All Stat Slayer

Chapter 27: (2): Season 1 – Preparation

Chapter 27: (2): Season 1 – Preparation

The performance of the items was beyond imagination, regardless of their abilities. Even if it was the highest grade, this was too much. Typically, slayers equipped themselves with items using experience points. The experience points were at a reasonable level, thanks to which the slayers abilities were rapidly increasing. If there was a way to become much stronger by consuming a certain amount of experience points, anyone would use that method.

But Hyun-seoks case was a little different.

So, achievement points are deducted and even the bonus stats disappear?

Not only were achievement points deducted, but the stats also vanished. Usually, when slayers reached level 1, they received one stat point. When Hyun-seok helped the IUET guild with slaying, and as a reward received a bonus stat of 10, the IUET guild members treated him like a king. Thats how valuable bonus stats were, like treasures for slayers. It was worth giving up all material rewards.

Jong-won had received 20 stats and was extremely delighted. Not long ago, he even achieved the official top rank with a power stat of 72. Thinking about that, one could realize how rare bonus stats were.

30 stats for one achievement point? This is insane.

That was Hyun-seoks honest impression after looking around at the items. He thought that since they were the highest grade, there would be amazing unique items, but that wasnt the case. In reality, there were no exceptional items, and it wouldnt be an exaggeration to say that it was all just a convincing description. He couldnt understand why these items were priced so extravagantly.

Hyun-seok diligently explored the item shop but ultimately didnt make any purchases.

Well, I dont need any items for now.

However, whats interesting is that when he looked at the item shop, his motivation soared. Normally, someone with 100,000 won would have to think a lot before buying something worth 50,000 won, but someone with 1 billion won wouldnt need much thought to buy a 50,000 won item.

If you acquire a tremendous amount of achievement points and stats which are already tremendous by normal standards you will be able to buy whatever you want without any hesitation. Although he hasnt found any items with extraordinary effects yet, just the fact that his determination and motivation have increased is already a significant change for Hyun-seok.

And for the future, I need to accumulate as many achievement points as possible.

He clenched his fist tightly.


The Smart Encyclopedia had originally been primarily used as a measure of a monsters strength, before it incorporated features such as monster maps and monster profiles. While the function of measuring the pure magical power within a monsters body was now less commonly used, due to the inclusion of features like monster maps and profiles, it remained the initial purpose of the Smart Encyclopedias.

The guild leader of the Hackers Guild, Jeong Chan-woong, secretly used the Smart Encyclopedia to output the magical power of a monster.

How far does it go?

The numbers continued to rise. The Twin-headed Troll, currently registered as the strongest monster, appeared with a value of about 5000. In most cases, the impact force obtained through a sandbag test and the calculated magical power using the monster encyclopedia showed similar results. However, the current monster effortlessly surpassed 5000 and was rapidly approaching 6000, heading towards 7000.

The other guild members gulped nervously.

If we get caught, were dead.

How do we capture something like that?

The numbers kept increasing. Now it had surpassed 8000. In simple numerical terms, it was almost twice as strong as the Twin-headed Troll. However, it was an entirely different matter that one creature had become twice as powerful through sheer individual strength, compared to two creatures simply being together. It was akin to one lion being stronger than two rabbits.


It surpassed 9000. Yet the numbers continued to rise. And when it reached 9999, it no longer increased. It was not that the monster had a value of 9999; rather, it was the limit of the Smart Encyclopedias measurement capability.

The monster was enormous in size. It appeared to be about five meters tall, and its skin resembled the bark of a tree. It had a muscular bark-like texture, but what was peculiar was that despite its massive body, its head was remarkably small. Near the center of its head, there was a large eyeball. Its mouth seemed almost degenerated, showing no signs of teeth, and it emitted no distinctive cries. In its right hand, it held a gigantic wooden club, which, compared to its colossal stature, looked like a toy in the hands of a child.

Why is that creature

The Hackers Guild, in truth, was not an exceptional guild. Trolls or Twin-headed Trolls were nothing more than a distant dream. While it was possible to defeat an Orc, Twin-headed Orcs posed a formidable challenge. Even attempting to take down an Orc required accepting significant risks. Nevertheless, due to the fact that Orcs and Twin-headed Orcs, despite their strength, were not particularly fast, it was possible to cautiously hunt them down. The careful slaying of Orcs, and obtaining Greenstones as a result, could yield a substantial amount of money.

The Hackers Guild consisted of ten members in total. If a Greenstone were to appear, each member could claim a hefty sum of ten million won. They pursued the act of slaying monsters, harboring such modest dreams, unaware that such an enormous creature would ever appear.

The creature moved with a thud, producing the sound of heavy footsteps. Its bodily movements themselves did not seem particularly swift, but due to its wide stride, its overall speed was fast. Watching the creature, it felt as if two thick tree trunks were thudding against the ground as it walked.

When the creature had distanced itself somewhat, one member of the guild spoke in a hushed voice.

Guild Leader, lets retreat slowly.

Jeong Chan-woong gave a silent okay. With extreme caution, they began to move their steps slowly.

The massive monster abruptly halted. It turned around, its large eye in the center of its face precisely scanning the area where the members of the Hackers Guild were hiding.

In that moment,

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

As if an earthquake had struck, a thunderous sound resonated like the beat of a war drum. The speed was noticeably different from when it was staggering. The gigantic body, exceeding five meters in size, began to grow even larger. The momentum felt like a tidal wave rushing towards the members of the Hackers Guild with the force of an athlete running a race.

A fragile female Slayer screamed in terror.

Ah, Aaaah!

The monster swung its club toward her. Despite the considerable distance due to its unusually long arms, the club flew accurately toward her. Unable to enter Normal Mode, she was sent flying as if she had been hit by a baseball, soaring through the air. It was undoubtedly instant death.


Everyone began to flee in terror. It was an absolute strength that they could do nothing about. If only they had entered Normal Mode, they might have been able to avoid such a catastrophic event. After all, it would have only depleted their H/P. However, even if their H/P was activated, how many Slayers could withstand such an attack? They instinctively felt that their opponent was not something to be slain but rather something to be bombarded.

In the end, out of the ten people, only two survived. The Korean Union, upon receiving their report, deemed it an alarming situation. They requested assistance from the government, and the government decided to deploy helicopters to observe the monster.

Breaking News! Two helicopters crashed while observing the new species of monsters!

Tragic news of fatalities. All personnel perished.

The unslayable monster, Cyclops!

Restricted access zone declared in the vicinity of Hwaeumsan Mountain. Nearby residents lose sleep.

Cyclops! Is it truly a monster that matches the specifications of Normal Mode?

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