Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 299 A Glimpse Of New Power

[I never expected us to reach 100 Golden tickets so soon so to fulfil what I said, starting from today, I'll try to upload two chapters every single day. Thanks for reading],

[Third Person POV],

It was apparent who the group thought could be the owner of the hand that emerged out of the blood egg. Still, until they were sure of their suspicions, no one was daring enough to walk towards the blood egg, as they continued to stay in their current locations quite far from the blood egg and waited for what was inside the egg to come out.

Fortunately for them, they didn't have to wait for long as the owner of the hand started to bring more body parts out of the blood egg as the sounds of something cracking continued to resound in the surroundings faintly, and it didn't take long for the figure in the blood egg to reveals its entire appearance after coming out of the blood egg that immediately started to evaporate after the figure feet step on the ground.

Although the sight should be interesting to look at, Ace and Andrew Dawn's men were currently concentrated on something else: the figure that came out from the blood egg.

Each of the four conscious individuals had different thoughts going in their head but one thing was for sure, at least now it did not seem that they desperately had to continue running from the rat queen since the figure that emerge from the egg was indeed Andrew Dawn.

"Why are you all very far away?" A very manly voice came from the distance as everyone with their own thoughts came out of it.


"So you're saying that I transformed into something like the phantom?" Andrew Dawn asked Ace as they were now close to each other as Andrew Dawn continued to ask Ace to fill him up on the details of the things that occurred after he passed out.

Meanwhile, as the emperor of the Dawn empire continued to question Ace about some things, Ace was also in his own thoughts as he observed Andrew Dawn's relatively new look.

Ace did not know the reason why Andrew Dawn appeared to be a few years younger but he figured it most likely had something to do with the blood that coated him.

Andrew Dawn's physical transformation was indeed remarkable. He stood taller than before, with a more muscular and imposing physique. His once greying hair had turned back to its original colour, a rich shade of black, and his skin appeared smoother and more radiant. His eyes, which were once tired and dull, now gleamed with renewed vigour and determination.

Ace noticed that Andrew Dawn's aura had changed as well. He exuded an air of confidence and strength that was palpable, making those around him feel reassured and empowered. It was evident that the dragon heart of before had infused Andrew Dawn with newfound power and vitality.

Ace figured it was the dragon heart as they were no other explanation for all the things that had happened to Andrew Dawn.

As Andrew Dawn listened intently to Ace's explanation, he flexed his muscles experimentally, testing the limits of his newfound strength. He was pleasantly surprised to find that he was now capable of even causing a slight change to the air around him with just a flex of his muscle.

Ace noticed this as well and it only fueled his curiosity as to just how much Andrew Dawn had changed.

Ace filled Andrew Dawn in on the events that had unfolded after he had passed out. He described how they had been relentlessly pursued by the wolf pack and the rat queen, and how they had fought with the wolves. He also recounted the moment when the blood egg had appeared and how Andrew Dawn had emerged from it, and transformed into his current state.

Andrew Dawn listened attentively, absorbing the information with a sense of awe and wonder. He couldn't quite wrap his head around the fact that he had undergone such a profound transformation in such a short span of time. He was grateful to Ace and his men for their unwavering support and assistance in the face of such perilous circumstances.

In fact, these weren't the only changes that happened to Andrew Dawn as he also had tattoos on his body together with his eyes iris turning violet red.

It was a true wonder for Ace as to how Andrew Dawn's eyes will suddenly change colour and how tattoos will suddenly appear on his body but just before Ace could ask Andrew Dawn if he experienced anything when he was unconscious, Andrew Dawn suddenly turned to look at a particular location in the distance with a serious expression on his face which slowly turned to a smile.

Ace was confused by this action and he wasn't the only one since Andrew Dawn's men were also confused as well but before they could ask questions, a loud sound had already answered it for them.


'''Huh?'''' Andrew Dawn's men all muttered as Ace turned to also look at the location Andrew Dawn had his eyes fixed on and without suspense, a familiar figure slowly appeared on a hill far away.

The figure of course was the more than four-meter-tall rat queen.

"To think it would later catch up", Ace muttered as he subconsciously withdrew a single blade from his storage ring due to him using his other hand to carry the unconscious blue.

If he wanted, he could have dropped Blue to sleep on the hard ground like some certain mages but Ace subconsciously did not consider this.

It wasn't like he needed to fight after all seeing as Andrew Dawn started stretching his muscles with a smile on his face.

"Finally something to test my new power", Andrew Dawn said with a grin as Ace wanted to use this opportunity to see if Andrew Dawn's combat power had changed together with his appearance so when he heard Andrew Dawn's words, Ace turned to use the primordial chronicle to see Andrew Dawn information but the result he got to see was a little unexpected.

[Rank 1 Ancient Dragon Level 50],

"Huh?" Ace muttered and just before he could say another word, Andrew Dawnm disappeared from his sight.

[Rank 1 Ancient Dragon Level 50],

"Huh?" Ace muttered and just before he could say another word, Andrew Dawnm disappeared from his sight and the next thing he saw when he turned to look at the rat queen in the distance was Andrew Dawn standing a few meters away from the rat queen.

The rat queen charged at Andrew Dawn with all her fury, but she was caught off guard by the sheer speed and strength of Andrew Dawn's movements. He moved with an agility and grace that seemed almost unnatural for his large frame, dodging the rat queen's attacks with ease. His newfound power was evident in every strike he made, as he effortlessly deflected the rat queen's sharp claws and teeth with his bare hands.

Andrew Dawn's eyes blazed with determination as he countered the rat queen's attacks with powerful punches and kicks. His muscles rippled with strength as he unleashed a barrage of blows, each one hitting the rat queen with enough force to send her flying back. The rat queen tried to retaliate, but Andrew Dawn's speed and reflexes were unmatched, allowing him to anticipate her moves and counter them with precision.

Andrew Dawn's tattoos seemed to glow with otherworldly energy, and his eyes blazed with a violet-red light as he tapped into his newfound power. He tapped into his instincts from something within him, using his heightened senses to predict the rat queen's movements and react with lightning-fast reflexes.

The rat queen soon realized that she had met her someone she couldn't match against and regardless of the fact that this man could barely have an advantage in the previous battle, she had to run.

The rat queen tried to retreat, but Andrew Dawn was relentless in his pursuit. He chased after her with intense speed, closing the distance between them in a second.

With a roar that shook the ground, Andrew Dawn lunged at the rat queen, grabbing her by the tail and swinging her around with incredible strength.

The rat queen screeched in pain as she was flung through the air, crashing into trees and rocks with devastating force. Andrew Dawn continued his onslaught, using his immense strength to toy with the rat queen like a ragdoll. He seemed to be enjoying the battle, revelling in his newfound power and the thrill of the fight.

Ace and his men could only watch in awe as Andrew Dawn unleashed his incredible strength on the rat queen. They had never seen anything like it, as Andrew Dawn effortlessly outmatched the rat queen in every way. His movements were fluid and precise, and his attacks were devastatingly effective.

As the battle continued, the rat queen's attacks grew weaker and more desperate. She was no match for Andrew Dawn's overwhelming power, and it was clear that she was on the brink of defeat. With one final, powerful strike, Andrew Dawn sent the rat queen flying into the distance, where she disappeared into the forest.

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