Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 199: Hard Time Dealing with The Giant Arbandar

Chapter 199: Hard Time Dealing with The Giant Arbandar

I couldn't even take a full glance over this thing, whatever it was, it had a part of it hidden in the clouds. This part I believed was the head, and that meant I was only looking at its trunk.

What a giant bastard demon was that! How the hell could I and my team succeed in this dungeon? Were we sent here to die?

I began to less believe in our success in passing the dungeon and more sure of the fact this dungeon wasn't a real dungeon. This castle seemed to be a passage to another world, and this world was toxic to humans.

'Let's keep ourselves silent and let all try to see where these bunch of people and demons escaped to.'

I was desperate, but no matter how desperate I was I would never give up hope. These groups of people and demons escaped from this place knowing exactly what they were after.

If there was a way to escape the death eyeing us, then this solution would be in their hands. The only problem here was that everything below us was yellow and green.

It was really hard finding this mixed group or races, however I stuck to hope and kept the balloon running towards the direction they disappeared to.

That mountain-like demon had a weird way to move, as it stood silent in its place for a few minutes then it began to move. However when it did so, the whole place trembled and a wide space of this land became vacant of anything.

As for its hands, they were weirder as most of the time they looked like they never existed, even when it moved. However suddenly they would materialize and appear solid, and at this moment they usually move to hit some places far away from the demon.

I kept running for unknown time, and my team was silent without saying any word, however that didn't prevent the demon from chasing us.

That piqued my notice at once, however I didn't start to consider experimenting based on this except after all hopes of finding the mixed races group were lost.

So we were all alone, I was alone, and I had not to survive by myself, but try to save as much as possible from my players.

That was a burden, however I couldn't blame them as this enemy, wow it wasn't an enemy it was an act of nature, a calamity I couldn't resist.

So as being alone amidst this strange place, I had to know why this damn demon was still chasing us.

The good news was it didn't direct its arms towards us yet, however he was walking in the same direction as us. Was it a coincidence?

So I began to change the direction of the balloon while I said to Gen:

'I will keep changing the direction of the balloon, but you all had to keep your eyes looking for those bastards who ran away.'

'Don't worry, we will find them my princess,' Gen replied.

'We have to find them or else we would certainly die,' I thought this to myself as this was a clear fact to me by now. I threw away all these disturbing thoughts, as I continued to fly my balloon towards the north east trying to lose that demon.

At first the change in the direction wasn't obvious, considering the huge body of this demon. But with time the direction we took began to head away from the direction of the demon.

'Good, it's about to go away from us,' Gen sent these relaxing words to me, however before I even replied to them I noticed something disturbing.

This demon paused again, this stop made my heart palpitate. Did it discover us? Every time this demon stopped, it would begin to do something next. I hoped it wouldn't target us with its arms, or else we would be finished.

Despair was selfish, so selfish as it seemed it had its ugly eyes upon me and my little team. The demon didn't pause for more than one minute before it began to act.

It didn't use its arms, it used its body as it shifted its path to walk towards us.

Damn, that demon was tracking us, but how?

Was it the messages we were using to communicate with each? Could it even hear the unspoken words? could it hear our thoughts as well?

That was scary, however I didn't jump into the depth of this abyss directly as I had to try not to talk, literally at all.

'Listen up, from this moment on it's forbidden for us to speak even if the team chat. no player is allowed to send messages privately or commonly, and of course he isn't allowed to speak out loud, understood?'

Gen turned to look at me with great surprise and doubt before he said:

'What about the task in hand?'

He was referring to the search for that team. I sighed as I replied:

'The only task right now is to stay alive, dying here would send us back, way back towards the start point outside this place. That means we have to start over, and this time I don't think our enemies would be negligent to their air domain.'

My words explained to him how important it was to remain alive. He had to be convinced so he could convince everyone. This wasn't a plan that I had total control over, as if only one player didn't follow my instructions then we would be finished.

Gen started to relay information to other players, who nodded in agreement without hesitation.

'We are ready, no communication would be used from now on,' Gen sent to me privately. I took a deep breath to clear out my thoughts before I started to change the direction of my balloon again.

This time I headed towards the west, and as before the direction I took didn't give any fruit until after a few long minutes. The next long minutes were really stressfully long, as I was observing every single movement of this demon.

I wasn't alone, as all my team was also doing the same. After nearly half an hour, the direction we took started to get away and away from that demon.

We finally managed to escape that demon!

I didn't know how far that bastard could sense sounds or words, so I didn't give the signal for my team to start communication. I was planning to keep moving until we couldn't see it anymore then we could restart communicating again.


'What the hell is that!'

In front of me, and back from the direction we just escaped from, a long rocket like missile was launched. This rocket thing had a long tail of black smoke as it moved with great speed towards our balloon.

Was there someone eyeing us beside this demon? Were they trying to hit us as we successfully escaped from the demon?

However what I was thinking about got drastically changed when this rocket exploded suddenly midair between the balloon and that demon.

That explosion caused a massive wave of destruction, but that wasn't important. What was really desperate was the immediate massive sound wave that followed that explosion.

A sound so loud that even my ear drums felt pain, you could imagine what this explosion would do to that demon.

The demon stopped abruptly, and this time it didn't move alone, but more than dozen of its hands materialized and moved with unparalleled speed towards the place of explosion as they hit that place ruthlessly without hesitation.

I felt great danger that even made me unable to think or move. What the hell just happened right now? Was there someone trying to guide the demon towards us?

Suddenly I got the picture of this mixed race group in front of my eyes. Those bitches, they were trying to kill us?

Did they think I would sit by and let them do this? If the war they wanted, then I would gladly comply.

Did they think they were the only ones with long range attacks like this? I began to check the skill tree of my balloon. There were many skills that would cause sound damage, however what I was looking for was a nice combo between a long distance attack and a huge sound created by it.

And I found a very nice skill that wouldn't take a long CD, only one minute to be used each time considering spending some gold coins to activate.

Without spending one hundred gold coins each time, this firework arrow would need much more time to be used again.

I didn't think much as I already knew the location where that missile came from, so I muttered:

'Firework arrow skill activated.'

Suddenly a long huge arrow with a burning front appeared from the balloon. I didn't hesitate to launch it, and it moved with greater speed than those bastards' attacks and headed straight towards the target.

We were now at the west, and the demon was heading in the north east direction before it changed its course now to head towards us. Those bastards were in the east, which meant they were in the opposite direction to us.

The arrow I sent didn't aim for the east; instead it aimed for the north. As for us, I circled the balloon to move towards the south.

I didn't plan to direct the demon towards them, I planned to be the demon to them.

I wouldn't rest until I kill all of them with my hands, besides I need to take some as prisoners and extract the information about this godforsaken place. 

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