Allure Of The Night

Chapter 281 Witch's curse?

Chapter 281 Witch's curse?

Mr. Briggs rode the carriage away from the front side of the Council building, taking it to park away, while Eve stood next to Vincent. Feeling him place his hand on her back, she started to walk with him. They were about to step inside the building, when Vincent caught sight of Noah coming out from the edge of the forest, who appeared to have just visited the dungeon.

“Your favourite person is here,” Vincent sarcastically said and Eve turned to see it was Noah.

Noah’s eyes fell on Eve, and he looked taken aback by seeing her here. He had heard from his man that she had been dropped to Berkshire without any troubles. It had put his mind at ease, that she was away from his family.

Coming to where the couple had stopped right outside the building, he saw Eve offer him a bow and he did the same, while the two men didn’t bother to follow the same exchange. The last time Vincent and Noah met was the night when Noah had punched the pureblooded vampire’s face.

Before Eve or Noah could say something to each other, Vincent remarked, “Duke Noah, it is good to see you here. I wanted to thank you for looking after my Eve during my absence.” There was a slight glare in his eyes as If it weren’t for the werewolf, he would have found Eve much sooner.

Noah slightly smiled at Vincent and responded, “Eve is a dear friend of mine. It goes without saying that I would look out for her.” He noticed Vincent’s hand on Eve’s back, as if sharing a closeness that previously wasn’t apparent.

“Indeed, and I am glad that you two are friends,” Vincent replied with a bright smile.

The pureblooded vampire and the werewolf stared at each other, while Eve cleared her throat.

Noah said to her, “I am glad to see that you changed your mind and decided to come back, Genevieve. Are you doing well?”

Eve nodded, “I am. How about you?”

“Good. What are you doing here in the Council?” Noah questioned with a hint of curiosity, a question that he already had an inclination to what the answer could be.

Eve parted her lips, unsure of how to answer his question. But she decided to tell him the truth and said, “My mother’s body was dug out recently and I came to see her.”

“Your mother’s body?” Noah asked with a surprised voice, and his eyes continued to stare at her. “I thought your mother was buried with your father many years ago.”

“No… I lied about it. Many years ago, she was killed,” Eve replied, and Noah felt the heaviness weigh like a rock ready to pull him below the ground.

“I am sorry to hear that,” Noah replied, while Vincent stared at the werewolf.

Vincent couldn’t help but notice that when it came to Eve, Noah’s face turned into concern, but hearing her mother’s death, there weren’t enough emotions he would want the man to have. He remarked, “It is unfortunate that Eve’s mother was killed and buried here without her knowledge. Whoever killed such a good woman must rot worse than the decayed. Thankfully she was found by the councilmen.”

Noah’s eyes stared into Eve’s that held sorrow. Though he didn’t utter a word, he nodded. He asked Eve, “Are you sure that is your mother?”

“Yes, Vincent has already confirmed it,” Eve answered, and Noah’s eyes shifted from the young mermaid to look at Vincent, who looked back at him with a scrutinising gaze as if he was trying to dissect and read him.

Even though Noah was aware that Vincent was usually the person sought out in the Council when it came to solving mysteries like these, it still made Noah wonder how the pureblooded vampire could identify Eve’s mother.

Noah offered to Eve, “Is there anything I can help you with?”

While Eve shook her head, Vincent had other thoughts and said, “We are going to look for the murderer, who buried her in such emotionless way. It would be nice if you could help us find the person.”

Noah nodded, “I would be more than happy to do that. Maybe if Genevieve could tell me what she knows.”

“Excellent!” Vincent exclaimed, his lips curling and he said, “Duke Noah, visiting the dungeon so many times is going to make people wonder if you had anything to do with Fowler’s death. Consider it to be friendly advice, after all, Eve’s friend is my friend.”

Eve turned to look at Vincent because of the way he was marking his territory when he had nothing to worry about. The faint feelings she had developed for Noah in the past had disappeared, and the Duke himself had never shown romantic interest in her, except for the time when he had mistakenly leaned towards her during the ball night at the Moriarty mansion.

“Thank you for your concern, Mr. Moriarty. But as you know, Sylvester is a man who is a close acquaintance of the Sullivans. Questions are being raised to use and we will need to answer it to Clayton and the other members of the Inner Circle,” Noah’s words were calm and gathered. He then said to Eve, “I will see you later, Genevieve.”

Eve nodded and replied, “Okay. I hope Lady Anaya is well too?”

“She is,” Noah smiled, the look in his eyes gentle, and he said, “I will let her know that you asked about her well being. Excuse me,” he said, his eyes briefly meeting Vincent’s before he walked in the direction where the Head Council’s chamber was located.

While Eve, Vincent and Noah were at Darthmore, in Meadow town and in the kitchen of Dawson’s residence, Eugene cut the meat he had purchased from the market an hour ago. He was preparing for dinner, cutting small and thin slices, making sure it would be enough for the two of them. But then he stopped and wondered, before cutting a little more.

“That’s right, cut some for me too,” came the raspy voice, on his left shoulder and it was enough to give Eugene a heart attack.

Without Eugene’s notice, Timotei had not only entered the house but also jumped on Eugene’s shoulder. The cat took a whiff of the meat’s scent on the table. When Eugene stumbled backwards, the black cat quickly jumped on the table.

“You are alive,” Eugene stated with slight disappointment and the black cat glared at him.

“No one can touch me. Of course I would be alive, you human!” Timotei replied and took another whiff of the meat. “You should fry this with the sauces. Add some leeks and asparagus. Salt, pepper and it will taste good. Did Eve go to work already?” The cat jumped on the table before sitting while staring at the lowly human.

Eugene stared at the cat and replied, “Yes, Miss Eve has gone to work. What are you doing here? Miss Eve has already told you that she can’t turn you back.”

Timotei clicked its tongue and moved its whiskers, “That is what she thinks, but it’s only because she hasn’t reached that potential. I can wait,” and the cat waved its paw as if ordering the servant to continue cutting the meat. “Add some more, I get hungry too soon.”

When Eugene dropped the cleaver knife on the table, which was close to where the cat sat, Timotei pulled his fluffy tail to him and glared at the human, “I didn’t tell you to cook my tail. Scaring it,” and the cat stroked its tail as if telling it not to be scared.

Eugene pushed the sliced meat into a bowl and then started to cut the vegetables before suggesting, “There are many witches living in the deeper side of the forest who can help you turn back to your original self.”

“What use are those dumb witches,” Timotei harrumphed.

“Didn’t you say it was the witch who cursed you and turned you into this small–” Eugene trailed off when he saw the cat narrow its eyes at him at the word ‘small’ being related to him.

“Calling me old when you are the one getting old,” the black cat raised its head, almost as if looking at the ceiling if its eyes weren’t on Eugene. “Who told you I was turned by a witch?”

“You did,” Eugene retorted, wondering if this cat had damaged its head during reincarnation.

“When?” The black cat looked surprised.

After a few seconds, it thoughtfully said, “Ahhhh, now I know. As I come from a high family, I refrain myself from using words that are beneath my class and taste. Witch is the most decent word to curse.”

Back in the Council, Vincent led Eve to the laboratory room where her mother’s body had been held back from being buried. The woman named Clarks bowed and informed,

“I have placed the asked skeleton on the table, Mr. Moriarty. It is on the left side.”

“Any new visits?” Vincent questioned.

“Mr. Hart’s men were here a moment ago, to take the reports of the deceased werewolves, but none after it,” Clarks filled him in.

Eve followed Vincent’s footsteps, walking through the place, they reached a couple of racks, moving past it one by one, until they came to stand in front of the table where a skeleton was placed. Her eyebrows furrowed, half in worry and half in question. She stepped closer as she felt her heart race. Her mother’s tattered bits of clothes and shoes were placed on one side of the table.

Eve raised her trembling hand to touch her mother’s boney face. This was her mother… she said to herself. A deep frown came to settle on her face. Her hand trailed down the front of her mother’s spine. Her eyes fell on her mother’s arms that looked like they had cracks. Her hand stopped at the end of her mother’s unusually long spine, and that was all there was to it.

Her eyes met Vincent’s coppery-red eyes, and he stated, “She was a siren.”

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