Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 312 Checking The Changes{4}

[Ace POV],

"Origin Ability: Transmutation"

I spoke these words, and as soon as they left my mouth, the mana within me began to flow on its own, and I immediately felt lightheaded.

It wasn't unpleasant, and strangely enough, it seemed cosy.

I was in what some people in my world would describe as high.

I felt high, but I wasn't sure whether it was the same high those folks were talking about because I had never experienced it in the way they had. Nevertheless, it felt like the high they were describing.

Even though my mana was swiftly dwindling, as if it were being sucked by something, I felt incredibly at ease.

The only problem was that nothing happened even after a few seconds of waiting in this condition.

My ability did not produce the magical effect I had anticipated, and I started to wonder if it was failing or if there was something I should have been doing instead.

My mana was still depleting quickly, so I was debating whether or not to quit using the ability because continuing to do so would merely waste mana because nothing was happening.

Just as I was ready to turn off my origin ability, a certain thought crossed my mind that caused me to consciously tap my head in bewilderment over how I could have overlooked such a small but significant element.

I came to the comprehension that in order for transmutation to occur, something must be transmuted; otherwise, what I was doing at the time was merely squandering mana.

The theory made sense, but it also raised the question of what I would transmute.

I turned off my ability to cease squandering mana and kept thinking about what to transmute as I gave this some thought.

I was lost for a while because this was a completely new and foreign aspect to me, so I finally made the decision to attempt putting my knowledge to the test.

I was going to do it eventually, but whether it would be successful remained to be seen.

I took a long breath to settle myself and get rid of any distracting ideas before reactivating my ability while pondering these things.

"Origin Ability: Transmutation"

The same as before, I experienced the strange but comforting sensation right away, but I didn't think much about it and instead focused on what I was doing.

In order to determine whether this assumption of mine was accurate, I was going to put transmutation to the test. Transmutation may be thought of as directly altering and changing the nature of a certain substance in order to reach a desired effect.

I took out a small rock from my storage ring and placed it on the ground in front of me, focusing all my attention on it. I began to channel my mana through my ability, visualizing the rock transforming into something else.

At first, nothing happened. I started to doubt myself and wondered if I was doing something wrong. But then, I noticed a small change in the rock's color. It was turning from gray to a pale yellow.

I continued to focus, pushing my mana into the rock and willing it to change. Slowly but surely, the rock began to shift and transform, changing its shape and texture until it was no longer a rock, but a small lump of gold.

I couldn't quite believe it.

"I had actually transmuted something", I thought as i bent down and picked up the lump of gold and examined it closely.

It was definitely real, solid gold.

I felt a sense of satisfaction wash over me as I bagn to see a little of the potential of my ability. With it, I could possibly transmute any substance into anything I desired, as long as I had enough mana to fuel the transformation.

This was just the beginning. I couldn't wait to see what other incredible things I could achieve with my ability.

With this in mind, I made the decision to actually apply some of my knowledge to the new experiment this time.

I wanted to test whether I could alter the elements around me for this experiment.

Not magical elements, but scientifically studied elements.

I looked around and saw a piece of wood lying nearby. I reached out with my ability, trying to sense the elements that made up the wood. It was a mixture of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, among other elements.

I focused my mana on those elements, visualizing them separating from the wood and coming together to form something new.

At first, nothing seemed to happen. But then, I saw a small spark ignite on the wood, and it began to smolder.

I watched as the wood began to transform, its surface turning black and glossy. It was now charcoal!

I had just transmuted wood into charcoal with my ability.

Feeeling series of unexplanined emotions from my success, I began to experiment with other materials, transmuting them into different forms and shapes. With each success, my confidence grew, and I realized that my ability had unlimited potential.

This wasn't just an unfounded assertion because it persisted throughout my experiment, even when I started to control the wind and water.

Although I lacked these two elements, the fact that I was able to somewhat manipulate them at the expense of using a lot of my mana meant a lot.

My ability cost a lot of mana to use, but it was worthwhile.

This was such a strong ability that I was able to grasp all the basic elements of magic written in books in my old word and become a pseudo master of all four even in my current condition when my mana could only barely support my origin ability for ten minutes.

Even though it seemed easy, there was a lot here.

This brief experiment was sufficient to demonstrate the potential of my ability, regardless of whether it is possible to control additional elements such as gravity and others in the future.

It should be emphasised that this ability had the potential to evolve, and even though I don't yet know how it will do so, that fact made me interested to see what would develop in the future with regard to my powers.

In any case, my mana was already depleted, thus I was unable to use my ability or play with it again. However, setting this aside, why did my ranking suddenly change?



[Name: Ace Blaze],

[Age: 17],

[Race: High Human [Homo sapiens]/?????],

[Job: Alchemist lord],

[Origin Ability: Transmutation[Evolvable]],

[Level: 25[83%][Rank 1]],


[Affiliation: None],



[Ranking: Rank 62],

[Title: Advanced Alchemist[Active], Alchemist Lord[Inactive]],

[Tamed Beast: Blue[Level 5]],


"Rank 62 huh?"

"That's weird"

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