Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 187: Finding A Way to Break the Hunger Value Limitations

Chapter 187: Finding A Way to Break the Hunger Value Limitations

"This is a very spacious place in my opinion. Is level ten its highest level?" I was astonished by the size of this place. I thought it would be like a leveling map in town, however it began to appear like a whole game world to me.

"Level ten? No, this land had no real boundary, or we haven't yet reached its end yet. The highest level recorded ever is written on the stele, which is level fifty two. no mystic art user, not even masters could put a single foot after that level," he said as if he was recalling some past memories.

His words were more shocking to me, as I never thought mystic art masters would face any trouble at all in dominating these lands. I thought before these lands were under the masters' control, but they left it like this to train the new seedlings like myself.

However it seemed I was totally wrong. this place, what the hell was it? I suddenly felt something, like this place held its own secrets, secrets that no one had ever seen or heard of.

A desire was born inside me at this moment, a desire to dominate these lands and become the utter ruler here. That would be awesome, to succeed in no one else before you managed to achieve, right?

"Good, let's aim for higher then. Pick up the pace, we need to pass this level fast," I ordered as I was eager to taste the power of level two.

For the next twenty four hours our path was a repeated encounter for waves of these small demon teams without any suspense at all in killing them.

My stock of heart crystals, or the luster cake pearls like I decided to call them was growing more and more in my Inventory. I tried to use my skills, especially the penta auxiliary skill, and things worked out marvelously. I alone managed to kill a team of demons with one to two hits only.

However this strength came with a price, as my hunger value was emptied by one fourth. Keeping my spears was a try I did once, however I stopped abruptly doing so as my hunger consumption hit the roof in no time.

That meant I only could summon my shadow spears during fight and build them over time, then ditch them. according to Gen words, starting from level three we will meet more frequent teams all the time.

So, I had to solve this problem of my hunger value, and the best one to ask wasn't Gen, but my butler Diana.

"Do you know of a way to strengthen my hunger value?"

She looked at me with a big smile on her face as she said:

"That's good, you understood the principal essence of our arts so fast. There is a way to do it, a single and risky way that most of the mystic art users don't tend to use for fear."

Her reply gave me hope, and her warning inside her words didn't stop me. I knew dealing with something so important like this problem wasn't something easy. Everything must come with a price, and I wasn't afraid of such a price.

I gestured to her to continue, as she added:

"The only way to do it is called the ninety seven rule. You need to let your hunger value hit the limit of seventy seven mark or above, then you have to fully restore the hunger value back to zero. Doing so would add more than ten to your hunger value. Repeating it would grant you an indefinite amount of hunger value, however the highest value I have heard of was only two hundred and sixty."

I understood why the mystic art players were afraid of doing this, as who would be able to control their hunger consumption by will? Who would spend this enormous amount of money over cakes and sweets?

However for me I had a perfect plan in mind. I was in the most optimum place to do so, and for me I could easily control the consumption of my hunger and replenish it totally without any problems or money lost.

The answer was easy, as I immediately threw my spear out in the air, then I moved to the forefront again. we were just walking away from a battlefield, so we would have approximately an hour before facing another team.

Two hundred and sixty hunger value marks was nothing, I would beat that record, I would aim for thousands of hunger values, that was my aim.

My actions brought the attention of everyone, after all I was their princess. I didn't mind them as I muttered:

"Penta auxiliary skill."

At once I had ten seconds to use my skill. I didn't waste these seconds as I began to throw my spear and then snap my fingers. Everyone looked at me in a strange way, all but Diana who had her eyes wide open from realization.

She understood my plan, and as simple it was it was very effective. As she realized that, she began to move at once like a possessed girl towards the front to stand beside me.

Two girls stood there at the forefront as they kept using their mystic art on nothing but trees and grass. Everyone looked in an astonished way to us, wondering if we had lost our minds.

They had the right to feel so, however I didn't put them in my mind. My focus was entirely on the hunger value. Once I had over one hundred spears, my hunger value decreased by five each second, so I stopped.

Once my hunger value hit ninety five marks I disposed of my spears at once. anymore and I would die. This was tricky, however if I managed to reach out to a balance here, I would master the way to level up my hunger value.

Again I threw up my spear, and this time I didn't use my skill. First it was to cool down, and second I didn't want to take this risky gamble. After throwing my spears out four times, my hunger value finally passed the ninety seven mark and reached ninety eight.

I immediately stopped what I was doing, got out two cake pearls and ate them without hesitation. One was enough to replenish more than half of my hunger, so two were more than enough to zero out this value.

Once the hunger hit zero, I felt a small tremble inside me, and then the hunger value rose up by ten degrees.

I finally did it, and I was so excited that I yelled from excitement. At the same time, Diana beside me hit her bottom too as she yelled as well.

Two girls, using their mystic arts constantly in a mystic art forbidden environment like this and they were yelling from excitation. That was a scene to behold, a rare scene of insanity.

Doing it once made me eager to try it again, so I began to practice with Diana as the two of us led the way towards the front. After so many trials I reached the optimum formula for me, using fifty to sixty spear shadows and letting them float behind my back for thirty seconds were enough to make my hunger hit the desired mark starting from zero.

With each reset, the hunger value would increase by ten, and so I had to increase the time by two more seconds. This was the formula I reached after many tries, and I was so proud of achieving it.

As for Diana, I didn't know what she was doing as my formula was mine and suited only for me. however I trusted her ability to reach her own too. Maybe not as fast as I did, but she would discover it soon.

As for the third mystic art user in my team, Rog, I sent him a brief message after he asked for what the hell I was doing. I knew Rody and the others must have informed him, so I explained to him what I was doing and what for.

So, the third mystic art user in my crew joined our two madness and began to use his tricks like us. He had to come back first to take his own share of the cake pearls.

That made my stock of these pearls diminish fast, faster than I imagined. However that was worthy, as my hunger value exceeded two hundred after five hours only.

Amidst all this, we three had to stop what we were doing the moment our assassins spotted any demons. That made us waste some time, however that wasn't important. After all, we had cracked the way to break the limits of mystic art users in this place, to break the only limit to mystic art users at all.

Our only adversity was our limited hunger value, by raising it like this we nullified this weakness, and soon this weakness would become our strength.

I didn't need to stress over Rog about the importance of keeping such a secret to only us. After all this wasn't only a cure to our weakness, it was a tempting card I could use anytime to attract whoever I want from mystic art users.

I would be the only person in the entire game and empire to possess such a magical cure. This was great and risky at the same time. imagine what greedy masters would do if they found out that a mere weak predisciple like myself had her hands over such a cure.

So, I had to treat it carefully. I didn't doubt Rog, however I intended to force any other mystic art user to sign a severe contract with death penalty, real death penalty if they revealed my secret.

That was the only way, after all if this secret and the identity of who had it got exposed, I would die.

A life for a life, that would be the only solution to protect me. it wasn't perfect one, but it would help me for the moment.

"Listen up, we are now entering the level two of this land, be aware the number of patrolling demons will rise up to fifty demon per team, and we will be seeing them once every forty minutes."

Gen suddenly said after I ended raising my hunger value to be two hundred and twenty. I was only forty marks away from the record of that master. I looked around me to find huge pillars reaching to the skies from lands far from us by ten minutes walk.

These pillars seemed to set boundaries between levels in this land. That made me wonder about the true secrets of sacred lands, as these pillars somehow were similar to the ones I saw lining the checkpoint back there.

Who made up this checkpoint? And who demarcated the lands into these levels? What aim he or she or they had to do with the ongoing eternal fight between players and demons? Many questions began to pop up in my head without an answer.

The only thing I knew for sure was whoever had built these lands he had an ulterior motive, a big plan of his own. Whatever this plan was, I hoped it wouldn't be harmful to me.

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