Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 165: The Auction House

Chapter 165: The Auction House

I exited the blacksmith hall with high aspirations, as my wealth got enlarged. Having thirty six thousand gold coins was great, however once I recalled the words of Lady Nada about the importance of gold in that test, I felt some regret over not having more.

Well, there was another way to gain enough equipment, the secret dungeon. Equipment that fell there were really special, and I believe they could be sold at a high price.

I wouldn't be surprised if they gained me an equal amount of wealth. I didn't delay as I sent a message at my top players' chat asking about their current location and status.

'We are hunting outside the town, we will return now to meet with you.'

This was the reply of Rody, as I replied instantly:

'What about the secret dungeon and the equipment falling there?'

'We have already divided the players into twenty player teams. Over seven hundred teams had been dispatched towards the dungeon so far, and we gained substantial amounts of equipment from there,' Shin replied.

'I suggest we let our players have some equipment, as these equipment are special,' Elyo suggested.

I thought about this, however I didn't want to equip my untrustworthy players with these special equipment.

'Don't worry princess, we have made a binding contract in the name of the group and got every player to sign on it. This contract is a safe card for any future problems, like player withdrawal from the group. Shin suddenly said.

This cool swordsman understood my mind and line of thoughts. Although I trust him, I asked for that contract as he sent a copy to me. I read the contract carefully without saying a word, and after I read it thrice I said:

'good contract. Ok, let the normal players gain one equipment only, and our elites and above can get two equipment. We have the door to that dungeon, so we can get whatever we want from these equipment.'

'What about the rest?' Gabri asked.

'Bring the rest to me, I want to sell them with the highest price. Any suggestions?' I asked.

'The auction house will be the most suitable place to do that,' Rody said.

'Good, send me this place coordinates and I will meet you there.'

'Do you want to bring everyone?' Elyo asked.

'Just the elders and any elite player you have found so far. As for the rest, make them continue their leveling up around the town.'

After that I received coordinates to a place inside the town. It was slightly away from me, near the centre of this town. I moved there with the company of the dead-looking silent Diana.

It didn't take me half an hour to reach there. On the way I met a great number of players who mostly recognized me, so it was normal for me to hear whispers wherever I went.

Fame wasn't an easy thing to live with.

As I reached that place, I found a three stories huge building that looked somehow majestic. I felt an aura from there, an aura of wealth. I smiled as I entered that place which was really crowded by players.

Just as I entered, I heard a soft click followed by the appearance of a transparent window in front of me. this window appeared from its own, and it was full of many items and prices.

Here was the house of trade and bargain. The goods sold here were priced for betting, as the highest bidder in a certain amount of time would gain the sold item in the end.

Such a system served my purpose very well, and yet I wasn't satisfied. After a short tour inside this auction list, I noticed that despite the large variety of goods here, their prices were really low.

I even met many goods that were sold in silver, were there still players who were using the silver units in their trade? That reminded me of my days at the novice village, which seemed like a long time ago.

This didn't serve my purpose well, as this market was still young. My equipment was all special grade with high levels of level fifteen and twenty. Selling these equipment here wouldn't work, and the market wasn't yet ready for such a move.

I needed to find a more suitable way to sell my goods. That made me approach the centre of this auction hall, as some NPCs were sitting there with glass walls that separate them from the busting players' world.

These NPCs were doing nothing, as everything could be done throughout that window. I suspected their role here was to help us, so I went directly to them in a try to avoid wasting any more time.

"Excuse me, may I ask about something?"

Once I reached there, I opened my mouth directly to ask one of them. there was a small round hole in the glass wall that connected me with that NPC, who replied:

"Sure, what do you want to ask about adventurers?"

"I want to know if there is another place to sell a high level and grade equipment."

I asked my purpose of coming to him directly, as if there was no way here then I would better go back to the blacksmith hall and try to sell my equipment there.

"What level and grade is your equipment? And how many do you want to sell?"

He replied simply without much interest, which made me feel optimistic nonetheless. His reply meant there was a way to sell my equipment at higher prices.

"They are dark gold grade equipment of level fifteen and twenty. As for the amount, I don't have the exact number here, but I will sell thousands of them."

I knew that my vice leaders had already divided players into seven hundred teams, and each team could amass about thirty to fifty pieces of equipment after calculating their share.

That meant they didn't have thousands, they had tens of thousands of equipment. That was a guaranteed figure, however I just said thousands as I didn't know the exact yield of equipment from this dungeon.

Also, I didn't know if all the teams were successful or there were some failures. Despite giving the secret strategy about this dungeon to everyone, I doubted every player would be on par with my level, or Shin and the others.

"Are you sure?"

While I was thinking about this point, the NPC changed his face and he even edited his body to sit more straight. I simply replied:

"Yes, my players will come soon and I can have an exact figure of the equipment I want to sell. However I can assure you that I will sell thousands at the least, and that number might reach tens of thousands."

"I'm sorry not to recognize such an esteemed player, please forgive my unintended insult. We have a special place for special players like you, please take this token and come to the place marked in its back when your players come to you."

He then threw to me a rounded small dark red token that passed strangely through the wall of glass to rest on my palm of hand. I checked this token, as it had a face of someone on one side, and some writings on the other.

There were some numbers engraved within the writing, they were coordinates to another place. it was nearby here, however it wasn't part of this building.

"Thanks a lot for your help."

I then moved outside after I sent the new coordinates to my four vices. I also sent a message to Rog, who replied instantly that he needed a couple of hours more to be ready and join us.

Everything was set so I moved towards the location engraved on the token. It didn't take long for me to reach that place, where a modest building of one story only was there.

I felt some doubts, as this building had nothing to tell about wealth. There was no sign, no decorations, nor any guards even there.

I rechecked my token again and confirmed the coordinates there with my current location, nothing seemed out of the place except for that building.

I didn't stand still as I began to tour the area looking for another grand looking building that might be my one, however I didn't find any. All the buildings here were all mediocre in appearance and status.

I had no other choice except for going in, however I preferred to wait for my players to come before going in. I waited for half an hour before I spotted their shadows coming from far.

"Sorry for our late arrival, but we met some annoying godenal players that thought highly of themselves," Rody said just before they stopped in front of me. I understood what happened and also understood the reason.

Using the secret dungeon in this way must have attracted some eyes. After selling the equipment farmed from there, more uninvited eyes would be attracted to us.

However this didn't prevent me from using the dungeon. If I had a card that I couldn't use for fear of others, then it would be better not having it at all.

"Have you killed them all?" I asked.

"Yes, and we got their equipment, however I have to admit I was disappointed by the grade and level of their gears," Elyo said with a sneer.

I chuckled as I knew she must have judged that based on the level and grade of equipment they found at the dungeon.

"Let's go inside here, it's supposed to be a special auction house or something."

I said that while leading them towards the door of that building where I knocked it three times and waited for an answer.

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