Allure Of The Night

Chapter 306 Vindictive

The water in the bathtub violently splashed, while Eve tried to pry the person's hand away from her neck. The hold of the person's hand was too tight around her neck, and though she could breathe underwater, it didn't mean the person couldn't hurt her.

Eve's blue eyes turned to gold, the pupils in there constricted to turn into slits, and she dug her nails into the person's hand. Suddenly the pressure in the water increased and the bathtub couldn't contain it anymore. With the building pressure of the water, the walls of the bathtub broke and released the water all over the bathroom.

Her eyes were wide, and she turned her head while her eyes searched for the intruder. But the person had escaped.

She took a deep breath, looking around where the person in the room had disappeared. She picked the towel lying around, and wrapped it around her body before stepping out of the bathroom.

Knock! Knock!

"Miss Eve? Is everything alright? We heard the sound of something breaking," Eve heard Eugene ask her from the other side of the door and when she didn't immediately respond, he opened the door, and next to him stood Timotei. "Miss Eve?"

Eve looked slightly breathless and replied, "Someone was in here a minute ago."

"This place seems filled with peeping toms," Timotei responded, looking left and right.

"Miss Eve, there is no one here apart from us. Me and this cat were at the stairs when we heard the splashing sound of water," Eugene answered her with a look of worry on his face. He said, "If there was someone, we would have seen the person come out from your room."

Eve carefully walked near the windows and took a peek outside; like they said, there was no one. She nodded, "I am sorry for worrying you both."

Eugene nodded and said, "Let me and the cat take a look around to just be sure." He then asked, "Would you like me to set the dining table to have supper?"

"Finally there would be food. I have been starving," Timotei answered, with his tail moving back and forth.

When Eugene and Timotei left, Eve stepped back in the bathroom and her eyes fell on the broken bathtub. She wondered if she had slipped into her sleep and was dreaming because the person in the room felt very real. If it was a dream, she wasn't sure if she was supposed to worry that she was going to meet that fate in the future. And if it was a person in real life, then who was it?

Drying herself and dressing in her home clothes, Eve walked down the stairs with her hair still wet after she finished towelling it. She walked down the stairs where her eyes had gone back to the usual blue ones. Reaching the dining room, she noticed Timotei sitting on the table, waiting for his share of food.

"Timotei, are you aware about mermaids or sirens having dreams that come true?" Eve asked the black cat as she took a seat at the dining table, and Timotei, who was eagerly looking at the kitchen turned to look at her.

"Everyone at my time knew about it. Why do you think King Gauntlet didn't allow the Goddess of the Sea to return to her home?" The black cat purred.

The little creature stared at Eve, taking a dramatic pause before it revealed, "Rumour had it that Goddess Nerhys had dreamt something. And of course, as I was in such a prestigious position, I had inside information," he looked proud about knowing it, even though that was something that had happened years ago.

"What did she dream about?" Eve asked the cat. Eugene entered the dining room, carrying a vessel in both his hands and he placed it on the table.

Timotei licked the corner of his mouth, losing focus to the delicious smell of the warm food, before he looked back at her. He said, "I heard that she dreamt of her daughter killing King Gauntlet's sons. The King wanted to marry one of his sons to her daughter, so that he could rule the sea along with the land. But once he found out about Nerhys's dream through one of the maids who was attending the woman, he captured her without letting her go back."

"I thought that he fell for her beauty and didn't want to part with her," Eve responded, and Timotei waved his small paw in the air.

"That was just a small reason, this was the actual one," the black cat nodded. He then continued, "But King Gauntlet acted like a coward and brought chaos to his family and kingdom. If he had let Nerhys free, maybe he would still be alive along with the princes. I mean, if you look at it, it wasn't Nerhys's daughter, but his own sons who killed each other."

"I thought the mermaid's dream came true," Eve murmured. Was it perhaps a faulty dream?

Once Eve finished having supper with Eugene and Timotei, she returned to her room and lay on the bed. She wasn't sure if it was the long bath or the dream she dreamt of that had exhausted her. And while she waited for Vincent, who had told her to keep the window open, within a few minutes, her body and mind lulled to sleep.

Eve, who drifted to sleep, was soon woken up feeling hot. She turned in her bed, wondering why the weather had drastically changed, until she opened her sleepy eyes for a moment to notice something red and orange glow accompanied by clear screams and shrieks outside her house.

Realising what was happening, her eyes snapped open. Her house was on fire along with the rest of the town!

"Good nap? There was still time so I didn't want to wake you up."

Eve turned around and noticed Vincent sitting in the room with a book in his hand and his legs crossed. She said in a panic, "The town is burning. The house is burning!" Noticing how calm the pureblooded vampire looked, she asked, "Was it you?"

Vincent closed the book in his hand and got up from where he had been sitting until now. He placed the book in his coat, "I need to know what happens with the book next," and walked towards the open window. The scene in front of his eyes cooled his mind, and he said, "It is pleasing and a lovely sound, isn't it? People screaming in panic and losing things that they love so much."

"You are burning their houses, Vincent!" Eve stared at him with worry in her eyes. She noticed Mrs. Edwards crying out to her husband--

"What happened! Every house has caught fire and we need to take some of the things out! My valuable curtains!!" Mrs. Edwards cried. "AHH! Somebody help!"

"Just stay here!" Mr. Edwards scolded his wife, "There was a sighting of rogue werewolves in here and they lit the place ablaze! We need to save what we can!"

Eve didn't expect Vincent to burn down the town, and she turned back to look at him, and she met his coppery-red eyes, "You already punished them. There was no need for this..."

"Not everyone. They started it, I am just ending it with peace," Vincent leaned towards Eve and pecked her parted lips, who stared at him. A bright smile appeared on his lips and he said, "This is how I am, when in love."

"You are insane," Eve whispered, while shaking her head.

The smile on Vincent's lips widened, "But you like it, don't you? The crazy me that you fell for." He then watched outside the window and hummed, "What a lovely bonfire."

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