Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 265: Coming Back to the Town Mansion

Chapter 265: Coming Back to the Town Mansion

This all happened the moment I picked up the fruit, so I turned to observe it. It was ovoid in shape, with a smooth surface on the outside, felt by my hands.

The silver luster on its surface was strangely beautiful, which made me admire the fruit, having an urge to put it into my mouth, and eat it.

I pressed it gently, it wasn't that firm, like it was juicy from inside. The moment I did that, I noticed the appearance of a radiant glow over her body, making it feel like it had its own sentience.

"You are alive after all," I muttered, as I looked again towards the tree, which grew on the top of this hill. I didn't know where the witch was buried here, but if there was a place, then it should be below the tree itself.

"Thanks for entrusting me with all your hopes," I said, bowing my head to the tree, expressing my deepest sincere gratitude.

"You are the one to be thanked. May the fruit of knowledge be a good companion to you," the soft sound from before muttered, before I felt a breeze of wind, carried me from this place, throwing me back to my game world.

It was like a dream, so vivid that felt real. I was standing in my place, motionless for quite a few seconds, before realizing the fruit in my hand.

I glanced at it, shortly before murmuring:

"So this was real!"

I sighed, before putting the fruit into my inventory for now. I decided to use it later on. I looked at Lady Nada, who just arrived with me, as she was speaking with her entrusted guards.

She noticed my glances, so she stopped talking, or blaming, and smiled to me while saying:

"Come inside, the town is now safe."

I nodded, while giving my team a glance, telling them to stay here for now. I followed her climbing up the stairs, reaching towards the main hall of this huge palace.

It was fancy, but not too over decorative to be honest. Everything was carefully selected, with keen eyes and extreme care, sharing a single trait in them; simplicity.

The decorations starting from the door we just entered through, the carpets on the ground, the marble of the ground, the chandeliers on the ceiling, the paintings on the walls, the golden furniture everywhere, were all simple yet classy touches.

"Come, the rest of the NPCs will be here in half an hour," she said, as I noticed the palace was empty of any servants, like it was abandoned.

If not for the super clean state of everything, I would have assumed this palace was deserted, and no one lived in this mansion.

We entered a meeting room, with three rounded tables connected to each other, forming a shape of a petal. "Do you like my home?" she suddenly asked, while sitting in front of a fireplace, on the main seat here in this room.

"It's really simple, but adorable," I said while sitting on the next seat to hers. She giggled for a moment before regaining her seriousness, "Don't tell anyone about what just happened inside that secret realm," she warned.

I won't," I promised, as the witch's stuff was considered my top secret, at least to those closest to me. It wasn't out of mistrust, rather it was of protection.

"Good," she nodded, pausing for a few moments, as if she was thinking of something. "Do you know where we were?" she suddenly asked.

"The grave," I simply replied.

"Don't you feel any remorse? Regret?"

"I didn't have a choice from the start in all this," I honestly replied with a long tiring sigh, "but I intend to see it through to the end," I said my own belief.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"I'm, but fear is the driving force for me," I replied.

"Do you know the witch had many ferocious enemies? they now are regrouping again to face you!"

"The likes of Terick aren't my true enemies," I said, while looking at her eyes, where I saw a tinge of surprise on them. "If not the likes of him, then who then is your enemy?" she asked, with curiosity.

The ones who lead them," I looked at the blazing fire, "I really don't know who they are, not until today."

"Terick has a boss?" she doubtedly remarked.

"Yes," I nodded, "all of those who appeared today, and a lot more has one common boss," I added, while rubbing my hands in the direction of the fire, trying to get some warmth from it.

"Do you know who this boss is?" she asked, coldly asked, with her serious face, "if you know any info about it, I promise you I won't rest until I kill him, or her!"

I glanced at her face, feeling quite satisfied by her sincere intentions towards me. what a shame, though, she wasn't able to help.

"I can't tell you that."

"Why not?" she asked, before pausing for a moment, "don't you trust me?"

"It's not a matter of trust," I replied, while returning to look at the fire, while the latest events flashed fast in front of my eyes, "it's a matter of protection," I softly muttered.

"Do you think I'm that easy to get killed?" she said with a short laugh, but I never changed my posture, which made her take my words more seriously than before. "Are you telling the truth?" she asked.

"Sure, knowing this info would only kill anyone related to it," I simply said it, while returning to rub my hands again, trying to shake off my current mood.

"How can you be so sure of that? you don't know your enemies yet, and you don't know your allies true powers."

She had a point, and she had the right to know the reason, or at least to get an answer that would satisfy her. She wasn't just anybody, she was my mentor, someone I deeply admire, someone who really stretched out a hand of help more than once, even risking her own life to protect me.

I stopped what I was doing, while glancing directly in her eyes, while saying slowly, stressing on every single word of mine:

"Because these enemies aren't the leftovers from the witch's era, they are the one who ended that era!"

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