Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 254 Sea

[Sorry for the mishap and this is the edited chapter and I would also like it if you guys could please give me new book a read. Thank you]

[Third Person POV],

Adara, unfortunately, had to end her brief quiet moment when she realized the commander had finished grouping the people, as she would be the one to guide them to the location where she and the commander intended to try their luck.

While they were moving, Brain had already returned to her, but despite their proximity, neither of them spoke while instead keeping their eyes fixed on empty air in front of them. There were a few other people doing the same thing, so they weren't the only ones.

The owners of the Primordial Chronicle did not find this behavior odd at the time because they knew that those with unfocused eyes were actually staring at the panel of the Primordial Chronicle, which is exactly what was happening.

Adara and the others who couldn't wait were currently checking their updated status when the primordial chronicle unexpectedly sent them a notification about this a short while ago.

Like Ace back then, the others were drawn to the new uses for the panel's new sections right away.

Adara, however, was most intrigued by the contact system.

She realized after a short period of observation that this was essentially a magical way to message someone, and when she tried to use it, she was met with disappointment.

She first attempted to get in touch with her father, but the primordial chronicle informed her that the request for contact had been sent, but even after waiting a few more minutes, there had been no response.

She tried her mother and brother next, but both of them only received the same notification that a contact request had been sent, and after waiting for a while again, she received no response.

Adara didn't understand why it was this way.

Perhaps there is something going on in each of her family members' areas, but that did not change the fact that she was unable to message them, which made her sad because she really wanted to talk to them.

Adara also knew they should be alive because she was able to add and contact her friends, which was not what she wanted because she could still see them at the time.

She really missed her family and yearned to hear from them in order to learn about their well-being as well as to receive some sort of moral support.

As she contemplated this, she made another attempt to use the contact system. This time, she intended to use it to see if she could get in touch with anyone who was not a member of her family but was nonetheless important to her.


Adara, however, was doomed to disappointment once more; however, unlike the notification she received after sending a contact request to her family, the primordial chronicle informed her that she was unable to continue her actions because Ace was not in the same world as she was.

Adara began to wonder if Ace had not already entered the real world and was still there. She only hoped that he was okay and not in any danger of being killed wherever he was.

The same thing was going through the minds of two other women at the same time only Adara might have requested a refund for her worries if she had known that the person she was worried about was currently in another dimension and was peacefully preparing pills.

Adara and the crowd finally arrived at their destination as these and other thoughts were going through her mind.

As they approached, Adara realized that the vast area in front of them was indeed filled with water as far as the eye could see and that it was connected to the sea as she had initially believed but Adara had other concerns to think about, the main one being a shelter, even though she was also mesmerized by the scenery that came with the sea.

As she thought of this, she turned to look at the commander beside her who immediately spoke when he sensed her gaze on him.

"My princess, what do you think of this place?" He asked as Adara turned to look at the location she was in once more.

Aside from the sea in front, there were a number of mountain ranges that stood majestically in the distance. There were also signs of green life in the area, which was strangely much more abundant than it was in the places they passed before arriving here.

Apart from these major points, the location she was in basically looked like a beach except it was a bench in an unfamiliar world.

Adara wasn't sure if they could build a shelter here as there didn't appear to be anything to cover their heads and the area where she was was quite open, but the idea of having to settle down somewhere near a water source made Adara think of ways in which she could make it work, and it didn't take long before something caught her eye and gave her an idea.

It was her friend Elsie, and without immediately responding to the commander, Adara motioned for Elsie to approach.

Unaware of the reason for the invitation to come, Elsie moved swiftly toward Adara.

It wasn't until Elsie got close to Adara did Adara speak again.

Adara said, "Elsie, please see if you can manipulate the ground here," as she had a thought that might help them with their current situation's biggest issue.

Elsie should be able to control the ground since she's an earth mage. Adara was paranoid and wondered if Elsie's earth magic could affect a sandy ground surface. Thankfully, Elsie responded that she could easily manipulate the earth around them, which relieved Adara of her worry.

Adara took a quick breath of relief when she heard this before explaining to Elsie what she had in mind.

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