Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 168: A Life and Death Difficult Situation

Chapter 168: A Life and Death Difficult Situation

To be honest I didn't understand any of his words, however from the shocking reaction of Terry I guessed this wasn't an easy matter at all. I looked towards Shin as I asked:

"What oaths?"

At the same time, Terry exploded on his face:

"You can't do that! These oaths were made to you, and you alone. You can't do that to me and others!"

Shin looked at me as he winked before crossing his arms as he stood up, moved couple of steps forward, then sat on the arm of my seat before saying:

"I can, and don't lecture me about what I can and can't do. I'm here because of all of your betrayal, so it's just fair to return the favor like this. Agatha, stretch out your hand to me."

He then stretched out his arm while his eyes shone in strange light. I noticed the stupefied face of this Terry, who was silent from shock. I looked deeply into Shin's eyes, as I was still ignorant to what was truly happening here.

'Trust me, it's my personal gift for you to achieve your dreams.'

I didn't have anything to say, however I intended to ask him once we exit from here. so I stretched my left arm to hold his left arm, with our two hands intertwined together.

"I Shin of Frod, the eligible crown prince, hereby announce from the holy authority given to me that I let go of any privilege I had and pass all my commitment to player Agatha of Dreen.

Hence from this moment on, any privilege and commitment I have will be owned by her. Any oath, any allegiance, any promised help will be hers. I declare this effective immediately with my total consent and support."

His words had some weird aura around them, a majestic aura that I never thought Shin would ever had. Amidst my immersion in that strange atmosphere and aura that began to surround me, I heard a loud and angry scream from beside me.

It was Terry, and it seemed he didn't accept what Shin just did. for me Shin did say some strange words that seemed to hold some weight. However, from that tortured expression of Terry I realized that this situation was way beyond my expectations.

"Damn you, why don't you just play here and enjoy the rest of your life in peace? Damn you, do you think you can take revenge on us like that? Do you think we will let her grow up and claim that right? I will kill her right here and now."

Terry was getting crazy, and that was very dangerous. Terry gave me the vibe of being a master, a master in mystic art was mad at me and wanted me dead. How could I sustain his anger and defend against his tricks and live?

"Don't be foolish, your strength here is sealed to match our mainstream players. Neither you nor others can harm her. Forget it, my revenge is in motion, unstoppable.

I advise you all to give up and ready up your arms, as my girl will claim her right very soon. You either bow your heads or lose your dear lives. Which one will you choose, sinners?"

Shin explosive mocking words didn't help except in raising the rage of this mad man. I jumped off my seat and yielded up my spear, as in that exact moment I felt death was looking with its bare eyes straight towards my soul.

If I was going to die, then I wouldn't die like this. If this mad man wanted to kill me then he had to fight with me first.

'Penta auxiliary skill.'

'Lightning tempest skill.'

I didn't plan to let him attack me first before being ready. My spear was ready to fight.

"Do you think my mystic art is subjected to this limitation? This is for pathetic players like yourself, however for ex-masters like me this isn't a problem.

Have you planned all this from that time then? Exchanging your struggle against Respon and letting us all betray you and stab you in the back while you didn't show any response at all.

Was it all for this moment? For this girl? Do you think mystic ex-masters like us will follow the lead of this pathetic disciple candidate? Hahaha, you are really nave if you thought we would sit still waiting for her to claim her guild master token.

This girl will fall, and she will fall here. This is my oath to you, my former wicked crown prince. I knew it, someone wicked as yourself won't let everything collapse without a reason. Let me crush this reason then and end your dirty scheme at its cradle moment."

So, this bloody warrior was an ex-master, and it seemed he wasn't the only ex-master to swear an oath to Shin. Terry didn't give me or Shin the chance to say anything, as at this moment his vibe changed dramatically.

That man was suppressing his aura from before, as this time I was certain I would die under the blade of his broadsword, the sword of his special class, a berserker.

"Everyone move away from here now."

I knew I was done for, but that didn't mean I would sacrifice my team to lose a level under that madman blade. My level was initially high, so I didn't care about losing a level here, however Terry's next words made me shiver:

"Do you want to sacrifice yourself for your team? It should be the opposite girl, as you are their leader. A leader should be heartless and merciless one to earn the recognition of his followers.

Anyway these words are useless to you, as I won't kill you normally. I will damage your true soul, so you will lose consciousness for quite some time. when you wake up, things won't be the same as you know. I will make sure to crumble all you have built so far."

This Terry was really crazy, and his words managed to make me feel fear, especially when I saw the stern face of Shin. It seemed Terry wasn't exaggerating in his threats, and he could do what he said.

That was bad news!

"Stand down Terry, you know you have only one chance to hit her, then you will be confined by the rules of the game. as a higher level player breaking the rules, your punishment will be so long."

Terry's face became so vicious as he looked with his crazy eyes to Shin before saying with a sneer:

"What? Are you this concerned about me or about your bitch? You know I can cause irreparable damage to her soul, a damage that would be enough to make her lose everything. Watch and learn stupid wicked crown prince."

This time he just waved his sword and a gale of wind erupted from his sword to hit everywhere around him. I felt like standing in front of a huge monster, like that dragon or cragen boss monsters in their supreme form.

I knew it, if he attacked me then no matter I did I would die.

The only logical move to me was to escape, however I couldn't move my legs. That monster disguised in human skin was emitting a terrifying aura that made me freeze.

If I moved a muscle, I would die.

The first thing I thought about was the immune skills, however my mind reminded me of my fight with Leli of the Lelican group from before. She could harm me even after using my immune skill.

And yet, I didn't give up using them. any means to save my life from this predicament was warmly welcomed by me.

'Dragon armor absolute defense skill.'

This was the longest immune skill I had, and coupled with my other skill that I saved to be used in time, the fog skill, I would be able to escape his first attack.

I hoped I could live the first trick of his, as based on the short chat from now I learnt that the game would apply a severe punishment over Terry once he used his first trick.

I needed to survive this first trick, no matter what.

"Do you think your pathetic low grade immune skill can protect you from my mystic art? Be ready to die, foolish little girl."

He didn't wait for another moment as he raised his broadsword high in the air. I felt like the ceiling of this building cracked open and a massive storm of dark clouds with lightning thick as arms appeared in place of the ceiling.

The storm was rotating around the tip of the broadsword, and the lightning danced around the edge of the broadsword. Suddenly the color of everything changed when Terry screamed.

A berserker anger was something truly fearful, as with just one cry of his I understood why he was called the bloody warrior. Everything around him changed from their initial color into bright red color, the color of fresh blood.

His clothes, his hair, even his eyes all turned red.

I wasn't facing that stern looking man, I was facing a bloody demon, a demon who was fixated on killing me.

I was going to die, no matter what I did I couldn't survive this madness.

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