Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 274: Winning A Battle, Heading to Another

Chapter 274: Winning A Battle, Heading to Another

The strike I just launched moved without any stop towards the nearby circle. The moment the sword attack hit it, thousands of tiny arches of thunder accumulated at that point, trying to defend against my attack, however when my spear kicked in, all of them were shattered, alongside the whole circle when my both attacks finally hit it.


An explosion wave so mighty occurred, pushing me, my masters, even my giant pet to the back, all the way outside the sacred land.

The moment we stood outside that piece of land, stabilizing ourselves, we found that land starting to disintegrate, very rapidly, like the thing that kept her standing was finally destroyed, bringing the whole land down with it.

"It's finally over," I muttered, softly, without any pride or cheering of victory. My battle was won, but I still had another one to fight. After I won it, I could celebrate, announcing my victory to myself, and to the whole world.

"Congratulations my child, you have conquered them, despite it being hard and stressful," my master came to stand beside me with a wide smile over his face, a smile of pride and happiness.

I knew how he was feeling, and I knew he had all the right to feel so, but I couldn't celebrate with him, not now, not yet.

"Thanks master," I simply replied, while showing my deepest respect to him. He was trying to help me before, even gave me such a strange blessing scroll, which seemed to be of great value without doubt.

He also played the major role in defeating my enemies here, as without his help and his friends, I couldn't break through this trap with myself, not this easily of course.

"Are you thinking about going?" he suddenly asked, while giving me that serious look of his.

"Sure, I have to repay my debts, right?" I replied, casually like I was talking about something so minor.

He looked at me for a moment before smiling, his smile widened to end eventually in a long laugh, as it seemed he liked my reply.

"That's my child, that's how a spear girl should be," he said, amidst his happy laughs, while Lady Nada stood beside him, and then all the other masters stood behind the two.

I was standing in front of my masters, and their allies, who weren't anywhere weaker than them. they were all looking at me in admiration, despite if they wanted to do what I planned to do, it wouldn't take a few minutes to make a town, or even a huge city, turn into ruins.

But they admired my daring plans and moves despite being this weak, and I understood their looks, and their logic, however they all missed the most important point.

I was the living version of a legend of the past, and if I couldn't even dare to think differently, how could I ever dream of becoming as mighty and fearful as the old witch?

"Just be careful," Lady Nada said, and I was touched with her worry over me. I just nodded, said nothing, before I turned to go back to my players.

"Don't forget, stab the heart with your spear," she yelled at my back, and I understood what she wanted to say, as I raised my normal spear to the sky, as a silent reply to her reminder.

"Diana, gather ninety eight one of our best players, and bring them here," I said, as I had no time to waste.

I was sure the news of my victory here would travel fast, but I wanted to act as the messenger, delivering the news of my victory, plus the surprise I was preparing for that guild.

Play with my own matters, and you would find your fingers burning, your fingers and the house you were building with them.

And I would do that in front of your eyes, without faking or hiding, you coward!

I waited in my place, while Diana went to collect every worthy one of my players. I watched players go for the bodies of the demons piled to form hills, all were killed by my attacks, while I didn't have any thought towards them.

I had to give them something, as a thank you gift, and now I wasn't in need for any pearls, as I wasn't going to fight in the sacred land again.

In five minutes, a hundred player team was formed under my leadership, but I stood my place looking at a group of them, without knowing what to say.

"We didn't have time to fight to our heart content, and I noticed you are calling for your best players, and so we came," Aria was leading the group of her allied players, coming to stand in the group of the hundred, as part of the group Diana brought.

I looked at Diana as she shrugged her shoulders, helplessly. I sighed, as I knew she was trying to help me out of our friendship, but the place I was going to wasn't somewhere she could imagine or even suspect.

"This fight is somewhere away from here, and it's a very risky mission, you can return now and help me out later."

I was trying to warn her, indirectly, as I didn't want to say where I was heading.

"Don't worry," Aria, unexpectedly, smiled as if she didn't get what I was trying to tell her, "my master already told me everything, and I have to say, you are really rocking it girl!"

She laughed, and all the leaders and vice leaders of the groups of players behind her all laughed as well. I glanced strangely towards them, then turned fast to look at my master, who had a wide smile, waving towards me, wishing me luck, with Lady Nada standing beside him.

Oh god, how much I loved the two of them!

"Ok, you can all come," I said, before looking at all my players and Aria and her group as I created one group, and sent an invitation to all of them, and added, "Now, the place we are going to is very dangerous, and I don't intend to babysit anyone, so you should move out in big groups, don't stray away from each other, and never call for help, as help won't come to you."

"Scary," Aria said, while giggling, as if the whole thing was really amusing to her. I just said no more words, distributed the return scrolls to them, before summoning back my demon.

By this, all my preparations were complete, and now I was ready to go and start my own revenge.

"Let's go!" I said as I tore the scroll into half, while being surrounded by the light, transferring me to the Onteral town.

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