Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 171: Bargain over Treasure Compensation

Chapter 171: Bargain over Treasure Compensation


My spears pierced the floor few inches away from the body of the fat Mody and his boss. I didn't miss, however that was on purpose. I snapped my fingers as I said coldly:

"Stop your faking attitude, as my loss here can't be compensated by any means. Just say what you will pay and let this matter end here. any more rubbish coming from your dirty mouth and I will make sure my two masters find you and make you answer to this insult."

My mood wasn't tolerating his sly behavior, as I knew he was trying to minimize his losses by pressuring me. I really was like a bomb, just a tiny push and I would explode.

I wasn't in need for someone like him to speak up with me, and I wanted to leave here and never come back. This place would always hold a memorable scar inside my heart.

I didn't want to feel this pain again, even from a memory.

That auction hall master looked solemnly to me, as if he wanted to start a fight here. I wasn't afraid of him, right now I was feeling numb all over my body, my mind included.

"I wouldn't consider your insult for today, as for your threats I don't care about them either. I only came here after your master's request, and I will compensate you fairly," that hall master said while turning to look at the frightened Mody behind him, "Give her double the price of what she had offered to sell. That would be enough as a compensation."

Let me be frank here, his words carried more insult that compensation. I didn't know from where this bastard logic originated from, however before I could say anything Elyo stepped in as she said:

"That's not a compensation. According to the hall's rules this is just a bonus given by the hall to their higher grade customers. Agatha don't accept his offer, this man is playing you."

Her words made more sense that than rubbish this man just said. Elyo's interference made the face of that master looked so awkward. 

"Don't trust this man, he is trying to scheme us. Just write a game complaint right now and you will get more compensation than that. The game will also exert some punishment over this hall, as it allowed for a fight to erupt here."

This time it was the shining armored knight that spoke up for me, Rody. His words made the hall master's face turn paler, as his advice seemed harmful for the reputation and interest of the hall.

"Fine fine, I will compensate you by granting the golden membership to you, also I will pay five times the value of your goods here."

I was about to sneer as this offer seemed unacceptable to me, however Gabri interfered by saying:

"This isn't enough, you must add some treasures from your vault."

"M-My vault?" the hall master muttered in disbelief as his face turned paler.

"Yes, your vault, or else we will make your loss from it even more when the game punishes you," Gabri added with a grin.

It seemed these players knew what the weaknesses of the system here, and they were exploiting it to the max. I felt appreciated for their help, as my other plan required me to go back to Lady Nada and ask for her help.

I didn't like that idea, I wasn't a child that needed care from her every now and then. Asking help from my masters would be my final call, the last card that I shouldn't think of frequently.

I still had a reputation to build and trust to establish with them. first impressions always lasted for eternity.

"Ok, I will give you two of my beloved treasures. I'm sure you will love them," the hall master said after some thoughts.

"No, we want five," Gabri instantly replied as if he was prepared for his reply. I felt astonished as I would agree for the offer of that master. I looked towards Gabri in new lights, he was someone experienced with bargains.

I needed someone like him often, as I was bad at striking deals with anyone, especially merchants.

"Five is a big number, I can't afford that. My limit is three, take it or leave it," the master said with some pain in his voice.

"Fine, however we should select these three from the treasure list of your hall," Gabri agreed after faking thinking for quite some time, however he added another condition of his own.

I liked that condition, but it seemed that master didn't like it as he rushed to say:

"I can't do that! The treasures here is the utmost secret of the hall. No one should see them no matter what. Besides there are grades of the treasures stored here, and I can't let you have the highest treasures to compensate for such a small felony."

His logic was acceptable for me, but I didn't speak up my mind. I trusted Gabri to do the perfect choice for us, and he didn't let my expectations down.

"Then we will select the categories of these three treasures, and you should select the treasures yourself. What do you think of this?"

"It's acceptable for me, what are the categories of your treasures?" the master didn't delay to respond, as he wanted to finish this problem faster than I did.

Gabri didn't respond at once as he sent in the team chat:

'What do you think we should select?'

I was oblivion to the terms they were speaking about, so I stuck to my silence and didn't say anything as I watched the other two expressing up their minds.

'I think we need military treasures badly, especially for the upcoming test,' Elyo suggested, and her suggestion was appealing to me.

'I believe supportive treasures might save our lives many times to come. We should ask for one team supportive treasure as well,' Rody suggested. I didn't know what he was meaning by this, however I watched silently waiting for the other two to share their opinions.

'Supportive treasures are good, however we also need some killer moves. Let's ask for special category attack treasures as well,' Gabri said as he accepted the suggestion of Rody.

His words carried a lot of strong meaning, however I didn't know exactly what he meant. So when they asked for my opinion, I simply and honestly replied:

'I don't know anything related to this, so I will trust you to make the right decision.'

My reply wasn't unexpected for them, as they knew I came from a kingdom away from here. after short discussions, they decided to ask for the three categories they each said from early on.

They passed the list to me and I just recited the categories like they were written on the chat.

"I want three treasure belonging to these three categories, military category, team supportive category, and special category, attack type treasures."

"You selected good categories, I will fetch the treasures to you shortly after you leave here," the master said.

"No, I will not move from here until you give me the treasures."

I didn't need for anyone to step in and help me this time, as the bargain time was over and now was the time to get my rewards. I wasn't tolerating to any play or trap I might fall in from this wicked sly merchant.

So I decided not to move an inch from here until he gave me my compensation.

'Good, don't leave here or else our compensation will be forgotten,' Rody said in the team chat.

'That's right, if we left here then the game wouldn't count the hall mistake and we will lose our right to get any compensation,' Elyo said.

This time I felt more anger towards that sly master. I swore I would report him to Lady Nada and see what she will do about this treacherous man.

If I was alone I would have lost a lot, I would have lost everything. Thank god that I had some experienced players beside me. The absence of Shin was really big, however I expected those players to fill the gaps left up by his disappearance.

"Fine, however this would take some time," the master didn't give up trying to deceive me, and I had it from him so I flipped the switch again and started to speak rudely to him.

"If you don't stop playing with me right now, I will file a complaint to the game and let the game screw you."

My words were sudden with their sharp tone and clear threats. That man felt he had the superiority again after that short confrontation with us. This was the nature of many, when they deal in their own specialty, they mistook things to be under their control.

So a slap on the face would greatly help them to wake up and see the true reality of things.

And my words just did that to him.

"I didn't mean anything, believe me. I will go now to prepare your gold coins and your compensation treasures," he said with a hasten steps moving away from here. I yelled at his back before he vanished:

"Don't forget the golden membership to this shitty hall of yours."

I watched him disappear before I turned to look at Diana, who was now looking better than before. She was standing alone without any aid and her face looked more rosy and healthier.

"Are you able to move and speak freely now? Do you know who I am?"

I needed to figure out her memories about me, and so I could know if she was a help or a threat.

"I can move, talk, and fight as well. I know you, you are my master," she said in a calm tone that made me feel more comfortable, "you are that girl that made me lose all my qualifications at the mystic art society and got me punished to be your butler for a hundred years."

Her last added words caused my soul to stir up, I didn't expect her to remember that conflicts between us. That seemed pretty risky to have here with me, she might seek for revenge when I was vulnerable.

"Don't worry, I'm restricted to even think about harming you, or I would be severely punished. I don't want any more pain, and I hope you can use me all the time. the more I help you, the more comfortable and better my life would be after my punishment ends."

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