Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 257: The Harsh and Impossible Conditions to Establish A Guild

Chapter 257: The Harsh and Impossible Conditions to Establish A Guild

I didn't know what that was all about, but I felt these NPCs' reactions were a bit overboard.

"Great, you did great having that token, hiding it so far," that old NPC said, commending what I did on an impulse to survive. Sure, I wouldn't take the token now if it wasn't for that enemy of mine.

"I want to use it and establish my guild through the legendary guild quest," I said, declaring my intentions loud and clear.

"Oh, you are aiming that high then," that NPC said, in a mysterious way.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Establishing your guild through this process means you will establish the alpha guild, the guild that would rule over the whole game," he explained, "and thus, this quest is very unique, so hard to accomplish, are you sure of this?" he added, while looking seriously to me.

"Sure," I nodded, as this didn't faze me off, instead it made me more eager to try making it. In addition to that, I had no other choice but to go through that path. I was alone, all alone, not backed by a noble family or even by my useless fiance, screw his harem. I swore to make all these bitches suffer under my hands.

"Good, for your knowledge, the town where a guild is established will gain many benefits, and the quest you are requesting will make these much more generous. At the least, our town will be upgraded to become a city, a very big city," he said, with a beaming smile lightening his wrinkled face.

"Turning it into a city?" I wondered.

"Yes," he confirmed, "part of the quest is to take this whole town and turn it into a mighty city by fulfilling some requirements," he said, giving me a little scare here.

"Are these requirements hard? Are they many?" I asked, trying to understand what I got myself into.

"They are indeed many and hard, but don't worry, you will get the support of us, plus you will get the support of the town mayor and the main NPCs living here," he said, trying to reassure me, but he miserably failed in this.

"May I ask what are these conditions?" I asked.

"For a town to be a city, we need to upgrade the main buildings here, so you are required to find blueprints for these buildings. Five main buildings must be upgraded, the town mayor mansion, the adventurer guild, the blacksmith guild, the auction hall, and the mystic art society headquarters. Plus, you need to add two more unique buildings to the town, as their specialty," he said, listing out all these conditions, which made me feel already exhausted.

"Can I just buy them?" I asked, as if the problem was money, then it wouldn't be that scary after all.

"Nope," he regretfully shook his head, "you need to get them from treasure boxes at certain places, guarded by open world boss monsters," he added, giving me more scare.

"Then what help will you offer to me?" I asked, as these conditions seemed hard for the NPCs to help in.

"We will give you the privilege to select up to five personal guards from our NPCs entourage," he said, giving me some hope, "in return to paying their prices, of course," and here went my hopes being shattered before born!

"In addition to that," he added, giving me some hope he would say something nice, "we will be responsible for upgrading these buildings, and in return you will get some revenue back from the town, as you will be considered as a business partner and our benefactor."

Yes! Finally some hope here! I was starting to think this quest was just a trap to make me fall deeper in the sand! I smiled to him as I said:

"Thanks for your help. What about these monsters? Any clue about them?"

"Sure, we have already a detailed map for them, but for your current low level, I recommend you don't rush to hunt them now," he said, as I received a notification of a trade between me and him. I accepted it at once, to find a large map, filled with red marks, and beside each mark there was some essential data there.

"Level fifty monster? level seventy five monster? level one hundred monster? that's crazy!" I blurted out the moment my eyes fell on the map. I didn't mean to be rude, but this requirement was really silly to be met! Impossible!

"Don't worry," he smiled, trying to reassure me, which made me feel more worried, "all you need to do is to defeat these monsters in three years' span of time," he added, and that time seemed quite reasonable indeed.

Three years were long, I think I could start hunting them in less than six months, and I might even complete them in a year and half.

"About other conditions, you first have to obtain the legendary group quest, so you can apply for this quest," he said, stating the other rules, "plus in five years time, you will need to complete the conditions for the quest, making this town be a city, defend it against monster tide once each month, force your reign over the guilds and groups here, or even kick them away if you can, rule over all the dungeons here, taking the first spot all the time, obtain one million players, plus ten million players distributed over ten other game worlds other than here, older than here."

He finally said all the requirements, and to be honest, it was such a long list indeed. I didn't want to be pessimistic, but even I found it, somehow, difficult to fulfill these rules.

"But isn't there a protection period for each guild? And my guild will have one year immunity as well? How should I expel them from here?" I asked, one of the matters that I didn't fully understand.

"That's easy," he said, "the immunity for them is different from you," he added, "as you are going to have a hard quest, you have a privilege to be protected, you and your players, inside the green zone demonstrated in the map in your hands. as for them, you can issue a challenge duel at any time, negating their immunity, and forcing them to fight you with all their players, at the time and place you specified," he said, and what he said I liked a lot.

"What if they refused to come?" I asked.

"They will all lose five levels for that crime," he replied, with a wide evil smile on his face.

If that was true, then if I managed to level up my players faster than others, gathering a large number of players to join my guild, then issuing the challenge would be enough to give them a scare! I was pretty sure if they showed up, they would be beaten, considering that I managed to pull my players' pool far away from theirs.

And I had to admit, such a task seemed pretty hard, especially when my wicked enemy would already know that. he or she would do whatever they could to harass my players, trying to prevent them from leveling up too much.

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