Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 281 Dulplicate

[Duplicate chapter so I'll edit in a few chapters and I'll only two chapters again. This time, I'll upload it since I haven't been really keeping the past promises]

"Is that not a formation disk?" Ace muttered as he stared at the item in Andrew Dawn's hands that had its appearance similar to an item mentioned in the knowledge in his head.

At first, he thought he was mistaken but when he saw the appearance and shape of the disk again, he knew he was right that it was indeed a formation disk that was in Andrew Dawn's hand

He was able to quickly realise this because he had a reasonable amount of knowledge concerning formation in his head due to the basic alchemy knowledge and the extra knowledge he brought about the different aspects of alchemy in the alternate dimension. The knowledge relating to formation was also in the list he brought of aspects relating to alchemy.

Unfortunately, although he was knowledgeable about formations, he hasn't been able to use them yet. Unexpectedly he managed to encounter something that was related to formation here which was also kind of weird considering that this wasn't the only item that Andrew Dawn had brought out that was related to alchemy and now that Ace really thought of it, items created from alchemy seemed to be rather....special.

Perhaps it might be because he was the one creating through alchemy that he failed to fully realise how special items created through alchemy are but now that the thought really came to him, Ace could tell that from another person's perspective, it was not really an exaggeration to say that the items created through alchemy had a miraculous effect that was unique to them.

Alchemy is not actually a single entity but several which was what made it unique since different from the other aspects of alchemy that were mostly stand-alone without needing to combine with other aspects to create an item, alchemy made it possible that one was not limited to only the traditional way of creating items.

As these thoughts were running through his mind, they had nothing to do with Andrew Dawn as he naturally had no way of knowing what was going on inside Ace's mind.

Expectedly, Ace was right in his thought as the item that was indeed in Andrew Dawn's hand was a formation disk which was naturally related to formations.

Formation magic involves the use of intricate magic arrays to channel and focuses magical energy. A magic array is a complex symbol or pattern, often inscribed on a surface, that can manipulate magical forces in specific ways.

Formation magic refers to the practice of using multiple magic arrays in combination to achieve a particular effect or goal. This often involves arranging the arrays in a specific pattern or formation, hence the name.

For example, a group of mages might use formation magic to create a powerful protective barrier around a city. Each mage would contribute its own unique array to the formation, which would work together to create a cohesive shield. The exact placement and orientation of each array would be crucial to the success of the spell.

Another common use of formation magic is in combat. A group of fighters might use formation magic to coordinate their attacks and defend against enemy forces. Each fighter would have their own array, which would work together to create a larger array that could amplify their abilities.

Formation magic can be incredibly powerful, allowing a group of skilled mages to accomplish feats that would be impossible for an individual. However, it often requires a great deal of skill, coordination, and knowledge of magic arrays to use effectively.

Andrew Dawn had nothing to do with formation magic as he was even severely lacking in knowledge relating to formation but while he could not perform formation magic using his mana or through a catalyst he made himself, he could still use formation through the help of the item in his hand except it was only possible for a limited time.

[Rank 3 High Rare Grade Bind Formation Disk],

A formation disk that uses bind magic that involves creating chains of restraints to bind and immobilise a target which traps the target and prevents them from moving or using their powers.

Any target can be bound as long as the target is not too powerful that the caster of the bind magic.

Note that the duration of the formation magic depends on how powerful the target is.

The formation disk can be used a total of five times.please visit


This was the information of the formation disk in Andrew Dawn's hands and looking at how things are, it appears that while the item was a powerful one, it can only be used for a limited time.

It was not an exaggeration to call it powerful as it was indeed powerful since according to the primordial chronicle, it could be used to bind any target as long as it was not too powerful than the person who cast the bind.

Although it did not say the limit, Andrew Dawn figured that it should be more than enough to even trap a rank 3 specie when he's rank 3 himself and in the situation, Andrew Dawn was currently in, the formation disk was more than enough to trap an equally exhausted dragon phantom.

After staring at the phantom dragon in front of him, Andrew Dawn gave a sigh as he circulated the mana in his body to the hand that was holding the formation disk as it immediately started to emit a dim light when it came in contact with Andrew Dawn mana,

At this point, even though the dragon phantom had not had his main consciousness unlocked, it was still able to tell that something was wrong as it let out a roar and charged at Andrew Dawn.

Unfortunately, it was late as the moment it wanted to move, Andrew Dawn had already placed the formation disk in front of him as a white light shot out from a hole available in the disk towards the dragon phantom.

From the information on the formation disk, it was obvious that whatever this light was; it was what was going to activate the formation magic and bind whatever target it managed to bind.

Although the dragon phantom had no idea what the light coming towards it represented, it knew that it could not allow that light to touch but unfortunately for it and fortunately for Andrew Dawn, the light that came out of the formation disk was too fast for the dragon phantom to dodge in addition to the fact that the dragon phantom itself was slow to react when Andrew Dawn first brought the formation disk.

Under the eyes of everyone in the pit including Andrew Dawn himself watched as the light that came out from the formation disk came in contact with the dragon phantom's body.

Fortunately for Andrew Dawn, it appeared that his luck had not been fully exhausted because despite the 50% chance that the formation magic could fail given that he wasn't that much stronger than the dragon phantom and it was even the dragon phantom who was more powerful than him, the magic that had a chance of failure activated as a large amount of huge chains suddenly appeared around the dragon phantom and tied it.

If the formation magic had failed to activate then Andrew Dawn would have wasted one of the 5 few chances he had to use the formation disk and looking at things, it was obvious that if he tried to try to use the formation disk again, the dragon phantom would have been fully ready.

From this, it could be said that Andrew Dawn's luck was indeed not bad.

Ace was initially unaware of the formation magic that had been inscribed on the formation disc until he noticed the numerous enormous white chains that suddenly appeared to hold the dragon phantom still after the formation disc's light touched the dragon phantom's body. Ace then realised that the formation magic on the formation disc was a bind-type formation.

In any case, this was not the main matter of importance as the real matter of importance was that the dragon phantom was firmly still and tied to shame on the ground by the chains, which meant that for some time that the chains could last and hold the dragon phantom in place, the dragon phantom was basically nothing but a living tiger with no limbs to attack.

And Ace was right because immediately after he had this thought, he sensed the mana emitting out of Andrew Dawn and his men increased by several levels as they all got into different stances.

The reason for the rapid rise in mana wasn't because Andrew Dawn and his men's total mana suddenly increased; rather, it was a feeling they gave Ace. They were getting ready for a major move, which is why their mana appeared to have increased due to the amount of mana they were emitting and moving around for their biggest moves.

Nobody needed to be told at this point that Andrew Dawn and his men want to strike the dragon phantom when it's down and unable to react.

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