Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 243: Let's Return Home, Folks

Chapter 243: Let's Return Home, Folks

"Yes, it's a guild master token, as my initial assessment was a guild master candidate. Now, do you want to walk this rough, long, bumpy road with me?" 

My question, while I was holding the token in hand, seemed crazy to be true for them. I could see their shocked facial reactions, their trembling bodies, and even their accelerated breaths. They were shocked, as this moment was the most shocking moment in their lives.

I stood there, giving them time to assess the situation and absorb the shock, collect their emotions and return to their norms, but they didn't manage to do that.

They were really unable to believe what they were seeing right in front of their eyes, with many times they stretched their hand and tried to feel the token, it was really real, that what I thought they kept telling themselves.

"C'mon, control yourselves better," I said after they took over half an hour and didn't manage to overcome their shock. My words made them try their best, but they needed another two hours to stand without any trembling, with a face clear of any shocked emotions.

"How did you get this?" Nani was the first to speak up, as she pointed, with shaky fingers again, towards the token.

This wasn't the first time she asked me this, I think we exceeded the dozen times already. "I told you, I got it from my test," I, with no much patience, said.

"What were the answers you gave in that exam again?" she finally asked a new question, despite being irrelevant.

"How could I possibly remember!" I replied, "Let's stop asking the wrong questions here, I have the token, and I need to start planning to use it," I said, in a loud voice addressing all of them.

"Wait a minute, the guild race has already started in your world?" Gen suddenly asked, as he was the most collected one here.

"Yes, it started, and one way or another, I will have to show up my token to the public. So, I plan to use it, and try to make the guild be established," I said.

"Oh, that explains things," Diana muttered, in a shocked face as the others.

"People, wake up, I need your minds, your brains, these little things that tweaked inside your heads, to think with me of how to successfully establish my guild."

My aggressive tone managed, finally and thanks god, to wake them up. They looked at me, as they started to think, or that what I just hoped.

"One sec, why are you this nervous?" Rendy asked, "Establishing a guild is a five years long quest, with each year assessment, so why are you this stressful?" he added.

"Because I'm not the only person who knows about this token existence," I said, as they looked, suspiciously at me, "my damned fiance, Respon, knows, and he, for sure, told his harem, and these b*tches are really distasteful, and really, really hate me."

My answer was full of anger and hatred, and they understood, finally, why I was in such a state.

"You suspect they will come after you?" Nani asked, with concern.

"I'm not assuming, they have already moved against me. the first player in my world has just sought to establish a guild while he is at level twenty, can you imagine that?" I said.

"Sure, it's unprecedented, the guild race always starts after crossing level fifty, as you will need to finish many dungeons until level one hundred dungeon, and so starting early isn't an advantage," Rendy said, stating one condition of making a guild.

"why does this seem similar to the conditions of making an adventure group?" I suddenly asked, as this part was, strangely, similar to the legendary quest I already had.

"A quest for an adventure group?" Rendy muttered, as he didn't get what I was speaking about.

"The princess had a quest, a legendary quest, to establish her own adventure group," Rog said, explaining to them what they didn't understand.

"No way, you issued a legendary quest already?" Nani suddenly exclaimed, "wait a sec, have you fulfilled any step in this quest?" she said, with a bright look and a smile on her face, a silly smile to be honest.

"Yes, the most basic number requirement condition was met a long time ago, even before I came here," I replied, as I didn't know what is great about having a quest I wouldn't continue.

"Oh, that's great, that's wonderful, that's wonderfully great!"

She kept muttering to herself, like a crazy girl. I didn't know why she turned this crazy, but I looked at her and said nothing, waiting for her to speak up, and explain.

"No way, are you thinking?" Rendy, he too, joined her in this mad little party. I took a deep breath, and exhaled in a limited patience that I already lacked.

"Can anyone explain why you two are acting silly?" I finally couldn't take it, as the two were now whispering and grinning between each other, like planning a scheme.

"It's simple, yet very surprising. As the adventure guild has a legendary quest for groups, it also has a legendary quest for guilds," Nani said, finally explaining why the two of them were acting this bizarre.

"Do you want me to go and ask for a legendary quest? For my guild? That's insane!" I said, as I couldn't believe their madness! The quest I received from the guild was already crazy and so hard that made me feel some helplessness, and now these two wanted to make me accept another quest, how insane!

"No, no, it's not like this. Just listen to me and then decide," Rendy interfered rapidly, as my reaction was well clear to them, "the normal guild race is a competition between players with guild master tokens, and that's why it's called a race. Only a handful of them would succeed, and the rest would fail.

However, going to establish a guild through the legendary quest will make you compete alone, on a totally different competition, so they couldn't beat you in this, the only things they could do is to start troubles at your path, trying to make you take longer, or of course, fail," he added, as he shrugged his shoulders when saying the last phrase.

I thought for a moment, as what he said wasn't that bad, and it made logic. If I got myself out of this stupid race, then I would be, somehow, secured, but I wouldn't get rid of their schemes on me.

"But the adventure group quest I had is already a nightmare, I can't imagine the quest requirements of the guild," I said, as I complained about the difficulty of this quest.

"Oh, here comes a nice accident," Nani said, "if you applied to the legendary quest, before the third player announced his guild master token possession, and you already started the adventure group quest and, at least, fulfilled one condition in it, you can enjoy one year of immunity, during which fulfilling the quest conditions of the adventure group would be counted, during this year only, as a contribution to your guild establishing quest, plus you will be relieved from many conditions, and the first year assessment will be considered as a pass with perfect score," she added, with a wide grin over her face.

She had a point here, and her words were really encouraging and got me very excited.

"But I heard from Shin, before, that to establish a guild I must have other branches at other worlds, is this true?" I asked.

"Sure, it's an essential first year condition, as you need ten branches in ten worlds, beside your HQ. But the beauty of it is that you can be exempt from this, as the first year would be a pass for you. The hardest conditions always started at first year, and if this condition wasn't eliminated by your legendary adventure group quest fulfillment, then you can use the time to come here again, gain more followers from different worlds like us, and you can establish the branches you need," Rendy said, and he had spoken all correct and perfect.

Suddenly, that huge burden on my chest felt so light, after hearing what they just said.

"Ok, fine, I will follow what you just said, but I also want you to contact other friends of yours, and try to pouch them towards me," I said.

"Oh honey, don't worry, we are now part of your guild, and we will try our best to make it a kicking guild," Nani said, in an excited tone that drove a smile over my face, while Rendy just nodded, confirming her words.

"Ok, fine, I will do as you just told me to do. Diana, Rog, are our people ready to leave?" I asked, as it was now time for me to return home.

"Everyone is ready, princess," Diana replied.

"Ok, how can I leave here then?" I asked, looking towards Diana, Rendy, and Nani, as the latter said:

"Just open the stele, and select the exit option, then you and all of your players will return."

I smiled, then hugged her a long one, before waving to the rest while saying:

"Take care of yourselves, folks, and let's meet in six months to establish the guild."

They waved back and wished me luck, before I opened the stele, took a deep breath, and then selected a small option at its bottom with the word: EXIT, written brightly on it.

Once clicked it, I felt a force pulling me, as the whole world just kept spinning around me, as I left this world and returned to mine.

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