Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 234: Heading Straight for Heart of the Fifth Layer

Chapter 234: Heading Straight for Heart of the Fifth Layer

I flew away, using my new balloon, which was much faster, greatly stronger than my previous one. I checked the list of the skills here, mostly focused on offense, with thunder was a main factor in all of it. Now I could call myself the girl of thunder, as I had a thunder balloon, and a thunder artifact, my spear.

The journey back to the camp went smoothly. I was in a good mood, so I always stopped to collect some demons, not leaving a single group slip away. When I reached the camp, it was already the next day.

The approach of my balloon had alerted everyone, and I needed to send the advisors a direct message so they would drop their guards and weapons. I wasn't afraid of them, but I was afraid I might get carried out and annihilate many of them.

Just as I sent the message, they dropped their offense, and started to approach me rapidly as I landed in the middle of the camp.

"Princess, what a nice balloon!" Diana was the first to speak of, as she was amazed by the balloon I got in my hands.

"It's just a bonus, after defeating his previous owner," I simply replied, as it was nothing. I really didn't break a sweat there to kill that man, so it was really nothing!

"Wow, you managed to get your hand over the thunder balloon, and you call it nothing? Our princess is mighty indeed," Rendy came from far, bellowing in amazement when he saw my balloon. He recognized the balloon, which made me giggle. I also thought his owner wasn't just nobody, he was a noble after all.

"I met his owner, some sort of nobleman he was, and we ended up in a fight and then I killed him. this little baby was there alone, so I figured out to bring it with me."

I said, in a playful childish tone, as I patted over that balloon like it was my pet. Nina just arrived, and she laughed, the most pure hearted laugh ever heard from her so far, before she patted me on the back, and jumped to hug me while saying:

"You killed that fat bastard! You did me a great deal of help, you know?"

I just chuckled, before asking:

"Was his name fat?"

"No, no, he is called genratom, a stupid name of a stupid noble family. He is the head of one of the noble guilds in my world, and he is simply a d*ck!"

I laughed, when I heard her words, before I said:

"It's ok, I just taught him a lesson. He tried to approach me with sweet words, but I eventually killed him."

She smiled warmly, before Rendy said:

"I heard he was trying to get his hands on the heart of the fifth layer, have you met him there?"

"Regarding that," I said as I gestured for the five of them to approach me closer, before I added:

"I met him nearby a strange castle, where a massive strong sword attacked and killed everything in its way."

"The sword of calibre, that's its name," Rendy said, as this was a well known info. I then asked:

"What is the heart of the layer?"

Nina took the role of answering me, as she said:

"Each layer here, starting from the third layer onwards, has a fort in its center region. this fort is considered the strongest fort amongst all the forts in the layer. Some also speak about the arsenal and treasury of these forts, being a treasure trove, arsenal full of equipment, advanced equipment that you can never find anywhere else.

However this layer, the fifth layer, is special, as all the other layers were defeated and conquered a long time ago, even before we were born, or fathers were born either. But this layer is different, as it has that nasty sword of calibre."

She said, in a way that was funny in itself. I giggled, as I recalled the horrific scene of that spear, before I asked again:

"No one ever managed to bypass that sword?"

"Nah, not a single one," she replied.

"So, basically, no one ever knew if there is another deadliest weapon in the castle or not?"

"Nah, no one ever set foot there, so no one ever knew about the presence of anything else. Some said that bypassing the sword meant getting the castle, as the sword was freakishly strong. But others refused this theory, and said it was just like other forts, full of demons and traps, defensive towers and other stuff.

Do you know the castle you defeated back at layer two? it was considered the heart of layer seventeen, or eighteen? I don't remember, but it was the heart of that layer."

I chuckled, as I already overtook that castle, so it was much possible for me to take this castle.

"Do you plan to go there and attack the castle?" Rendy asked, with some nervousness in his voice.

"Why? Are you afraid?" I asked back, looking directly him in the eye.

"No, no, and yes, sure, I'm scared of this sword. I heard a lot of rumors, and some even said when we got hit by it, we got sent to our worlds directly, and some even said we never came back again."

I smiled, as this Rendy was easily scared it seemed. I glanced at Nina and him, the two of them were making a perfect couple indeed.

"Are you ready to move out?" I asked, as I glanced around me, checking over the status of the army. They looked refreshed, as last night was relaxing for them.

"We can move now, if you ordered."

I thought for a bit, if I wanted to hit that castle, then I should do it alone, but again I just recalled that noble I just killed. I should be wary of his allies as well, who knew what they might pull, or what desperate situation I might face after taking the castle.

Thinking rationally, and acting with care, I decided to proceed with caution.

"We will move, you will stay near that castle until I take it down, then I will ask you to rush to me."

"Are you really going to attack this castle?" Nina asked, with widened eyes, as she couldn't believe my words.

"Sure, but there is a catch here," I said, as I looked at my five advisors in the eye, "I will move and leave you alone, all alone. If anything happened to you, I can't pull over from there and come to your rescue. That means" I paused, as I wanted my words to be remembered by them. "I won't be able to help you, and you will be all alone."

They looked deeply towards me, before nodding their heads. They understood what this mission carried as risks, and I was sure something bad would happen from the nobles. Those nobles only existed to cause me trouble, no more.

I oversaw the last preparations of my army, as I stepped into my balloon, all alone, while others followed me in their balloons or marching on the ground. The plan was to escort them to a place just next to the castle. I wouldn't attack the castle directly, as I would start making tours first to secure the area for them. After I made sure of the safety of this place, I would proceed with my plan.

This castle wouldn't last the night, and in the morning its walls would welcome new flags, my flags.

We moved, and met some scattered demons here and there. I always prioritized taking these demons into my artifact, but as we were heading to war with many variables, keeping the vigilance of my army was one of my aims.

So, I let the demons harass my army along the way, without interference. I observed the small fights going on here and there with demons, which all ended by our victory, indeed.

It took five hours until I reached a place near the castle. According to Rendy, the sword of calibre had a range of miles, so it was best to stay outside the area of its reach.

I agreed with him, despite them being five hours away from the castle. Knowing how far it was, I started to roam the area, looking for any intruders, or spies related to any force.

I soon found some small armies, camped all over the place. I took Nani with me, as she was familiar with the local powers here. she spotted these forces, identified them as belonging to the noble forces.

Without even saying a word, I acted by using my artifact, absorbing every single person here, and then moving out. I repeated the process for over twenty times, wasting more hours in the search and hunt, but eventually I had big gains.

Away from securing the place, as the numbers I got rid of were really huge, now my prison was full of players. I could turn them into my subjects, push them to swear their allegiance to me, however I didn't rush to do it now.

I didn't know, yet, what dangers I would face inside this castle, as I might need the help of the artifact, to absorb demons inside the castle. 

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