Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 226: This Is My Way of Fighting

Chapter 226: This Is My Way of Fighting

Like an ice ball falling from high, starting small and ending with an avalanche, more and more players got the courage and stepped forward, expressing their desire to join my ranks.

My less than a hundred army of players, the number that was somehow modest and couldn't be put in the eye, had grown hundred folds, and kept increasing without stopping.

Initially, the number of players here was massive, beyond measure, so when my army of players exceeded fifty thousands, it didn't have any big impact over the overall picture in front of me, but it was enough to make me own a considerable force, with a leader that couldn't be reckoned with.

Once the fervent of joining me faded away, I raised my spear high, my normal spear, as I loudly said:

"Welcome on board, we will move out now. During the way, my main players, the elders in my group, will appear and organize you. Be cooperative with them, and don't cause trouble."

I then looked behind my back, towards the astonished players of mine, as I ordered:

"Go down there and do your jobs."

They just nodded, as they knew this was a turning point, not only in my life but for theirs. Following me was the most bright decision they ever made in their life, and I promise to keep them astonished like this all the time.

"You, and you and you will stay with me," I selected Diana, Gen, and Rog as I needed them to be by my side. They stayed, watching the others going down with great enthusiasm, dreaming of how big their own army of players would be.

I depended on their ambitions to train these players and lead them well, enough to make me impressed. After all, the competition was big, and choosing those three meant one thing, I only selected the best.

"Let's move."

I yelled, giving orders to everyone, loudly like that, not using the chat method. I moved my balloon in the front, while my army, and my new followers' armies followed alongside.

It was a good scene to be seen, not grand, of course, like many high and esteemed groups and guilds here, but it was enough for me as a start.

Just as we moved away from the territory of the castle, we passed through the hill I once visited. Just passing this landmark, it felt like a horn was blown, gathering vast numbers of demons, herd over herd coming hot towards us.

"It seems the demons were strangled just like us," Rog said, as he pointed out towards the far, "there is another hot battle with those who moved ahead of us."

In the far distance, I could spot many huge dust clouds, which indicated big battles. We weren't the first team to move out, so we weren't the only ones facing these brutal attacks.

"Will you act?" Gen suddenly asked, "or do you want us to play?" he added. So far I didn't tell them why I kept them here, and now I intended to do so.

"You three will act as my advisors, war advisors. From now on, our teams are huge, far larger than before, and so we need some system to arrange and lead them, or chaos would erupt. I don't like chaos, so make sure you organize orders well."

They looked at me, astonished, as Diana asked to make sure she understood me well:

"Do you mean out army, or everyone's armies?"

"Diana, my dear," I said as I warmly chuckled, "everyone here is under my command, they are all my army," I said as I pointed to every other balloon flying alongside me.

Hearing this made their blood boil, I could see that in their eyes, even my own blood boiled.

"Let's go, we have a hard battle to arrange," I simply said.

"What about you?" Rog asked.

"I will watch and see the performance of everyone. If needed, I would interfere, but I hardly doubt it."

They looked to each other, as they didn't know how tiresome I was. I needed time to rest, time to take my breath, and now it seemed to be the right time.

I stood there, as the three of my advisors started their job, stiffened at first, which was apparent over their faces, these small beads of sweats that started to appear gradually told me a lot about how hard it was to deal with this massive army.

But they had to learn and master it, after all my time here was limited. I loved these lands, the opportunities here were endless, but I had another task I had to accomplish back at home. My adventure group must start acting, announcing our presence to the public.

I knew my once high level was now ordinary, or not that high at least, but that didn't stress me. I once topped everyone, and once again I was confident in repeating it.

The only problem I had was the dungeons, I needed to act and start attacking them. My only experience with them was related to the one I had back at the novice village, so I couldn't plan anything, not without a single piece of information.

I thought of asking my three advisors about it, but seeing their strained faces made me change my mind. Let them handle their task for now, and I might ask them later.

When the battle finally erupted, I was personally astonished by the massive number of demons out there. The demons stretched, covering the whole land in sight, till reaching the horizon, giving me the odd feeling of swimming in an ocean against current, though there were no waters, but demons.

Things looked good at first, as my players kept killing demons easily, due to their low ranks, but even low ranked insects could kill if amassed in great numbers.

So, in time, demons started to surround us, making the process of advancing very hard to achieve, especially when I stressed over the need for dissecting any demon corpse, and brought me all the loot.

This wasn't my nature, to take from others what they gained for themselves, and that might cause misconception for those who recently joined me, but they still had faith in me and obeyed my commands, which were relayed through my three advisors.

An endless stream of demon bones, hearts, and even medallions started to flood over me from the battleground. When things started to get complicated, and demons started to halt our advance, more and more requests for abandoning the dissecting, time consuming and labor diverting task were urgently coming more frequently to my advisors.

They did their job and relayed the requests to me, but all I needed to say was just one reply:

"Let them wait, reinforcements are coming soon."

My advisors had a glimpse of my abilities to recruit humans, players who shifted their allegiance to be under my flag, so they could understand my reply.

However those on the ground didn't know that, so they were starting to lose their faith in me, questioning themselves about the decision they just made in following me, was it rash?

Just as advancing became impossible, and even keeping the places they held was challenging, I had amassed enough coins, from selling all that came to me from the battle, enough to shift the tide of this battle.

My wealth was now counting in millions, and reaching ten million was just a hair breadth away from my grasp, however I wasn't that interested in even checking the exact number, as I knew for sure I would feel more pain if I did that.

After all this money was destined to be lost, all lost, in just one second, to turn the table right here.

I took out my prison artifact, that small black cube, as I closed my eyes and dived deep inside it. There were already tens of thousands of demons held prisoners, plus one hundred thousand different races, whom I captured from my recent adventure.

Using those races wasn't the right choice right now, as I intended not to lose any of them. demons could be easily replaced, but those precious trophies couldn't.

As for demons captured from the castle battle, they were higher in rank than those weaklings down there, but I wasn't feeling that pained in using them, even if I eventually lost them all, as I was sure of ability to capture demons of their caliber or even better in the future.

So, I opened my eyes, glanced casually at the battlefield below, as I moved a few steps until I reached the forefront of my balloon. My movement attracted everyone's attention, as they were already questioning themselves about the time I would interfere, doubting the personality of mine.

I didn't speak, as I softly muttered:

"Absorb all the demons here."

My order wasn't that realistic, as I knew there were a lot of demons in this place. the answer of the artifact came as expected, showing a shocking number of demons surrounding my army.

"There are two million demons around you in a five kilometers radius, do you want to absorb them all?'

It wasn't logical for me to approve, but at least I knew how bad our situation was.

"Absorb only those in five hundred meters radius," I muttered, as doing so would give a space for my army to take a breath of relief, even if it was for only less than a minute.

'There are fifty thousand demons, do you want to absorb them?'

Without any hesitation I nodded, "yes," was my instant reply. Suddenly, a wide place around my army was emptied, without any warning, rendering my army speechless, even those on their balloons were shocked by my great hand.

However the real magic show was yet to start!

"Relay orders, stay put and don't move, no matter what happens," I strictly said to my advisors, who had seen this trick of me from before, so they weren't that shocked at all.

As they started to relay orders, I softly muttered:

"I choose to turn all the demons inside into my followers."

``There are eighty five thousand demons, costing eight million and five hundred thousands gold coins, do you want to proceed?"

I just paid a hefty price to absorb the fifty thousand demons from before, as each demon cost one hundred gold coins to be trapped, and the same to be turned into a loyal follower.

So, I paid five million gold coins already, and my remaining coins were only less than another five million.

"I choose to release only half of them, randomly selected," I muttered, hastily, as the demon army wasn't that shocked by the sudden absence of their comrades and continued their reckless charge towards my players.

In less than twenty seconds they would reach my army, and what I just did would be wasted.

'Demons are now loyal to you, they will be released in the area you desire.'

I didn't waste any second as I thought of randomly distributing these demons, to surround my army.

In a blink of an eye, the space around players, the empty space, was filled with mixed ranks of demons. Their sudden appearance out of nowhere started everyone, and even caused a ruckus inside my army ranks.

However what really caused a thunderous shock amidst them was what these demons did, as they turned their backs to my players, facing the incoming demons, roared viciously, and then charged towards the demons, attacking them without showing any mercy.

"Muster up your courage, they are now our new allies, help them and keep pushing forward, and send me everything you collect."

This time I stood over the front of my balloon, raising my voice to its extreme, yelling loudly and proudly into my army, showing them what it truly meant to be fighting under my banner.

It meant to be invincible, to fight in a way no one had ever done before, and this was my way of fighting.

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