Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 267: Where is This Trinity Guild Located?

Chapter 267: Where is This Trinity Guild Located?

As I waited, silently and patiently, five of these NPCs showed their treacherous colors to me and Lady Nada. They were opposing the idea of helping me, and proposing to help the foreigners guild instead.

As for others, they just side glanced at those five, like they had a plaque or something. That was a good start, as less than half was traitors. The only thing remaining now was related to Lady Nada, could she abandon them or not?

I just glanced at her with questioning eyes, and it seemed she got my meaning, as she silently, with a solemn look over her face, nodded in agreement, giving me the go sign to act.

"Come forth my demon!" I suddenly and calmly muttered, while taking out my artifact. The next moment, a giant appeared in the room, crushing the ceiling of the palace, filling the place with rubbles.

The sudden appearance of my demon, with its huge strength, alarmed everyone here. I didn't delay as I pointed to these traitors, one by one, by my finger while saying:

"Kill this, this, this, this, and that one."

My demon nodded, then moved fast despite its huge body, to start the massacre. I sat in my place, without breaking a sweat, while all the traitors were killed simply like that, with one order of mine.

"Disappear," I muttered, when all of them were killed on the spot. The faces of the other NPCs showed conflicted emotions, as part was terrified already, and the other just nodded in content.

How could I be their proclaimed hero if I wasn't able to silence a bunch of traitors? That single execution had made my position here clear, I wasn't asking for their approval for me to establish the guild, and Lady Nada wasn't kind enough to allow such impudence here.

You either with me or against me, and all who stood against me would be killed, mercilessly, without any exception.

"Sit down, it's just a simple procedure done against traitors," Lady Nada said, reassuring everyone else, bringing them out of their shock, and making them all sit down. "These NPCs will be replaced by me, so don't worry about any more work done on you," she added, while smiling like she just threw a joke.

I glanced at the remaining seven NPCs, with shocked faces, all except one. The NPC who once guarded me was sure of this result when these traitors spoke up, but he remained silent, and didn't warn or stop them.

That was something I took a note of, as this NPC was really smart.

"Now, let's discuss the reason for this meeting. As you all know, player Agatha here had already applied to establish a guild into our town, taking the route of the legendary quest to do so.

That means she is obliged to turn our town into a city," she said, while turning to look towards an old NPC, "I know your people did a great job and explained everything here, so I won't waste any more time stating the conditions here. we all know it, and player Agatha is determined to see all of them fulfilled.

What I gathered you here for is to declare our clear stand behind her, helping her in anything that she might need. So, from this day forth, anything she asks for will be fulfilled for free, all cost is handled by me, is that clear?"

I turned to glance at her, with my turn to be shocked by her generosity. I would need a lot of equipment, potions, and now I could just order as many as I wish for free. That was awesome.

However, I didn't plan to be all this dependent on her. I had to stress over the others to support the lifestyle players. we need to have our own way to get gears and potions, for any special circumstances.

"As for the guards, she is allowed for five, and Godfrey here will be the one responsible for selecting her own entourage," she added, while looking over the guard who was protecting me.

I knew this was one of the privileges of being a guild master seeking to fulfill the legendary quest, but I felt appreciated for the kindness of hers nonetheless. She had ordered her main guard to select guards for me, which was a hidden indication to select the best of the best in the town.

"May I ask about our preparations for the incoming monster tide?" a middle aged NPC, who looked like an alchemist, with all this scent coming from his clothes, said.

"The tide will happen in three weeks, why the hurry to speak about it now?" Lady Nada frowned as she looked at him.

"It's not in three weeks," another NPC said, "it's tomorrow!" he added.

"Tomorrow?!!" it was Lady Nada's turn to be astonished, "isn't it supposed to be one month after the quest is issued?" she turned to look at the NPC of the adventurer guild.

"It's supposed to be," he nodded, "but I heard, just like others, about that guild, called trinity guild, which used a special method to accelerate it," he added, with a sorrowful look over his face, "the monster tide will appear tomorrow, and will be once every two weeks, not four," he added, throwing another bomb here.

I clenched my two fists as I had my patience depleted a long time ago regarding this guild. I suddenly looked at this NPC as I asked:

"Where is this guild main town located?"

My question, with my tone, made everyone look at me with a surprise look over their faces. My intentions were clear, as the adventurer guild leader asked to confirm what he understood:

"Are you planning to attack the guild?"

"No," I shook my head, "I'm planning to occupy their town, or destroy it," I declared, which seemed to be another bomb they never expected.

"That's" Lady Nada got silenced amidst her own words, "we can't help you with this quest, and you will have to handle many strong NPCs there," she finally said her concerns, not reprimanding me for my wildest aim.

"Don't worry," I calmly replied, with an evil smile over my face, "who can stand against my demon?" I said, showing off my supreme card in hand.

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