Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 259: Meeting Lady Nada

Chapter 259: Meeting Lady Nada

"Do you have any preferences in choosing the system of the guild?" Rody asked, as the distant memory of their quarrel with Shin when choosing the group system was still vivid in his mind, pointing clearly to the fact that Shin knew for sure about the presence of a guild token.

"No, let's keep using the same guild system," I said as I clearly noticed the melancholic look on his face. "You go on, and I have another thing to take care of," I said, as I turned and headed straight to a certain location, the blacksmith guild.

Through the way, I kept hearing many words of praise that made me giggle, and many words of threat that didn't make me worry. I had one year immunity for me and my players. In return, I could issue a challenge to any player group or guild, any time I wanted, any place I chose.

Putting that in mind made me not worry about anything. Being strong didn't always mean to carry the biggest stick, as I was not the strongest, but the luckiest and smartest of them.

And now I intend to be the most hard working player in this game!

"Hello esteemed hero of our town."

The moment I passed into the main hall of the guild, the moment Lary met me with these words that made me chuckle. "Oh Lary, I missed you so much. Tell me, is Lady Nada here?" I directly asked about what I came here for. I needed to speak with her, gain her advice, and try to think of a way to start making my mechas.

Making armors and weapons wasn't that fun anymore, in regard of the possibility of making mechas.

"Yes, she was expecting you to come after we heard the news," Lary said, giving me a token. Once I touched it, I felt there was a hidden door glimmering midair. I stepped in it, to be absorbed by this invisible door, making me enter into the usual studio of Lady Nada.

And this time, I found Lady Nada in person standing in front of me, what a surprise it was!

"Oh, I didn't know you were really here," I said once I saw here, coupled with my shocked face, I was sure I seemed funny and silly right now.

"Oh dear, you are our hero, my hero, how can I miss this moment and not show up, specifically for you?" she warmly welcomed me, pointing to a chair on the side of the forging table, while adding:

"Plus, we are destined to meet."

"what do you mean by that?" I asked, with a confused look over my face.

"Dear, aren't you supposed to meet the town governor?" she asked, simply like that, and her meaning just devastated my mind.

"Wait a minute, you aren't?"

I paused, didn't dare to continue speculating, but her calm smile made me know the answer already.

"Don't worry, this isn't our formal meeting, it's a meeting between a master and disciple," she said with her calm smile that made me feel how naive and lucky I was.

My personal masters weren't just nobody, they were on top of everybody!

I was really lucky, even blessed!

"Don't look at me like that, you never asked about my true identity," Lady Nada chuckled, joking around for sure. How was I supposed to know her true identity? Or even doubt it?

Sure, her title was somehow catchy, but it wasn't that suspicious at all. I never expected her to be someone outside the blacksmith world, but now I was feeling much more relieved she had that other high position in town.

We were alike, the same face of the same coin, a precious one indeed.

"Now, let's put all that aside, and tell me what brings here today?"

"I just wanted to tell you about my accomplishments," I instantly replied.

"Oh dear, I was following your trail of news and groundbreaking achievements, even in that sacred land, where you totally killed it! I never thought my little disciple to be this mighty, despite knowing your link to the witch and your possession of the guild token.

I initially thought you would be scared to show it, hide it as all did, and finally would lose everything with your fear and care. to accomplish what others couldn't you must be daring," she said, with s sense of pride in her words.

"But you didn't tell me any advice back then," I said, in a slightly blaming tone. I knew she was aware of my possession of the guild token, and her knowledge of my linking to the witch astonished me as well, but she could say anything, even hint from far regarding what I could do.

"Dear," she calmly smiled per usual, "you can't teach a cat how to become a tigress. It's either you have the guts to do it, or not. If you aren't that daring, any words from me or anyone else wouldn't be enough to guide you. It has to come from inside you, and once it happens, I would be able to give all the support and help, knowing for sure how precious you are."

Her words seemed logical and carried some sense of responsibility. Even if I was her disciple, it seemed to me she was separating her life as a town mayor and her life as a blacksmith master. I suddenly felt glad of my luck.

Meeting Shin back then, as suspicious it might seem, was the major turning point of my life. I really missed him, and I swore to myself to never rest until I set him free.

"Now, enough of this deep talking, there will be another time for that. Tell me, do you only come here for this? Won't you try to make new gears for your players? I knew they had it rough last couple of weeks while you were away, and lost a lot of levels and gears. You solved the first, but not the latter, right?"

She was like a prophet, able to see directly through me. despite knowing what I was thinking of, she didn't alarm or annoy me by that, instead it felt great, having someone caring for you, honestly and without any other ulterior dirty motives of their own.

"I came here for that," I nodded, "but I didn't come here for gears," I added, " I want to learn how to make mechas," I declared my intentions.

"Mechas?!!" She asked with a tinge of surprise in her face, "do you mean those mechas out there?" she asked, trying to confirm my demand.

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