell did he mean by that?

"I'm sorry to ask, but what do you exactly want from me to do?"

I was speaking honestly, as I wasn't sure of what he wanted from me. If he could give me some guidance, or even determine specific goals, then it would be great.

"You are from a far place, that makes sense. Ok, let me explain further to you so you can have a good grasp of your current situation, and realize the importance of the chance available to you right now.

Our mystic art association is a secluded and very powerful organization. We don't fear nobles, we don't answer to any highness, and we don't serve anyone.

We are aloof, and such an organization to be present like this against all the laws of this empire it has to be built strongly upon formidable foundations.

The mystic arts are our foundation.

Since generations beyond any measure, our great ancestors established the mystic art society after they discovered the mystic arts by chance. They began to explore this new discovery and they ended up by reaching a certain conclusion.

Mystic art users are way stronger than anyone else here in this empire. being slightly stronger gives you an advantage in any confrontation with your competitors.

However having a great difference in power, like we do now, makes us invincible. We are like gods and everyone else is nothing.

That made us be aloof, feared, and highly respected. However to maintain this we need to follow certain fixed strict rules, the ancestral rules.

These rules were put indefinite years ago, and since the beginning we didn't need to change even the slightest bit of it. we still follow the rules that were written since the beginning, and we will still follow them until the end of everything.

One of these rules is related to the current disciple system. Any disciple that deviates from the original path of the society must be punished by his master. This punishment has many layers and grades, however the essence of this punishment isn't to punish, however to teach.

We believe that human nature is hard to deal with, as desires usually play the major rule in determining everything we do in our lives. Giving chances to youngsters like yourselves is the great blessing that we try to grant to our sinners.

However, some become very difficult to handle, hardly show any signs of progress, so we need to take more strict measures, like what I just did with my disciple. Others might have directly expelled her from society, then a warrant for arrest will be issued and she will be hunted like dogs in abandoned alleys all the time.

However I didn't choose such a dark fate for my disciple, not yet.

One of the other rules here is that each master has only two ways to gather disciples under him, either by looking for talents like what your masters already did, or by acquiring the medallion of a lost soul like the one you just put to auction.

The importance of this medallion to us, masters, is way beyond your imagination. In a mighty organization like ourselves, power controls everything.

If you aren't powerful enough you are destined to lose more than you have in your possession. If you grew in strength, like acquiring two or three more disciples, you can simply take more advantages to yourself.

It's always a game, an ongoing battle and struggle between powers, and this medallion and a lot more like it will always be the small specks of sand that will always create a tsunami of waves just to acquire them.

Do you understand what I'm saying, little predisciple candidate?"

I was mesmerized by his words, and the way of his speech.he wasn't exactly like my master, however both had the same aura around them, the aura of a mighty supreme being.

I liked that, I wanted to reach this stage one day. I wanted not to fear anything or anyone. I really got affected deeply by all he just said, so I replied instantly:

"Yes, I understood all of it. However, what is the relation between this info and the need to prove my worth?"

"It's simple, as one of these ancestral rules that we shouldn't give a mighty power to a careless undeserved person, or that might create a crisis we couldn't solve.

So, my little pre disciple candidate, you need to show to me, and to all the masters right here, to what extent your potential growth would be? Why should they trust this huge gift to you?"

I recognized a pattern in his words, so I carefully asked:

"Do you believe in me?"

"Yes, any new disciple that reaches here by his own powers is trustable in my opinion," he said.

I took a deep breath, as I had nothing else to prove to others except to impress them. I liked this master, and that made me decide to take this move.

"Rog, step forward please."

Suddenly my voice echoed strongly and firmly in the whole place. I wasn't arrogant, however I already recognized the effect of what I was going to do on all of them.

As long as I had this master in my back, and he wouldn't turn suddenly stupid and refuse my good gesture to him, then everything would end up fine, more than what I expect ed, that was what I hoped.

As for Rog, he felt strange at first, however before he could even say anything to me privately I said out again:

"Aria, please step forward."

Aria looked at me then to the side, where no one was there except the stealthed Rog. They two realized I wasn't bluffing or spoken by mistake here.

They both stepped forward to stand beside me, Aria was on my right, and Rog was on my left, after he cancelled his stealth.

"What is that? We don't recognize mere players here. if you can't prove your worth by yourself, then there is nothing else to say."

These were the words of one master who seemed to be pissed off at my behavior. I didn't care about his words, as I said loud and clear:

"Per ancestral rules, strength defines everything here. now I will use these two to enhance my own strength here, and by that I can prove how worthy I'm."

My words echoed for a moment before another angry voice came out from nowhere attacking me:

"What the hell are you talking about? You aren't even a formal disciple yet, how can you speak to us, masters, in that tone. What strength do you have to talk to us like this? Have you lost your mind?"

I wasn't fazed by these threatening questions or by the angry tone in them. I just looked to Aria as I softly whispered:

"Give me your medallion now."

Aria's eyes widened, as she understood at this moment what I was planning to do. She wasn't the only one to realize this, Rog also got it.

"Are you sure? This master seemed to be a swordsman master," Rog said, as he was an assassin and he wanted to be a disciple under an assassin master.

"Don't worry, something tells me this isn't an issue here," then I turned to Aria as I whispered again, "the medallion please."

Aria was still shocked by my actions, and crazy thoughts, however she at the end gave me her medallion. Once she got out the medallion, the whole world seemed to hush from excitement and surprise.

It seemed it wasn't normal for two medallions to appear in a single day.

Then what about three?

***I hope you are enjoying the novel so far.

I'm preparing for MASS RELEASE in three days "5 Chapters so far", so I hope you can support me with Stones, Reviews, and Gifts, the more I receive the more chapters I will write and publish.***

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