Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 202: Welcome to The Land of Dreams

Chapter 202: Welcome to The Land of Dreams

The worry and anxiety all over Prino's face were genuine, so I had this feeling he was telling the truth and we were in front of some sort of great opportunity.

The balloon was fast in the descent as it just landed on the ground in less than one minute. Once it touched the ground, I noticed Prino heaved a long sigh of relief.

It seemed he was much more nervous than I thought. Before I could say anything, I noticed the sudden change in the space as if the balloon and everyone in it were being pulled by a strong pulling force.

I looked towards Prino to find him calm and relieved, like he was anticipating this to happen.

My eyes fell over Gen to see his distressed face, with a strange feeling that he intended to harm Prino.

'Don't do anything to him,' I directly sent to him making all his plans to cease while looking strangely towards me. I knew he didn't mean ill to me, as this was driven by his concern and worry over myself.

'It's ok, just be ready for what we will face next,' I sent him before I felt the pulling force intensify and myself entering into a strange dark tempest and feeling squeezed inside it.

The pulling didn't last long, and when it vanished I opened my eyes to find the balloon was lying on one of its sides like it was thrown away by a hand of a giant.

On the marble like pure pale green colored ground, everyone was lying in different positions and places around the balloon. They were all sleeping, with no one awake except for me.

This wasn't a normal transmission from place to place, it was like we were faced by a resisting force to prevent us from entering here, and we won.

This was like a battleground scene, and I hoped that everyone would be fine. I wasn't lying on the ground, nor standing on it. I was flying midair, covered by a translucent faint green bubble that seemed to separate me from the rest of the world here.

"What's going on here?" I muttered as I felt everything was wrong.

"Welcome to the land of dreams special power holder."

Suddenly I heard this majestic voice which came from each place around me. it was a strange feeling, like the whole world was speaking to me.

"Thanks for the warm welcome," I nervously said as I didn't know what else I should say.

"Don't be this nervous," the sound came again. I felt it wasn't intending anything harmful to me, but I was also skeptical towards the unknown.

"Are they going to be alright?" I asked while pointing towards my team who was sleeping there everywhere.

"Don't worry about them, they won't be in danger, just for now."

The last past caught me off the worrisome hook as I hurriedly asked:

"What is going to happen to them?"

"I don't know yet," the sound said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked with more worry and increased anxiety.

"Their fate will be decided by your choice, special power holder," the sound came again. I felt lost here as I didn't get what this voice meant, so I asked:

"Can you elaborate further please?"

"Sure, you have three choices here, each choice you make is final, and can't be changed once you take it, so choose wisely and take all the time you need."

The voice then paused for few long moments before I asked again:

"What are these choices?"

"Oh, you don't know them? that's weird!" the voice said with some surprise.

"I- I really don't know a thing about here," I honestly replied.

"Then how come you enter here? No one can enter here without knowing the idea of this world."

I felt surprised as well, however I realized everything instantly. That bastard sat me up then. I glanced towards his sleepy body as I planned to get my revenge many folds if I ended up losing anything here.

"I'm sorry, one of my newly acquired men recognized this place and said it was an entry to a great opportunity place and he hurried us to reach the entrance. So we entered and here we are."

"Well, he didn't lie to you, this world is a world of opportunities and many fortunes. However, with chances come challenges, and with fortune comes misfortune. So this place is quite risky as it's full of opportunities.

Your man should have told you more about here, and you shouldn't have blindfolded him here without asking for more."

The voice was right, but I had no time to ask for more info back then. The situation we were at was quite special, and I hoped I didn't encounter anything like it ever again.

"I'm sorry for this mistake, however what are the choices in front of me? and what is this place?" I asked.

"Let's start with this place, as it's considered a junk yard of every great universe out there. you can consider here like a trash box where unneeded things would be thrown to here," the voice explained.

I took a wider look over the world, as it seemed quite neat and clean to me to be a junkyard.

"If this is a junk yard, then how come it's a land of chances and dreams?" I asked with doubt.

"This let me guess, you understood it as a place where all destroyed and useless stuff is thrown to, right?" the voice said.

"Yes," I honestly replied. There was nothing wrong in my imagination, after all the voice claimed it was a junkyard, right?

"This is where you are wrong, this isn't a place for useless places, it's a place for ownerless items and treasures. Anything that loses its owner in any way, it will disappear from that world and appear here."


That was my instant reply to this voice explanation. If it wasn't lying to me, and I hoped it wasn't, then I was in front of a major opportunity. I looked again towards the sleeping Prino, this man had really given me such a nice chance, I like him.

"Yes, I can feel you. Now let's talk about your choices here. As I just said earlier, you have three choices to go with, first is all safe choices, the second is a bargain choice, and the third is an all out choice."

I didn't get what the voice meant by that, so I asked:

"May you explain each choice please?"

"My pleasure. The all safe choice means you will forsake this opportunity to leave with your men safe without any harm, in exchange for not walking into these lands. As for the bargain choice which means you can exchange the life of your captured men here with one treasure from this world chosen randomly.

The all out choice means you will risk everything and try your luck with the help of your team here in the world. There is no protection for you once you choose this option, as you or any of your men can die.

You all might die, but on the other hand, the treasures in these lands are wide open to you if you have the ability to seize them. so, what will you choose then?"

I looked around the world where I was at, as I couldn't see any potential source of wealth or danger out here. that must be an illusion, or a safe place where nothing of the real world could appear to me.

"May I know what type of dangers I would face?" I asked about trying to probe for more info.

"Differs according to the nature of your desired treasure," the voice replied with an answer that wasn't answering anything at all.

"So there is no way to know the nature of the dangers I would face when entering there?" I asked directly.

"Luck favors the brave," the voice replied with this old saying that made me feel annoyed.

"and not many brave kept their lives for long," I said with a stern look over my face. I didn't open my mouth for a long time waiting for the voice to reveal part of the dangers here to me, however what the voice said made my blood boil even more.

"What is your choice special power holder?"

I gritted my teeth as I inhaled then exhaled slowly then I said:

"Forget it, I will see the danger in your world by myself. I choose the third option."

"You are going all out?" the voice asked.

"Yes, I will go all out here and seize all the riches I could carry," I replied.

"Please try not to suffocate or kill yourself here," the voice sarcastically said before it vanished coupled with the eruption of the bubble that protected me.

I didn't realize I was that high in the air except when I began to fall after the disappearance of that bubble. All I could do was just to scream, and when my body violently hit the ground, I closed my eyes as I thought I would be dead.

"Princess, are you ok?"

I heard Gen's voice suddenly to make me open my eyes. I was still on the balloon, which was now in the air flying smoothly like nothing had ever happened.

I glanced at Gen then towards Prino then all over the world. we weren't in the same place where we entered from the castle, or at the same still calm world where I spoke with that mean voice.

We were in an open world with no obvious boundaries at all. There were many high mountains on the horizon, appearing like a faint shade in an evening of a midsummer day.

The ground under us was a stretch of a valley with three river branches running across here. I didn't know if these branches originated from the mountains up front or from the back where the green open lands were extending without an end.

What I knew was that place had no sign of any risk or treasure whatsoever. I wasn't totally clueless, as I had that sneaky little bastard who knew everything and said nothing.

"Prino, either you say everything you know after wiping this silly looking smile over your face or I start killing your people one by one in front of you then end up killing you last."

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